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caipira113 committed Oct 8, 2023
2 parents 88f7281 + 774bf6a commit 71f5fb4
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Showing 93 changed files with 2,062 additions and 1,296 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion .devcontainer/devcontainer.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
"service": "app",
"workspaceFolder": "/workspace",
"features": {
"": {},
"": {
"version": "8.8.0"
"": {
"version": "20.5.1"
Expand Down
21 changes: 18 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,26 +14,41 @@

## 2023.10.0
### NOTE
- muted_noteテーブルは使われなくなったため手動で削除を行ってください。
- 2023.9.2で導入されたノート編集機能はクオリティの高い実装が困難であることが判明したため撤回されました
- アップデート後、アップデートより前の時点にTLを遡ることはできません
- アップデート後であっても、今後のアップデートで2023.10.0以前のTLに遡れるようになる可能性はあります

### Changes
- API: users/notes, notes/local-timeline で fileType 指定はできなくなりました
- API: notes/global-timeline は現在常に `[]` を返します
- API: notes/featured でページネーションは他APIと同様 untilId を使って行うようになりました

### General
- Feat: ユーザーごとに他ユーザーへの返信をタイムラインに含めるか設定可能になりました
- Feat: ユーザーリスト内のメンバーごとに他ユーザーへの返信をユーザーリストタイムラインに含めるか設定可能になりました
- Feat: ユーザーごとのハイライト
- Feat: プライバシーポリシー・運営者情報(Impressum)の指定が可能になりました
- プライバシーポリシーはサーバー登録時に同意確認が入ります
- Enhance: ソフトワードミュートとハードワードミュートは統合されました
- Enhance: モデレーションログ機能の強化
- Enhance: ローカリゼーションの更新
- Enhance: 依存関係の更新
- Fix: ダイレクト投稿をリノートできてしまう問題を修正
- Fix: ユーザーリストTLにチャンネル投稿が含まれる問題を修正

### Client
- Enhance: 二要素認証のバックアップコード一覧をテキストファイルでダウンロード可能に
- Enhance: 動画再生時のデフォルトボリュームを30%に
- Fix: リアクションしたユーザ一覧のUIが稀に左上に残ってしまう不具合を修正

### Server
- Enhance: タイムライン取得時のパフォーマンスを改善
- Enhance: タイムライン取得時のパフォーマンスを大幅に向上
- Enhance: ハイライト取得時のパフォーマンスを大幅に向上
- Enhance: トレンドハッシュタグ取得時のパフォーマンスを大幅に向上
- Enhance: WebSocket接続が多い場合のパフォーマンスを向上
- Enhance: 不要なPostgreSQLのインデックスを削除しパフォーマンスを向上
- Fix: 連合なしアンケートに投票をするとUpdateがリモートに配信されてしまうのを修正
- Fix: nodeinfoにおいてCORS用のヘッダーが設定されていないのを修正
- Fix: 同じ種類のTLのストリーミングを複数接続できない問題を修正

## 2023.9.3
### General
Expand Down
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions locales/ar-SA.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1184,11 +1184,6 @@ _wordMute:
muteWords: "الكلمات المحظورة"
muteWordsDescription: "افصل بينهم بمسافة لاستخدام معامل \"و\" أو بسطر لاستخدام معامل \"أو\"."
muteWordsDescription2: "احصر الكلمات المفتاحية بين بين شرطتين مائلتين لاستخدامها كتعابير نمطية"
softDescription: "اخف الملاحظات التي تستوف الشروط من الخيط الزمني."
hardDescription: "اخف الملاحظات التي تستوف الشروط من الخيط الزمني.بالإضافة إلى أن هذه الملاحظات ستبقى مخفية حتى وإن تغيرت الشروط."
soft: "لينة"
hard: "قاسية"
mutedNotes: "الملاحظات المكتومة"
instanceMuteDescription: "هذه سيحجب كل ملاحظات الخوادم المحجوبة ومشاركاتها والردود على تلك الملاحظات حتى وإن كانت من خادم غير محجوب."
instanceMuteDescription2: "مدخلة لكل سطر"
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5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions locales/bn-BD.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -932,11 +932,6 @@ _wordMute:
muteWords: "নিঃশব্দ করা শব্দগুলি"
muteWordsDescription: "স্পেস দিয়ে আলাদা করলে AND শর্ত তৈরি হবে এবং আলাদা লাইনে লিখলে OR শর্ত তৈরি হবে।"
muteWordsDescription2: "রেগুলার এক্সপ্রেশন ব্যবহার করতে স্ল্যাশ দিয়ে কীওয়ার্ডকে ঘিরে রাখুন।"
softDescription: "টাইমলাইন থেকে নির্দিষ্ট শর্তানুযায়ী নোট লুকিয়ে রাখে।"
hardDescription: "নির্দিষ্ট শর্তানুযায়ী নোটগুলিকে টাইমলাইন থেকে বাদ দেয়। আপনি শর্ত পরিবর্তন করলেও যে নোটগুলি যোগ করা হয়নি সেগুলি বাদ দেওয়া হবে।"
soft: "নমনীয়"
hard: "কঠোর"
mutedNotes: "মিউট করা নোটগুলি"
instanceMuteDescription: "কনফিগার করা ইন্সট্যান্সের সব নোট এবং রিনোট মিউট করুন, মিউট করা ইন্সট্যান্সের ব্যবহারকারীদের উত্তর সহ।"
instanceMuteDescription2: "প্রতিটিকে আলাদা লাইনে লিখুন"
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5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions locales/cs-CZ.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1559,11 +1559,6 @@ _wordMute:
muteWords: "Ztlumená slova"
muteWordsDescription: "Podmínku AND oddělujte mezerami, podmínku OR oddělujte řádkovými zlomy."
muteWordsDescription2: "Chcete-li použít regulární výrazy, obklopte klíčová slova lomítky."
softDescription: "Skrýt poznámky, které splňují nastavené podmínky, z časové osy."
hardDescription: "Zabrání přidání poznámek splňujících nastavené podmínky na časovou osu. Kromě toho nebudou tyto poznámky přidány na časovou osu, ani když se podmínky změní."
soft: "Měkký"
hard: "Tvrdý"
mutedNotes: "Ztlumené poznámky"
instanceMuteDescription: "Tímhle se ztlumí všechny poznámky/poznámky z uvedených instancí, včetně poznámek uživatelů, kteří odpovídají uživateli ze ztlumené instance."
instanceMuteDescription2: "Oddělte novými řádky"
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10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions locales/de-DE.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1126,6 +1126,9 @@ edited: "Bearbeitet"
notificationRecieveConfig: "Benachrichtigungseinstellungen"
mutualFollow: "Gegenseitig gefolgt"
fileAttachedOnly: "Nur Notizen mit Dateien"
showRepliesToOthersInTimeline: "Antworten in Chronik anzeigen"
hideRepliesToOthersInTimeline: "Antworten nicht in Chronik anzeigen"
externalServices: "Externe Dienste"
forExistingUsers: "Nur für existierende Nutzer"
forExistingUsersDescription: "Ist diese Option aktiviert, wird diese Ankündigung nur Nutzern angezeigt, die zum Zeitpunkt der Ankündigung bereits registriert sind. Ist sie deaktiviert, wird sie auch Nutzern, die sich nach dessen Veröffentlichung registrieren, angezeigt."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1456,7 +1459,6 @@ _role:
gtlAvailable: "Kann auf die globale Chronik zugreifen"
ltlAvailable: "Kann auf die lokale Chronik zugreifen"
canPublicNote: "Kann öffentliche Notizen erstellen"
canEditNote: "Notizbearbeitung"
canInvite: "Erstellung von Einladungscodes für diese Instanz"
inviteLimit: "Maximalanzahl an Einladungen"
inviteLimitCycle: "Zyklus des Einladungslimits"
Expand All @@ -1476,6 +1478,7 @@ _role:
descriptionOfRateLimitFactor: "Je niedriger desto weniger restriktiv, je höher destro restriktiver."
canHideAds: "Kann Werbung ausblenden"
canSearchNotes: "Nutzung der Notizsuchfunktion"
canUseTranslator: "Verwendung des Übersetzers"
isLocal: "Lokaler Benutzer"
isRemote: "Benutzer fremder Instanz"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1609,11 +1612,6 @@ _wordMute:
muteWords: "Stummgeschaltete Wörter"
muteWordsDescription: "Zum Nutzen einer \"UND\"-Verknüpfung Einträge mit Leerzeichen trennen, zum Nutzen einer \"ODER\"-Verknüpfung Einträge mit einem Zeilenumbruch trennen."
muteWordsDescription2: "Umgib Schlüsselworter mit Schrägstrichen, um Reguläre Ausdrücke zu verwenden."
softDescription: "Notizen, die die angegebenen Konditionen erfüllen, in der Chronik ausblenden."
hardDescription: "Verhindern, dass Notizen, die die angegebenen Konditionen erfüllen, der Chronik hinzugefügt werden. Zudem werden diese Notizen auch nicht der Chronik hinzugefügt, falls die Konditionen geändert werden."
soft: "Leicht"
hard: "Schwer"
mutedNotes: "Stummgeschaltete Notizen"
instanceMuteDescription: "Schaltet alle Notizen/Renotes stumm, die von den gelisteten Instanzen stammen, inklusive Antworten von Benutzern an einen Benutzer einer stummgeschalteten Instanz."
instanceMuteDescription2: "Instanzen getrennt durch Zeilenumbrüchen angeben"
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10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions locales/en-US.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1127,6 +1127,9 @@ edited: "Edited"
notificationRecieveConfig: "Notification Settings"
mutualFollow: "Mutual follow"
fileAttachedOnly: "Only notes with files"
showRepliesToOthersInTimeline: "Show replies to others in TL"
hideRepliesToOthersInTimeline: "Hide replies to others from TL"
externalServices: "External Services"
forExistingUsers: "Existing users only"
forExistingUsersDescription: "This announcement will only be shown to users existing at the point of publishment if enabled. If disabled, those newly signing up after it has been posted will also see it."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1457,7 +1460,6 @@ _role:
gtlAvailable: "Can view the global timeline"
ltlAvailable: "Can view the local timeline"
canPublicNote: "Can send public notes"
canEditNote: "Note editing"
canInvite: "Can create instance invite codes"
inviteLimit: "Invite limit"
inviteLimitCycle: "Invite limit cooldown"
Expand All @@ -1477,6 +1479,7 @@ _role:
descriptionOfRateLimitFactor: "Lower rate limits are less restrictive, higher ones more restrictive. "
canHideAds: "Can hide ads"
canSearchNotes: "Usage of note search"
canUseTranslator: "Translator usage"
isLocal: "Local user"
isRemote: "Remote user"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1610,11 +1613,6 @@ _wordMute:
muteWords: "Muted words"
muteWordsDescription: "Separate with spaces for an AND condition or with line breaks for an OR condition."
muteWordsDescription2: "Surround keywords with slashes to use regular expressions."
softDescription: "Hide notes that fulfil the set conditions from the timeline."
hardDescription: "Prevents notes fulfilling the set conditions from being added to the timeline. In addition, these notes will not be added to the timeline even if the conditions are changed."
soft: "Soft"
hard: "Hard"
mutedNotes: "Muted notes"
instanceMuteDescription: "This will mute any notes/renotes from the listed instances, including those of users replying to a user from a muted instance."
instanceMuteDescription2: "Separate with newlines"
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5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions locales/es-ES.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1603,11 +1603,6 @@ _wordMute:
muteWords: "Palabras que silenciar"
muteWordsDescription: "Separar con espacios indica una declaracion And, separar con lineas nuevas indica una declaracion Or。"
muteWordsDescription2: "Encerrar las palabras clave entre numerales para usar expresiones regulares"
softDescription: "Ocultar en la linea de tiempo las notas que cumplen las condiciones"
hardDescription: "Evitar que se agreguen a la linea de tiempo las notas que cumplen las condiciones. Las notas no agregadas seguirán quitadas aunque cambien las condiciones."
soft: "Suave"
hard: "Duro"
mutedNotes: "Notas silenciadas"
instanceMuteDescription: "Silencia todas las notas y reposts de la instancias seleccionadas, incluyendo respuestas a los usuarios de las mismas"
instanceMuteDescription2: "Separar por líneas"
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5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions locales/fr-FR.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1267,11 +1267,6 @@ _wordMute:
muteWords: "Mots à filtrer"
muteWordsDescription: "Séparer avec des espaces pour la condition AND. Séparer avec un saut de ligne pour une condition OR."
muteWordsDescription2: "Pour utiliser des expressions régulières (regex), mettez les mots-clés entre barres obliques."
softDescription: "Masquez les notes de votre fil selon les paramètres que vous définissez."
hardDescription: "Empêchez votre fil de charger les notes selon les paramètres que vous définissez. Cette action est irréversible : si vous modifiez ces paramètres plus tard, les notes précédemment filtrées ne seront pas récupérées."
soft: "Doux"
hard: "Strict"
mutedNotes: "Notes filtrées"
instanceMuteDescription: "Met en sourdine toutes les notes et renotes de l'instance configurée, y compris les réponses aux utilisateurs de l'instance muette."
instanceMuteDescription2: "Séparer avec de nouvelles lignes"
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5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions locales/id-ID.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1564,11 +1564,6 @@ _wordMute:
muteWords: "Kata yang dibisukan"
muteWordsDescription: "Pisahkan dengan spasi untuk kondisi AND. Pisahkan dengan baris baru untuk kondisi OR."
muteWordsDescription2: "Kurung kata kunci dengan garis miring untuk menggunakan ekspresi reguler."
softDescription: "Sembunyikan catatan yang memenuhi aturan kondisi dari lini masa."
hardDescription: "Cegah catatan memenuhi aturan kondisi dari ditambahkan ke lini masa. Dengan tambahan, catatan berikut tidak akan ditambahkan ke lini masa meskipun jika kondisi tersebut diubah."
soft: "Lembut"
hard: "Keras"
mutedNotes: "Catatan yang dibisukan"
instanceMuteDescription: "Pengaturan ini akan membisukan note/renote apa saja dari instansi yang terdaftar, termasuk pengguna yang membalas pengguna lain dalam instansi yang dibisukan."
instanceMuteDescription2: "Pisah dengan baris baru"
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions locales/index.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1133,6 +1133,12 @@ export interface Locale {
"showRepliesToOthersInTimeline": string;
"hideRepliesToOthersInTimeline": string;
"externalServices": string;
"impressum": string;
"impressumUrl": string;
"impressumDescription": string;
"privacyPolicy": string;
"privacyPolicyUrl": string;
"tosAndPrivacyPolicy": string;
"_announcement": {
"forExistingUsers": string;
"forExistingUsersDescription": string;
Expand Down
30 changes: 18 additions & 12 deletions locales/it-IT.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ download: "Scarica"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "Vuoi davvero eliminare il file \"{name}\", e le Note a cui è stato allegato?"
unfollowConfirm: "Vuoi davvero smettere di seguire {name}?"
exportRequested: "Hai richiesto un'esportazione, e potrebbe volerci tempo. Quando sarà compiuta, il file verrà aggiunto direttamente al Drive."
importRequested: "Hai richiesto un'importazione. Può volerci tempo. "
importRequested: "Hai richiesto un'importazione. Potrebbe richiedere un po' di tempo."
lists: "Liste"
noLists: "Nessuna lista"
note: "Nota"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ recipient: "Destinatario"
annotation: "Annotazione preventiva"
federation: "Federazione"
instances: "Istanza"
registeredAt: "Registrato presso"
registeredAt: "Prima federazione"
latestRequestReceivedAt: "Ultima richiesta ricevuta"
latestStatus: "Ultimo stato"
storageUsage: "Capienza dei dischi"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ invitationCode: "Codice di invito"
checking: "Confermando"
available: "Disponibile"
unavailable: "Il nome utente è già in uso"
usernameInvalidFormat: "Il nome utente può contenere solo lettere, numeri e '_'"
usernameInvalidFormat: "Il nome utente deve avere solo caratteri alfanumerici e trattino basso '_'"
tooShort: "Troppo breve"
tooLong: "Troppo lungo"
weakPassword: "Password debole"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1122,6 +1122,13 @@ authentication: "Autenticazione"
authenticationRequiredToContinue: "Per procedere, è richiesta l'autenticazione"
dateAndTime: "Data e Ora"
showRenotes: "Leggi le Rinota"
edited: "Modificato"
notificationRecieveConfig: "Preferenze di notifica"
mutualFollow: "Follow reciproco"
fileAttachedOnly: "Con file in allegato"
showRepliesToOthersInTimeline: "Risposte altrui nella TL"
hideRepliesToOthersInTimeline: "Nascondi Riposte altrui nella TL"
externalServices: "Servizi esterni"
forExistingUsers: "Solo ai profili attuali"
forExistingUsersDescription: "L'annuncio sarà visibile solo ai profili esistenti in questo momento. Se disabilitato, sarà visibile anche ai profili che verranno creati dopo la pubblicazione di questo annuncio."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1451,14 +1458,14 @@ _role:
gtlAvailable: "Disponibilità della Timeline Federata"
ltlAvailable: "Disponibilità della Timeline Locale"
canPublicNote: "Può scrivere Note con Visibilità Pubblica"
canInvite: "Genera codici di invito all'istanza"
canPublicNote: "Scrivere Note con Visibilità Pubblica"
canInvite: "Generare codici di invito all'istanza"
inviteLimit: "Limite di codici invito"
inviteLimitCycle: "Intervallo di emissione del codice di invito"
inviteExpirationTime: "Scadenza del codice di invito"
canManageCustomEmojis: "Gestire le emoji personalizzate"
driveCapacity: "Capienza del Drive"
alwaysMarkNsfw: "Imposta sempre come NSFW"
alwaysMarkNsfw: "Impostare sempre come esplicito (NSFW)"
pinMax: "Quantità massima di Note in primo piano"
antennaMax: "Quantità massima di Antenne"
wordMuteMax: "Lunghezza massima del filtro parole"
Expand All @@ -1469,8 +1476,9 @@ _role:
userEachUserListsMax: "Quantità massima di profili per lista"
rateLimitFactor: "Limite del rapporto"
descriptionOfRateLimitFactor: "I rapporti più bassi sono meno restrittivi, quelli più alti lo sono di più."
canHideAds: "Può nascondere i banner"
canHideAds: "Nascondere i banner"
canSearchNotes: "Ricercare nelle Note"
canUseTranslator: "Tradurre le Note"
isLocal: "Profilo locale"
isRemote: "Profilo remoto"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1604,11 +1612,6 @@ _wordMute:
muteWords: "Parole da filtrare"
muteWordsDescription: "Separare con uno spazio indica la condizione \"E\". Separare con una interruzione di riga, indica la condizione \"O\""
muteWordsDescription2: "Se vuoi indicare delle Espressioni Regolari (regexp), metti la condizione all'interno di due slash (/)"
softDescription: "Verranno nascoste da tutte le Timeline quelle Note che soddisfano le seguenti condizioni"
hardDescription: "Impedisci alla istanza di caricare Note che soddisfano le seguenti condizioni. Le Note già filtrate sono già scomparse in modo irreversibile, fino al cambiamento delle condizioni. Dopo di che scompariranno quelle che soddisfano le nuove condizioni."
soft: "Leggero"
hard: "Pesante"
mutedNotes: "Note filtrate"
instanceMuteDescription: "Disattiva tutte le note, le note di rinvio (condivisione) dell'istanza configurata, comprese le risposte agli utenti dell'istanza."
instanceMuteDescription2: "Impostazione separata da una nuova riga"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2128,3 +2131,6 @@ _moderationLogTypes:
unmarkSensitiveDriveFile: "File nel Drive segnato come non esplicito"
resolveAbuseReport: "Segnalazione risolta"
createInvitation: "Genera codice di invito"
createAd: "Banner creato"
deleteAd: "Banner eliminato"
updateAd: "Banner aggiornato"
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions locales/ja-JP.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1130,6 +1130,12 @@ fileAttachedOnly: "ファイル付きのみ"
showRepliesToOthersInTimeline: "TLに他の人への返信を含める"
hideRepliesToOthersInTimeline: "TLに他の人への返信を含めない"
externalServices: "外部サービス"
impressum: "運営者情報"
impressumUrl: "運営者情報URL"
impressumDescription: "ドイツなどの一部の国と地域では表示が義務付けられています(Impressum)。"
privacyPolicy: "プライバシーポリシー"
privacyPolicyUrl: "プライバシーポリシーURL"
tosAndPrivacyPolicy: "利用規約・プライバシーポリシー"

forExistingUsers: "既存ユーザーのみ"
Expand Down

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