In this repo I'd build a few examples to show how various ML algorithms works.
Relevant algorithms:
- ✅Linear regression/logistic regression
- ✅kNN classfication/regression
- ✅k-means clustering
- ✅Naive Bayes
- ✅Cross Valdiation
- ✅PCA
- ✅AUC metric
- Boosting/xgboost
Neural network general:
- Autograd
- ✅optimizers: SGD, Adam, RMSProp
- ✅Gradient computation
- Backpropagation
- Integrated gradient feature importance
- Tensorboard usage
- ✅Collaborative filtering
- Pytorch lightening
- TorchRec
NLP related:
- ✅CharRNN
- blog post, Karpathy's repo
- The goal is to redo the charRNN example in the book "hands on machine learning". There already provided an example using tf and keras
- Notebook
- Transformer from scratch
- PyText
- ✅Contrastive decoding with Hugging
- RAG. guide from LangChain
- ✅Basic RAG
- Raptor
ML infra:
- Iterator for nested array.
- In memory SQL engine
- Spreadsheet with math equation
Reinforcement learning
- Use openAI Gym library to setup games
- PPO for CartPole
- DQN for CartPole