This is a tool package.
- 2024.12.27: Add GPU monitor module
- 2024.09.18: Add pcd2ply module
- 2023.12.05: Add CI/CD
- 2023.06.30: Add image channel conversion between imageio and cv2
- 2023.06.12: Fix the bug that the ParallelProcess iterator returns results in the wrong order
- 2023.06.11: Add ParallelProcess and AsyncMultiProcess iterator
- 2023.03.14: Add Timer and TimeConsumption module
- 2023.03.22: Add file rename module
- image2image
- image2video
- image2gif
- image2pdf
- video2image
- pdf2image
- play_image
- concat_image
- excel2latex
- excel2markdown
- compress_pdf
- startup
- rename_postfix
- rename_file
- iterotar
- SingleProcess
- MultiProcess
- ParallelProcess
- MultiThread
- AsyncProcess
- AsyncMultiProcess
- timer
- time_consumption
- pcd2ply
- monitor_gpu
- Installing from source
git clone
cd lh-tool
python -m build
pip install dist/lh_tool-1.11.0-py3-none-any.whl
- Install from the Python Package Index (PyPI)
# install base
pip install lh_tool
# install with specific dependencies, support: [cv, email, pdf, excel, pcd]
pip install lh_tool[cv]
# install with all dependencies
pip install lh_tool[all]