This repository is a ROS package including two ROS nodes named video_capture and video_view respectively. The video_capture node can capture USB camera video frames and publish them as Image messages. The video_view node can receive Image messages, then show or save the received images.
Publish the USB camera video frames via this topic.
Publish the USB camera infomation via this topic.
~save_folder(string; default: "")
The folder for saving video frames.
~show_flag(bool; default: false)
Whether to show video frames.
~save_flag(bool; defalut: false)
Whether to save video frames. When save_flag is set to true, the video frames will be saved to the folder appointed by save_folder.
~serial_port(string; default: "/dev/ttyVideo0")
The serial port of the USB camera.
~publish_camera_info(bool; default: true)
Whether to publish the camera infomation via the camera_info topic.
roslaunch usb_camera video_capture.launch
Receive video frames via this topic.
~save_folder(string; default: "")
The folder for saving video frames.
~show_flag(bool; default: true)
Whether to show video frames.
~save_flag(bool; defalut: false)
Whether to save video frames. When save_flag is set to true, the video frames will be saved to the folder appointed by save_folder.
~encoding(string; default: "bgr8")
The encode mode of the Image messages.
roslaunch usb_camera video_view.launch