This is the source code for the Clojars jar repository webapp.
If you're looking for user documentation, try the wiki. There is a also a FAQ.
See release announcements on the mailing list for recent user-facing changes.
Please report bugs or problems with the repository on the bug tracker.
Design discussions occur on the clojars-maintainers list and the #leiningen channel on
If you'd like contribute a change please send a GitHub pull request for a topic branch. Feel free to open a pull request early with a "not ready for merging" note or ask on the mailing list or IRC to get feedback from other contributors. If you are looking for a task to work on, take a look at issues labeled ready.
We try to make releases fairly soon after merging contributions, but post to the mailing list if it's been a week or two and you'd like something pushed to the production website.
Note: Java 8+ is required
To begin developing, start with a REPL.
lein repl
Run migrate
to initialize the database to the latest migration.
user=> (migrate)
or alternatively, from the command line.
$ lein run -m user/migrate
Run go
to initiate and start the system.
user=> (go)
By default this creates a running development system at http://localhost:8080.
When you make changes to your source files, use reset
to reload any
modified files and reset the server.
user=> (reset)
:reloading (...)
If you'd like to hack on the UI or search it might be useful to have
production-like metadata. To create that, use
to create test users, import an existing
maven repository (your local ~/.m2/repository/
works well), and
setup a search index:
cp -r ~/.m2/repository data/dev_repo
lein run -m
If you want to use the actual repo from, you can grab it via rsync.
Note that this setup task isn't perfect - SNAPSHOTS won't have version-specific metadata (which won't matter for the operation of clojars, but may matter if you try to use the resulting repo as a real repo), and versions will be listed out of order on the project pages, but it should be good enough to test with.
Testing is designed to work in a REPL to allow flow.
user=> (test)
user=> (test #'clojars.test.unit.db/added-users-can-be-found)
Tests can also be run through Leiningen for CI.
lein test
Occasionally it can be useful to start a production system based on the development
configuration. This can be done by lein run
Also see Configuration.
- Compile with:
lein uberjar
- Deploy
to the server - Run the migrations
java -cp clojars-web-*-standalone.jar clojure.main -m
- Set Yeller token
export YELLER_TOKEN="foo-bar"
- Run the production system:
java -jar clojars-web-*-standalone.jar
Some options can be set using environment variables. See lein run -h
for the
full list.
Options may be read from a file by putting a file named
on the classpath. The config file should be a bare
Clojure map:
{:db {:classname "org.sqlite.JDBC"
:subprotocol "sqlite"
:subname "data/dev_db"}
:repo "data/dev_repo"
:bcrypt-work-factor 12
:mail {:hostname "localhost"
:from "[email protected]"
:ssl false}}
The classpath option can be used with lein profiles. When
running out of a source checkout using lein run
or lein repl
configuration will be read from dev-resources/config.clj
When running automated tests at the repl, or with lein test
, a test environment
is used to provide isolation. It can be found in test/clojars/test/test_helper.clj
Copyright © 2009-2015 Alex Osborne, Phil Hagelberg, Nelson Morris, Toby Crawley and contributors.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure. See the file COPYING.