is a task scheduling runtime implementing the reactor
model-of-computation target at embedded and resource-constrained systems.
First, you start by choosing a platform for which you want to write your application, second you instiantiate your repository from the corresponding template repository. Inside the templates or the following sections is explained what build-tools and compilers the particular platform needs.
can run on top of Zephyr, RIOT, Raspberry Pi Pico and POSIX-compliant OSes.
Template Repository:
Compile and run a simple test on Zephyr. This requires a correctly configured
Zehyr environment, with West installed in a Python virtual environment, is
activated. Inspect .github/actions/zephyr/action.yml
for an example of setting up your Zephyr workspace.
First a simple HelloWorld on the native_posix
cd examples/zephyr/hello
west build -b native_posix -p always -t run
Then a simple blinky targeting NXP FRDM K64F. This will run with most boards supporting Zephyr that have a user LED.
cd examples/zephyr/blinky
west build -b frdm_k64f -p always
west flash
Template Repository:
Compile and run a simple blinky example on RIOT.
This requires a correctly configured RIOT environment.
Make sure that the environment variable RIOTBASE
points to a RIOT
cd examples/riot/blinky
make BOARD=native all term
Template Repository:
Download pico-sdk
and define PICO_SDK_PATH as an environmental variable.
cd examples/pico
cmake -Bbuild
cd build
We are using clang-format
version 18.1.3 which is default with Ubuntu 24.04 for formatting in CI.
draws inspiration from the following existing open-source projects: