I am attempting to keep track of reading journal articles by maintaining a git repository that contains notes and .bib files specific to certain projects/themes/manuscripts. Although this was originally set up for long-form paper notes, I will also be including less thorough overviews just to keep track of papers I've perused. This project originated as a method of tracking papers when writing my thesis proposal in 2018.
The goal is that these .md files will be able to be indexed by python based on things like author, keywords, and dates. An example file, noteTemplate.md
is available in the current directory. Indexing can be done with readingStats.py
which will be updated as needed. An accompanying jupyter notebook will be built with widget-based searching.
Notes (author, year, journal in file header) on readings. Top of each note document has authors, year, journal, title, and keywords as subsections that can be used to later index through files if needed. Each folder contains a .bib
file updated with each new .md
note file for use in compiling references in LaTeX. Upon reading each paper, a new note file is made, an addition is entered into the .bib
file, and readingStats.py
is executed to repopulate the below list and update the figures above.
- Benoit2014PB - Pre-winter distribution and habitat characteristics of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in southeastern Beaufort Sea
- Investigate the distribution of age-0 and age-1+ aggregations of Arctic cod in the Canadian Beaufort in early Winter.
- Mueter2016PB - The ecology of gadid fishes in the circumpolar Arctic with a special emphasis on the polar cod (Boreogadus saida)
- This is the introduction paper for the 2016 Polar Biology special issue that came out of the 2014 ESSAS annual meeting, focused on Arctic cod and their role in Arctic food webs.
- Kessel2016PB - Distinct patterns of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) presence and absence in a shallow high Arctic embayment, revealed across open-water and ice-covered periods through acoustic telemetry
- The authors use acoustic telemetry (tagging) to investigate the spatial distribution of arctic cod in Resolute Bay in ice free and covered periods, and their presence in relation to environmental changes and predator presence.
- Benoit2008JGRO - Hydroacoustic detection of large winter aggregations of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) at depth in ice-covered Franklin Bay (Beaufort Sea)
- This study describes the presence and dispersal of a large, dense aggregation of Arctic cod observed overwinter in Franklin Bay, and aims to explore the physical and behavioral mechanisms responsible for their retention in deep water.
- Mishin2018JI - Ichthyoplankton of Russian Arctic Seas: 1. Polar cod Boreogadus saida
- Distribution and size composition of polar cod on the Russian Arctic seas from surveys conducted in 2015-2017. Size increases as a function of season and latitude.
- Laurel2017JMS - Temperature-dependent growth as a function of size and age in juvenile Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida)
- Laboratory experiments of the effect of temperature on growth rates in age-0 and age-1 Arctic cod. Optimal temperature decreases with size, and growth is strongly dependent on both environmental temperature and size. Source of L-W regressions and growth rates for juvenile fishes.
- Kent2016JFB - Laboratory rearing of wild Arctic cod Boreogadus saida from egg to adulthood
- Specifics of process used for multiyear rearing of B. saida in aquarium conditions, including specific measurements of spawning, growth, and key development milestones for fish reared at 3.5C.
- GrahamHop1995A - Aspects of Reproduction and Larval Biology of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida)
- Study of larval fish ecology of Arctic cod, describing timing and sizes of larval phases.
- Renaud2012PB - Is the poleward expansion by Atlantic cod and haddock threatening native polar cod, Boreogadus saida?
- Analysis of diets in co-occurring Arctic cod, haddock, and Atlantic cod, showing minimal diet overlap, even with variability between fjord and ice-edge conditions.
- Chapman2022DSRII - Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) hatching season and growth rates in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort seas
- Estimations of growth and hatch rates of Arctic cod in the Chukchi Sea, indicates that larger individuals begin to settle to the seafloor on deeper portions of the shelf.
- Kono2016PB - Distribution pattern of Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) larvae and larval fish assemblages in relation to oceanographic parameters in the northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea
- Examination of larval A. cod in relation to the environment in 2008 and 2013. They hypothesize two different spawning areas, one in the Gulf of Anadyr and one possibly in the Chukchi leading to distributions in similar water conditions in two separate regions.
- Deary2021PB - Seasonal abundance, distribution, and growth of the early life stages of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) and safron cod (Eleginus gracilis) in the US Arctic
- Early life history stages of Arctic and saffron cod in 2017, using trhe Vestfals 2021 model to replicate 2017 from the bottom trawl data.
- Aronovich1975AC - Egg incubation and larval rearing of navaga (Eleginus navaga Pall.), polar cod (Boreogadus saida lepechin) and arctic flounder (Liopsetta glacialis Pall.) in the laboratory
- Early description of Arctic cod egg and larval stages through incubation experiments, with developmental timing and growth rates
- Laurel2016PB - Temperature-dependent growth and behavior of juvenile Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and co-occurring North Pacific gadids
- Laboratory temperature experiments were conducted on gadidae to investigate the importance of temperature on fish growath and survival. Arctic fishes can grow faster at cooler temperatures, but have a limited range. Their ability to grow under future climate scenarios is presented.
- Bradstreet1986DFO - Aspects of the Biology of Arctic Cod ( Boreogadus saida ) and its Importance in Arctic Marine Food Chains
- Technical report on the importance of Arctic cod to the Canadian Arctic ecosystem, covers aspects of distribution, physiology, and ecological significance across North American waters. Includes review of much of the work done prior to the 1980s, and a focus on ringed seal predation of A. cod.
- StoneAFSC2019 - Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida)
- AFSC Age and Growth Program report on Arctic cod growth rates and criteria for ageing using otoliths.
- StevensonLauth2019PB - Bottom trawl surveys in the northern Bering Sea indicate recent shifts in the distribution of marine species
- Comparison of the distribution of fish in the Eastern Bering Sea during cold and warm periods based on groundfish surveys.
- Drost2016JEB - Acclimation potential of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) from the rapidly warming Arctic Ocean
- Laboratory observations of thermal tolerance via measurements of respiration and heart rate to acute changes across various acclimation temperatures. Shows ability to acclimate to temperatures through changes in aerobic ability and scope after 1-month of exposure.
- Dahlke2018SA - Northern cod species face spawning habitat losses if global warming exceeds 1.5°C
- Investigating the mpact of temperature and pCO2 on egg and larval development from broodstock. Additionally, they model loss of appropriate spawning areas based on future climate scenarios.
- Fossheim2015N - Recent warming leads to a rapid borealization of fish communities in the Arctic
- Evidence of rapid borealization in the Barents sea through community-wide geographic shifts from 2004-2012, credited to the northward expansion of thermal habitat for boreal species. Consequences for shifting energy pathways.
- Geoffroy2016PB - Vertical segregation of age-0 and age-1+ polar cod (Boreogadus saida) over the annual cycle in the Canadian Beaufort Sea
- The authors observed two distinct layers of arctic cod, an epipelagic layer of age-0 fish which forms in spring, begins DVM in summer, and settles to depth in late fall, and a mesopelagic layer of age-1+ fish. They used TS to estimate length at depth to show a stratification and seasonal vaibility in the two layers, as well as estimate biomass.
- RogersDougherty2018GCB - Effects of climate and demography on reproductive phenology of a harvested marine fish population
- Overview of how pollock spawning timing has shifted over cold and warm periods in the Gulf of Alaska.
- Geoffroy2019FMS - Mesopelagic sound scattering layers of the high Arctic: Seasonal variations in biomass, species assemblage, and trophic relationships
- Observations of mesopelagic scattering layers in the high arctic, describing the seasonality of the SSL, including the condition of the organisms and trophic interactions.
- Nelson2020PB - Circumpolar genetic population structure of polar cod, Boreogadus saida
- Observations of genetic differentiation of Arctic cod populations between Canada West, Canada East, Europe, and US regions, with differences in within-region homogeneity. Genetic diversity may largely be driven by physical barriers to transport and heterogeneity is directly correlated to distance.
- Marsh2019PB - Environmental and biological influences on the distribution and population dynamics of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) in the US Chukchi Sea
- Model of Arctic cod presence/absence and abundance in comparison with abiotic and biotic factors. Based on 2012 and 2013 Arctic Eis data and work done in other regions, they estimate the potential of the age-1+ stock to produce the number of age-0 Arctic cod observed in the summer surveys, and find the estimates to be much lower than what is observed, providing a set of potential explanations.
- Baker2021PB - Contrast of warm and cold phases in the Bering Sea to understand spatial distributions of Arctic and sub-Arctic gadids
- Analyses of 20+ years of ground fish surveys in the Bering Sea to identify habitat and temperature associations as well as recent changes in distribution of the four key North Pacific gadids.
- Skaret2020MEPS - Diel vertical movements determine spatial interactions between cod, pelagic fish and krill on an Arctic shelf bank
- Interactions in the Barents Sea between atlantic cod, pelagic fish, and krill. Use of 3 different acoustic datasets to look at foraging and spatial distribution relationships with the diel cycle.
- Petrik2015PO - Progress in Oceanography Biophysical transport model suggests climate variability determines distribution of Walleye Pollock early life stages in the eastern Bering Sea through effects on spawning
- Biophysical modeling of early life history for walleye pollock in the EBS, suggesting temperature (ice conditions) and the resultin difference in temperature-dependent growth is the primary driver of inerannual variability in distribution.
- Copeman2017MEPS - Temperature impacts on lipid allocation among juvenile gadid species at the Pacific Arctic-Boreal interface: An experimental laboratory approach
- Measured temperature dependence of lipid accumulation in juvenile Arctic cod, Saffron cod, Pacific cod, and pollock.
- LaurelRogersCJFAS2020 - Loss of spawning habitat and prerecruits of Pacific cod during a Gulf of Alaska heatwave *
- Loggerwell2015PO - Fish communities across a spectrum of habitats in the western Beaufort Sea and Chukchi Sea
- Synthesized five years of surveys to look at differences in abundance (density) of animals from the lagoon to shelf slope in the Chukchi and Beaufort. They also looked at icthyoplankton. Based on Icthyoplankton, they state that the Beaufort Sea shelf is likely a spawning location for Arctic cod.
- Bouchard2016PB - Contrasting the early life histories of sympatric Arctic gadids Boreogadus saida and Arctogadus glacialis in the Canadian Beaufort Sea
- Comparison of A. glacialis and B. saida early life stages, including hatching, feeding, length at age, and mortality over April to August in two years of freeze-in sampling.
- Geoffroy2011PB - The aggregation of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in the deep Atlantic layer of ice-covered Amundsen Gulf (Beaufort Sea) in winter
- Overwinter observations of vertical distribution of Arctic cod aggregations in the Canadian Beaufort, showing changes in depth distribution with water, light, and prey conditions.
- Eisner2013PB - Pelagic fish and zooplankton species assemblages in relation to water mass characteristics in the northern Bering and southeast Chukchi seas
- Characterization of the zooplankton and pelagic fish community in relation to the physical and biological properties of the water masses in the northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas.
- Crawford2016PB - Occurrence of a gelatinous predator (Cyanea capillata) may affect the distribution of Boreogadus saida, a key Arctic prey fish species
- This paper presents evidence of jellyfish avoidance by Arctic cod in a shallow bay of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The authors describe observations of partitioning which they attribute primarily to avoidance.
- Petrik2016JMS - Modelled connectivity between Walleye Pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) spawning and age-0 nursery areas in warm and cold years with implications for juvenile survival
- Modeled connectivity of age-0 pollock population to spawning locations in the Eastern Bering. Patterns mostly follow along-isobath flow, though differ between warm and cold years.
- Leblanc2019E - The co-distribution of Arctic cod and its seabird predators across the marginal ice zone in Baffin Bay
- Concurrent obervations of arctic cod (acoustics) and diving/surface feeding seabirds (observers) across Baffin bay in marginal ice conditions. They find little correlation between the distribution of fish and seabirds, and relate the distributions of each with ice concentrations.
- Copeman2020PB - Onotogenetic patterns in lipid and fatty acid biomarkers of juvenile polar cod (Boreogadus saida) and saffron cod (Eleginus gracilis) from across the Alaska Arctic
- Study of the temperature and pre-dependence of fatty acid composition and density in polar and saffron cod, showing strong association of polar cod and calanus in the Chukchi and divergent patterns in lipid density between age-0 and age-1+ fish of both species.
- BouchardFortier2011PO - Circum-arctic comparison of the hatching season of polar cod Boreogadus saida: A test of the freshwater winter refuge hypothesis
- This paper looks at the hatch date frequency distribution in six regions of differing freshwater input, and find evidence to support the winter refuge hypothesis that Arctic cod in lower saline environments have a greater pre-winter size due to faster development and earlier hatching.
- Gonzalez2021PB - Multi-scale temporal variability in biological-physical associations in the NE Chukchi Sea
- Temporal patterns and coherence among physical and biological variables at the Chukchi Ecological Observatory using acoustic and oceanographic moorings.
- IvanovaEA2019 - Shipping alters the movement and behavior of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida), a keystone fish in Arctic marine ecosystems
- Investigated the movement of Arctic cod in resolute bay during the presence and absence of cruise ships, found behavioral changes (less feeding, more directed swimming).
- Eriksen2019PB - Polar cod egg and larval drift patterns in the Svalbard archipelago
- Modeling study to investigate suitable spawning areas for polar cod around Svalbard.
- Quast1974FB - Density distribution of juvenile Arctic cod, Boregogadus saida in the Eastern Chukchi Sea in the fall of 1970
- This was the first fisheries survey of Arctic cod in the NE Chukchi (as far as I know), and showed that there were primarily young of the year A. cod, with a depth-dependent density. Quast also speculates about the origin of the juvenile cod.
- Ponomarenko2000JI - Eggs, larvae, and juveniles of polar cod Boreogadus saida in the Barents, Kara, and White Seas
- Observations of eggs, larvae, and juveniles from 14 years of sampling Polar cod. The early life cycle is described, and differences in specimen and development are attributed environmental conditions.
- LowryFrost1981CFN - Distribution, growth, and foods of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.
- Observations of the biology of Arctic cod caught in bottom trawls in late-summer, 1977.
- Eisner2020DSRII - Environmental impacts on walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) distribution across the Bering Sea shelf
- Observations of shifting pollock distribution into the northern Bering Sea during recent warming (2017 - 2019).
- Buckley2016EBF - Variation in the diet of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) in the Pacific Arctic and Bering Sea
- They look at the summer diet of arctic cod across multiple age classes from opportunistic samples throughout the Chukchi and Bering Sea. Along a north-south gradient in the ECS, copepods dominate diets at higher latitudes, euphausiids at lower latitudes. Larger fish have a more diverse diet of larger prey (decapods, fishes). Arctic cod are highly opportunistic.
- EvseenkoBolshakova2020JI - Morphological Adaptations of Polar Cod Boreogadus saida (Gadidae) to a Life in the Ice Conditions
- Morphology of scales and spiny bone plates of Boreogadus saida. The plates are only present on boreogadus and are potentially used to protect against contact with ice and reduce liminar flow around the body.
- Yasumiishi2020DSRII - Climate-related changes in the biomass and distribution of small pelagic fishes in the eastern Bering Sea during late summer, 2002–2018
- Analyses of fish biomass and distribution with changing SST in the eastern Bering Sea, includes use of VAST model for mapping species distribution.
- Kessel2017CJFAS - First documented large-scale horizontal movements of individual Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida)
- Observations of tagged Arctic cod 192 km distance away from tagginng, suggesting large-scale horizontal migration, with estimates of rate.
- Kessel2020AS - Size class segregation of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) in a shallow High Arctic embayment
- Acoustic surveys show habitat partitioning by size class of Arctic cod across a shallow bay potentially driven by intraspecific predation, includes TS distributions of larger (>110 mm) fish.
- Wyllie-Echeverria1997AFS - Water masses and transport of age-0 Arctic cod and age-0 Bering flounder into the northeastern Chukchi Sea
- Describe the abundance and distribution of larval bering flounder in late summer from 1989-1991 in relation to the sampled water masses. Included collection of age-0 Arctic cod throughout the NE Chukchi to investigate water mass associations.
- DeRobertis2017DSRIIb - Abundance and distribution of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and other pelagic fishes over the U.S. Continental Shelf of the Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas
- Two broad-scale baseline acoustic-trawl surveys were conducted in 2012 and 2013.
- BouchardFortier2008MEPS - Effects of polynyas on the hatching season, early growth and survival of polar cod Boreogadus saida in the Laptev Sea
- Observations of larval Arctic cod populations in a high polynya occurrence (2005) and low occurrence (2003) year. Conclude that maximizing pre-winter size is more important than matching food availability when hatching, and freshwater input (warm) promotes earlier hatching a growth to maximize both size at age and pre-winter success.
- Whitehouse2014PB - A trophic mass balance model of the eastern Chukchi Sea with comparisons to other high-latitude systems
- This study aimed to describe the trophic structure and function of the Chukchi Sea foodweb using an ecopath model, representing just one of many possible mass-balance solutions. Fish estimates were taken from beam trawl samples of the Eastern Chukchi shelf.
- Stabeno1996FR - Observed patches of walleye pollock eggs and larvae in Shelikof Strait, Alaska: their characteristics, formation and persistence
- Investigation of the spatial patchiness of ELS pollock in Shelikof Strait. Patches appear to be identified from currents, small-scale eddies, and proximity to geograhic features.
- Forster2020PB - Spatial patterns, environmental correlates, and potential seasonal migration triangle of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) distribution in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas
- Environmental and spatial associations of different size class arctic cod in the Chukchi and Beaufort, finding strongest associations with BCSW for small fish and depth for large fish.
- Loggerwell2020DSRII - The effect of oceanographic variability on the distribution of larval fishes of the northern Bering and Chukchi seas
- Comparison of key larval fishes in 2012 and 2013 to environmental conditions, hyputhesizing that fishes have evolved spawn timing and location such that larvae can handle interannual variations in conditions
- Berge2020CB - Artificial light during the polar night disrupts Arctic fish and zooplankton behaviour down to 200 m depth
- Measurements of ship light influence on water column backscatter, which indicate that orientation change is likely responsible for rapid variability, and ship impacts are spatially limited.
- Marsh2017DSRII - Ontogenetic, spatial and temporal variation in trophic level and diet of Chukchi Sea fishes
- Examined the isoscapes and relation to water masses in the Chukchi Sea, looking for diet niches of pelagic fishes, particularly Arctic cod.
- Craig1982CJFAS - Ecological Studies of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) in Beaufort Sea Coastal Waters, Alaska
- One of the earlier papers investigating the life history of Arctic cod from samples collected off the north slope of Alaska both nearshore and on the shelf break. Arctic cod were found to be present in the coastal Beaufort year round.
- VikeboMEPS2019 - Drift, growth, and survival of larval Northeast Arctic cod with simple rules of behaviour
- Modeling efforts to investigate the role of vertical behavior on dispersion and success.
- Vestfals2019PB - Distribution of early life stages of Arctic cod and saffron cod in the Pacific Arctic
- Vestfals et al aim to narrow down the potential spawning grounds for arctic and saffron cod based on the physical oceanography and summer distribution. It contains a good review in the intro of the current literature on early life history.
- Eriksen2015RSMS - The effect of recent warming on polar cod and beaked redfish juveniles in the Barents Sea
- Decadal trends in distribution of polar cod and redfish in the Barents Sea, indicating that temperature is a likely important driver of abundance, distribution, and growth in age-0 polar cod and redfish.
- Koenker2018JMS - Impacts of temperature and food availability on the condition of larval Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus)
- Study of body and lipid condition under different temperature-food conditions, showing temperature directly impacts larval A cod and pollock, and condition varies with both temperature and food availability.
- MajewskiPB2016 - Distribution and diet of demersal Arctic Cod, Boreogadus saida, in relation to habitat characteristics in the Canadian Beaufort Sea
- Cross-slope sampling of Arctic cod in the Canadian Beaufort shows differentiation in diet and size.
- Wilson2019JMS - Micro-geographic population genetic structure within Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) in Beaufort Sea of Alaska
- Little evidence of genetic diversification to identify source and life history characteristics of Arctic cod in the Beaufort Sea, though fine-scale divergence of population genetics within the Southern Beaufort Shelf, likely due to Mackenzie outflow.
- DeRobertis2015DSRIIa - Species and size selectivity of two midwater trawls used in an acoustic survey of the Alaska Arctic
- De Robertis et al. conducted a trawl selectivity experiment using recapture nets on a modified-Marinovich trawl to asses the species- and size-specific selectivity. There is significant escapement, even for the most abundant species, and this analysis is required to properly calculate biomass/abundance estimates for juvenile Arctic cod.
- HopGjosaeter2013MBR - Polar cod ( Boreogadus saida ) and capelin ( Mallotus villosus ) as key species in marine food webs of the Arctic and the Barents Sea
- Comparison of the distribution of B. saida and capelin based on observations of both stocks since the 1970s. Gives overview of both species life cycle and impacts of heating and reduced sea ice on populations individually and potential interactions.
- PettittWadeFF2020 - Cod movement ecology in a warming world: Circumpolar arctic gadids
- Review of the movement ecology of Arctic and Polar cod based on the current literature to address (a) movements at multiple scales and (b) the current and potential impacts of climate change. Excellent source of references, see Figure 5, Tables 3A, 3B.
- Spencer2020PB - Ontogenetic changes in the buoyancy and salinity tolerance of eggs and larvae of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) and other gadids
- Lab studies of egg and larval densities and salinity tolerances in the four north pacific gadid species, using model conditions to look at spatial impacts.
- Dupont2020JMS - Sea ice, temperature, and prey effects on annual variations in mean lengths of a key Arctic fish, Boreogadus saida, in the Barents Sea
- Variation in winter ice conditions is the main driver of polar cod length-at-age. Early ice retreat in the Brents leads to higher survival of early hatchers and possible faster growth, resulting in a larger length-at-age for age-0 cohort.
- Leblanc2019PB - Pelagic production and the recruitment of juvenile polar cod Boreogadus saida in Canadian Arctic seas
- Acoustic surveys in the canadian arctic show correlation with polar cod biomass and earlier ice breakup date.
- Wilson2020PB - Mitochondrial genome diversity and population mitogenomics of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) and Arctic dwelling gadoids
- Mitogenomics show high diversity and are inconclusive as to whether temperature or food availability may drive mitochondrial evolution, showing arctic cod may be capable of responding to changing climate.
- Nishio2020DSRII - Effects of the timing of sea ice retreat on demersal fish assemblages in the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas
- Time series of demersal fish finding time of sea ice retreat had a significant impact on interannual changes in species groupings. Example of multivariate exploration of bottom temperature and ice on assemblages.
- Bouchard2017PO - Climate warming enhances polar cod recruitment, at least transiently
- Analysis of the impact of ice retreat timing and SST on the success of B. saida in the Canadian Beaufort over a 10 year period of sampling. Describe the positive correlations between hatcher success and SST/early ice retreat.
- Gray2016PB - Variability in the summer diets of juvenile polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in the northeastern Chukchi and western Beaufort Seas
- Description of diet variability in age-0 to age-2 arctic cod in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Publication of enumerated prey species.
- Matley2012MEPS - Seabird predation on Arctic cod during summer in the Canadian Arctic
- Observations of the foraging behavior of birds relative to environment (wind, sea state) and cod availability (schooling vs. non-schooling) in the Canadian High Arctic. Kleptoparasitism appears to be highly efficient foraging method, while dive plunging to depth allows for feeding in non-schooling and lower visibility conditions.
- Huserbraten2019CB - Polar cod in jeopardy under the retreating Arctic sea ice
- Backtracking modelling of age-0 polar cod dispersal, indicating that recruitment is largely correlated with ice presence and summer surface temperatures.
- Parker-Stetter2011PB - Distribution of polar cod and age-0 fish in the U.S. Beaufort Sea
- Investigation of the offshore distribution of Arctic cod in the U.S. Beaufort Sea to examine the density and water property associations.
- Day2013CSR - The offshore northeastern Chukchi Sea, Alaska: A complex high-latitude ecosystem
- Synthesis of the findings from the Chukchi Sea Environmental Studies Program from 2008-2010 at three regions of oil exploration interest near Hanna Shoal.
- Im2019PO - Evidence for resource partitioning by ontogeny and species in calanoid copepods
- Observations of fine-scale feeding habitat partitioning by clanoid species in the East Sea through stable isotope analysis.
- Darnis2019PO - Could offspring predation offset the successful reproduction of the arctic copepod Calanus hyperboreus under reduced sea-ice cover conditions?
- Year-round observations of C. hyperboreus growth and reproduction in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. Hypothesize top-down control of the C. hyperboreus population by other omnivore species (M. longa, C. glacialis), increased by extended ice-free periods.
- Ashjian2021PLOS - Lingering Chukchi Sea sea ice and Chukchi Sea mean winds influence population age structure of euphausiids (krill) found in the bowhead whale feeding hotspot near Pt. Barrow, Alaska *
- Ershova2015PB - Inter-annual variability of summer mesozooplankton communities of the western Chukchi Sea: 2004–2012
- Description of the zooplankton community in relation to water masses during 4 years of the RUSALCA survey program. Community structure strongly correlated with bottom temperature.
- Kitamura2017CSR - Seasonal dynamics of zooplankton in the southern Chukchi Sea revealed from acoustic backscattering strength
- Use of AZFPs to describe the seasonality of zooplankton biomass, and identify the dominant scatterers in the southern Chukchi Sea, finding a seasonal peak in biomass in autumn and a minimum in early spring, not corresponnding with phytoplankton production. Zooplpankton communities in the southern Chukchi are largely driven by advection from the Bering.
- Hobbs2021BL - A marine zooplankton community vertically structured by light across diel to interannual timescales
- Use of adcps to monitor the seasonal and interannual variability in vertical position of the zooplankton community. A defined modeled isolume can be used to represent the shallow boundary of zooplankton.
- PinchukEisner2017DSRII - Spatial heterogeneity in zooplankton summer distribution in the eastern Chukchi Sea in 2012–2013 as a result of large-scale interactions of water masses
- Describe the differences in zooplankton distribution (focussed on Calanus species of copepods) between 2012 and 2013 as part of the Arctic EIS study. Zooplankton distribution is wind-driven and a balance between melt water and northward advection of warm Pacific water.
- Okkonen2020po - Krill diel vertical migration: A diagnostic for variability of wind forcing over the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas
- Use of ADCPs to measure intensity of DVM in krill and correlate with wind and upwelling conditions in the western Beaufort.
- Spear2019PB - Physical and biological drivers of zooplankton communities in the Chukchi Sea
- Overview of CHAOZ zooplankton catches and comparison with the physical oceanography. Findings indicate some variability in warm vs. cold years, and transport comparisons lead them to hypothesize that there is a Chukchi source of the calanus population caught on the shelf.
- Neely2018GRL - Unraveling Phytoplankton Community Dynamics in the Northern Chukchi Sea Under Sea-Ice-Covered and Sea-Ice-Free Conditions
- Multivariate classification of phytoplankton groups in association with ice and ice-free conditions in the N. Chukchi sea, showing clear variability as a function of depth and ice presence during the ICESCAPE program.
- Ashjian2017DSRII - Mesozooplankton abundance and distribution in association with hydrography on Hanna Shoal, NE Chukchi Sea, during August 2012 and 2013
- Description of the late-summer zooplankton community composition at Hannah Shoal during August of 2012 and 2013, focusing on copepods and euphausiids of interest for bowhead whales.
- Gong2016DSRII - Early summer water mass transformation in the eastern Chukchi Sea
- Detection of a dense Chukchi Sea Water and the description of possible sources due to formation relating tot he modification of water masses as they are transported across the NE Chukchi Shelf via observation during early summer.
- Pickart2016DSRII - Circulation of winter water on the Chukchi shelf in early Summer
- Study of the movement of winter water in the NE Chukchi Sea, describing the circulation and transport around Hanna Shoal towards Barrow Canyon.
- Woodgate2012GRL - Observed increases in Bering Strait oceanic fluxes from the Pacific to the Arctic from 2001 to 2011 and their impacts on the Arctic Ocean water column
- Trends of transport at Bering Strait from 2001 to 2011
- CorlettPickart2017PO - The Chukchi slope current
- The authors describe the observation of a westward flow that advects a significant portion of Pacific-origin water, predominantly winter water, westward along the slope, as well as a weaker shelfbreak jet moving shallower water to the east.
- Danielson2017DSRII - A comparison between late summer 2012 and 2013 water masses, macronutrients, and phytoplankton standing crops in the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas
- This paper presents an overview of the physical, chemical, and phytoplankton observations as they relate to winds, flow, and ice conditions as observed during the 2012 and 2013 Arctic EIS program. First set of "physics to fish" observations covering the whole region.
- Woodgate2015OCN - A Synthesis of Year-Round Interdisciplinary Mooring Measurements in the Bering Strait (1990-2014) and the RUSALCA Years (2004-2011)
- Overview of the ADCP and other moored sensors deployed from 1990-2014 in the Bering Strait. Stresses the importance of the Bering Strait as the sole conduit of water into the Arctic from the Pacific. Near-complete 24 year time series of flow through Bering Strait.
- Weingartner1997AFS - A review of the Physical Oceanography of the Northeastern Chukchi Sea
- A review of the physical oceanography published in 'Fish Ecology in Arctic North America', AFS symposium proceedings. Outlines the physical oceanography during the ice-free season in the NE Chukchi.
- Peralta-FerrizWoodgate2017GRL - The Dominant Role of the East Siberian Sea in Driving the Oceanic Flow Through the Bering Strait—Conclusions From GRACE Ocean Mass Satellite Data and In Situ Mooring Observations Between 2002 and 2016
- Use of satellite-derived mean ocean bottom pressure which indicates that the dominant driver of variability in Bering trait throughflow is low sea surface height in the East Siberian Sea as a result of westward winds moving water from the shelves to the basin.
- Kodaira2020SR - Record high Pacific Arctic seawater temperatures and delayed sea ice advance in response to episodic atmospheric blocking
- 2018
- Gong2015DSRII - Summertime circulation in the eastern Chukchi Sea
- Description of the water masses and transport across the Chukchi as observed in late-summer, focussed on the flow from Bering Strait to Barrow canyon and the implications on the Arctic basin.
- AhlnasGarrison1984A - Satellite and oceanographic observations of the warm coastal current in the Chukchi Sea
- Satellite observations of the Alaskan Coastal Current and the role of the current in the melt back of Chukchi Sea ice.
- WangJC2015 - Historical changes in the Beaufort-Chukchi-Bering Seas surface winds and waves, 1971-2013
- Analysis of historical trends in wind speed and surface waves in the PAR to determine long term trends in waves, showing increases in wave height and period.
- Zhang2020JGRO - Mechanisms Driving the Interannual Variability of the Bering Strait Throughflow
- Numerical model to study the role of pressure head and wind forcing separately the North Pacific vs. Arctic Ocean on transport and inflow at Bering Strait.
- Woodgate2018PO - Increases in the Pacific inflow to the Arctic from 1990 to 2015, and insights into seasonal trends and driving mechanisms from year-round Bering Strait mooring data
- Trends of transport at Bering Strait from continuous measurements from 19990 - 2016. Transport increase of .01-.02 Sv/year, driven by changes in the pressure head.
- Ovall2021PO - Ice, wind, and water: Synoptic-scale controls of circulation in the Chukchi Sea
- SYnthesis of mooring, satellite, model, and weather statio data to look at relationship between circulation, wind, and sea ice over 1 year in the Chukchi Sea. Identifies modes of flow driven by northeasterly winds.
- Stabeno2018JGRO - Flow Patterns in the Eastern Chukchi Sea: 2010–2015
- A synthesis of mooring, drifter, model, and satellite observations of the flow and physical oceanography in the NE Chukchi Sea.
- Woodgate2005DSRII - A year in the physical oceanography of the Chukchi Sea: Moored measurements from autumn 1990-1991
- Mooring data from a 1-year deployment of CTDs and ADCPs across US and Russian waters of the Chukchi Shelf, to present the seasonality and flow across the entire Chukchi Sea over 1 year.
- Pisareva2017DSRII - On the nature of wind-forced upwelling in Barrow Canyon
- Study of Barrow Canyon upwelling, describing differences in warm and cold seasons and wind speed dependence.
- Martini2016JGRO - Dependence of subsurface chlorophyll on seasonal water masses in the Chukchi Sea
- Mapping of the subsurface chlorophyll maximum in the NE Chukchi Sea in late-summer, and the variability in nutrients and chlorophyll with hydrography and meltwater/summer water fronts. They show that SCM depth in late summer is sensitive to seasonal changes in hydrography.
- Wietz2021bRxiv - The Polar Night Shift: Annual Dynamics and Drivers of Microbial Community Structure in the Arctic Ocean
- Year long observations of shifts in the microbial community in Fram Strait. Use of RAS for collection and preservation of samples
- AlexanderNiebauer1981LO - Oceanography of the eastern Bering Sea ice-edge zone in spring1
- They investigate enhanced productivity and upwelling at the ice edge in the Eastern Bering Sea
- Steele2008GRL - Arctic Ocean surface warming trends over the past 100 years
- Observations of surface warming trends across the arctic and the association with the Arctic Oscilation.
- Duarte2012NCC - Abrupt climate change in the Arctic
- Discussion of the causes and impacts of climate change in the Arctic.
- Stroeve2014GRL - Changes in Arctic melt season and implications for sea ice loss
- Analysis of changes in melt and freeze timing of the artcic and implications for heat storage and SST due to albedo effects. Contains a table of melt and freeze onset by region.
- Balk2017FR - Surface-induced errors in target strength and position estimates during horizontal acoustic surveys.
- Simulations and field observations of TS and angle biases due to surface reflection in horizontal acoustics and target tracking.
- Boswell2020FR - Examining the relationship between morphological variation and modeled broadband scattering responses of reef-associated fishes from the Southeast United States
- Used CT scan swimbladder models to look at variability in common reef fish species in the Gulf of Mexico. Variability was high, and they report new TS-L relationships for their taxa.
- Cotter2021JASA - Comparison of mesopelagic organism abundance estimates using in situ target strength measurements and echo-counting techniques
- Comparision of organism density estimates derived from volume backscatter and echo-counting methods.
- Dunn2022LOM - Evaluation of discrete target detection with an acoustic Doppler current profiler
- Proof-of-concept demonstration comparing single target detection by ADCP to split-beam echosounder. Associated with BAMFF software package.
- KlevjarKaardvedt2003ALR - Split-beam target tracking can be used to study the swimming behaviour of deep-living plankton in situ *
- Arrhenius2000FR - Can stationary bottom split-beam hydroacoustics be used to measure fish swimming speed in situ?
- Arrhenius et al. deployed an upward facing echosounder in two lakes to determine the ability of a split-beam echosounder to track fish, using a stereo-video system to validate the recorded swim speeds.
- Bassett2020JASA - Frequency- and depth-dependent target strength measurements of individual mesopelagic scatterers
- Observations of depth-variable TS and spectral classification in mesopelagic layers which indicate ship-based 38 kHz estimates may be underestimating biomass.
- BrautasetJMS2020 - Acoustic classification in multifrequency echosounder data using deep convolutional neural networks
- Use of a CNN to identify sandeel in multiple years of multifrequency data, demonstrating potential and advantages. Model performance was good but highly dependent on annotation and training setup, and performance varied by year.
- Foote1987JASA - Fish target strengths for use in echo integrator surveys
- An investigation into the backscattering cross section, or target strength, of fish, and the methods for in situ determination of TS and relating it to fish length. Foote proposes a set of regression analyses from in situ measurements for generalized fish families based on available data.
- Stanton2003JMR - Inferring fish orientation from broadband-acoustic echoes
- Demonstration of the use of pulse-compressed broadband signal to constrain fish orientation by identifying multiple scattering sources within a single fish.
- TorgersenKaartvedt2001JMR - In situ swimming behaviour of individual mesopelagic fish studied by split-beam echo target tracking
- One of the earlier papers presenting the use of target tracking of individual fish to evaluate individual behavior. Used a 38 kHz EK500 for data collection.
- Bassett2018JMS - Broadband echosounder measurements of the frequency response of fishes and euphausiids in the Gulf of Alaska
- Demonstrate the variability in Sv spectra among different monospecific aggregations in the Gulf of Alaska and the limited ability to discriminate among species.
- EhrenbergTorkelson1996JMS - Application of dual-beam and split-beam target tracking in fisheries acoustics
- Discussion of dual-beam and split-beam fish tracking techniques and their application for fisheries research. Appendix contains calculations for error/noise in split-beam angular estimates.
- Brede1990IMR - Target tracking with a split-beam echo sounder
- Demonstration of the ability to track targets and the ability to determine target strength and directivity in the beam.
- Demer2017ICES - Evaluation of a wideband echosounder for fisheries and marine ecosystem science
- ICES EK80 workshop report with guidance on the implementation of EK80 systems in fisheries surveys.
- Ona1996JMS - Acoustic sampling and signal processing near the seabed: The deadzone revisited
- Description and equations for acoustic dead zone and sA correction.
- Khodabandeloo2021JASA - Nonlinear crosstalk in broadband multi-channel echosounders
- Investigation of crosstalk issues in EK80
- Easson2020FMS - Combined eDNA and Acoustic Analysis Reflects Diel Vertical Migration of Mixed Consortia in the Gulf of Mexico
- Used eDNA sampling paired with shipboard and lowered echosounders systems to identify organism groups in DVM cycles, tracking taxa movement through the water column with both methods.
- DeRobertis2019JMS - Amplifier linearity accounts for discrepancies in echo-integration measurements from two widely used echosounders
- Found that echo-integration measurements of Ek80 are lower than those of EK60, and the range-dependency of the differences suggested a non-linear amplification in one of the systems which was identified within the EK60.
- Andersen2021arXiv - Quantitative processing of broadband data as implemented in a scientific splitbeam echosounder
- Overview of broadband signal processing as implemented in EK80. Presents the equations for calculating frequency dependent TS and Sv.
- Lee2021arXiv - Echopype: A Python library for interoperable and scalable processing of water column sonar data for biological information
- Overview of Echopype python library for processing of water column sonar data
- Lavery2017JMS - Exploiting signal processing approaches for broadband echosounders
- Demonstration of a) calibration based on frequency-dependent bandwidth and b) use of tapered match filter on untapered signal to resolve targets near boundaries.
- LevineDeRobertis2019FR - Don’t work too hard: Subsampling leads to efficient analysis of large acoustic datasets
- Demonstration of systematic subsampling to produce similar survey means with reduced user effort.
- Ona2020JMS - In situ calibration of observatory broadband echosounders
- Calibrated a bottom-mounted observatory echosounder using a sphere from a ship in dynamic positioning.
- Kuhn2020MEPS - Test of unmanned surface vehicles to conduct remote focal follow studies of a marine predator
- Showed the feasibility of using saildrones to conduct focal follow surveys of northern fur seals and characterize their habitat use.
- Urmy2012JMS - Measuring the vertical distributional variability of pelagic fauna in Monterey Bay
- Use of a moored 38kHz echosounder to look at the vertical distribution of backscatter and temporal variability over an 18-month deployment in Monterey Bay, CA, USA.
- Verfuss2019MPB - A review of unmanned vehicles for the detection and monitoring of marine fauna
- A review of passive and active acoustic integration into unmanned vehicles, aimed at marine animal monitoring.
- ODriscoll2018AS - Acoustic deployments reveal Antarctic silverfish under ice in the Ross Sea
- This is a proof of concept study using a moored echosounder (ASL AZFP) and discrete observations from ships (acoustic and optical) to determine the abundance and spawning grounds of Antarctic silverfish.
- Kaartvedt2009MEPS - Use of bottom-mounted echo sounders in exploring behavior of mesopelagic fishes
- Reporting of observations from 3 months of a 15-month deployment of a moored upward facing EK60 in a fjord, with brief discussions of the behavior of lanternfish. Behaviors were derived from tracked fish, using population movement as the "current" to be removed from individual tracks.
- DeRobertis2021InPrep - Comparison of acoustic backscatter measurements from unmanned sailing vehicles and a noise-reduced research vessel
- Currently in preparation manuscript on the 2016 Saildrone deployment in the Bering Sea, investigating vessel avoidance during opportunistic and follow-the-leader ship-saildrone comparisons.
- DeRobertis2019JMS - Uncrewed surface vehicle (USV) survey of walleye pollock, Gadus chalcogrammus, in response to the cancellation of ship-based surveys *
- Zhang2021JOE - Persistent Sampling of Vertically Migrating Biological Layers by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle within the Beam of a Seabed-Mounted Echosounder
- Use of AUVs to collect eDNA samples within the beam of a seafloor mounted echosounder
- UrmyHorne2016DSRI - Multi-scale responses of scattering layers to environmental variability in Monterey Bay, California
- Use of a moored 38kHz echosounder to correlate backscatter with oceanographic variability over an 18-month deployment in Monterey Bay, CA, USA. Same system used in Urmy et al, 2012, J. Mar. Sci..
- Benoit-Bird2018LOM - Equipping an underwater glider with a new echosounder to explore ocean ecosystems
- An EK80 (WBT-Mini) was installed on a slocum glider and deployed in Monterey Bay. This paper documents the instrumentation, installation, and preliminary data from the first deployments.
- Mordy2017O - Advances in Ecosystem Research: Saildrone Surveys of Oceanography, Fish, and Marine Mammals in the Bering Sea
- Overview of the 2016 Saildrone mission in the Bering Sea investigating relationships between fur seal bheavior and pollock distribution
- Ross2013MO - On the use of high-frequency broadband sonar to classify biological scattering layers from a cabled observatory in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia
- Used clustering to reduce the volume and discriminate between species/layers in long-term mooring data via spectral response, normalized spectra, and acoustic color.
- Ohman2019LOM - Zooglider: An autonomous vehicle for optical and acoustic sensing of zooplankton
- A spray glider with integrated 200 and 1000 kHz sonar and zoocam shadow imaging camera.
- Liu2017PUC - Big data challenges in ocean observation: a survey
- Overview and examples of methods for 'big data' in marine science, including industry standards and examples of applications
- Campbell2020JMS - The Prince William Sound Plankton Camera: a profiling in situ observatory of plankton and particulates
- Application of convolutional neural network for identification of zooplankton species/taxa from profiling camera system over a 2-year deployment in PWS.
- Rougier2014PLOSCB - Ten Simple Rules for Better Figures
- Study of body and lipid condition under different temperature-food conditions, showing temperature directly impacts larval A cod and pollock, and condition varies with both temperature and food availability.
- Harden2020JGRO - Trends in Physical Properties at the Southern New England Shelf Break
- Use of annual CTD surveys of the New England Shelf break to investigate changes from 2003 to 2012 in shelf structure, finding warming and increasing buoyancy likely related to observed changes in the gulf stream meanders.
- Chen2018O - Atmospheric and Offshore Forcing of Temperature Variability at the Shelf Break
- Review of the atmospheric processes that impact the heat balance between advection and air-sea interactions
- Gawarkiewicz2018O - The Changing Nature of Shelf-Break Exchange Revealed by the OOI Pioneer Array
- Observations from OOI gliders and moorings of warm core ring intrusions and new shelf break exchange processes.
- Pedersen2009FR - Advection and retention as life trait modulators of capelin larvae-A case study from the Norwegian coast and the Barents Sea
- Use of particle simulation modeling and larval surveys to investigate the role of mesoscale eddies on the transport/retention of capelin larvae along he Norwegian coast.
- Mehner2012FB - Diel vertical migration of freshwater fishes - proximate triggers, ultimate causes and research perspectives
- Review of patterns and mechanism of DVM in freshwater fish.
- Berdahl2013S - Emergent Sensing of Complex Environments by Mobile Animal Groups
- Investigating the mechanisms of group behavior response to environmental gradients in fish.
- Basolo1990S - Female preferences predates the evolution of the sword in swordtail fish
- Observations testing the selection by females of a non-ancestral trait in males.
- Fausch2014EBF - A historical perspective on drift foraging models for stream salmonids
- An overview, given by Fausch, of the development of his drift foraging model and expansion and extended applications that have occurred since.
- Mailik2020FMS - Environmentally Driven Seasonal Forecasts of Pacific Hake Distribution
- Used habitat characteristics and temperature, including a lead time (i.e., conditions from the previous 8 months) to predict hake distribution.
- WardHart2003FF - The effects of kin and familiarity on interactions between fish
- Review of literature on role of recognition of relatedness in interactions.
- Genner1999JAE - Resource control by territorial male cichlid fish in Lake Malawi
- Interspecific territoriality may reduce competition between species with different diets, thus promoting coexistence and high levels of diversity.
- Power1984E - Depth Distributions of Armored Catfish: Predator-Induced Resource Avoidance?
- Showed that for this population of loricariids, predation avoidance was more important than resource exploitation, and is dependent on age.
- Chapman2012JFB - Partial migration in fishes: Causes and consequences
- Review of partial migration strategies, and the evolutionary causes and management consequences.
- Couzin2011S - Uninformed Individuals Promote Democratic Consensus in Animal Groups
- In the presence of a strongly opinionated majority, the introduction of naive (unbiased) individuals helps to return group decision making to the majority
- Catano2017O - Predator identity and time of day interact to shape the risk–reward trade-off for herbivorous coral reef fishes
- Herbivorous fish show a threat-sensitive response by decreasing foraging near models of predators, but the effect is dependent on time of day.
- ScheuerellSchindler2003E - Diel Vertical Migration by Juvenile Sockeye Salmon: Empirical Evidence for the Antipredation Window
- Juvenile sockeye migrate to maintain a specific light environment to minimize predation risk in lakes.
- Ebersole1977E - The Adaptive Significance of Interspecific Territoriality in the Reef Fish Eupomacentrus Leucostictus
- Both food resource and nest defense are prominent functions of interspecific territoriality
- Fausch1984CJZ - Profitable stream positions for salmonids: relating specific growth rate to net energy gain
- Salmon select focal points based on water-velocity and food supply to maximize net gain, and in specific regions, further organization is dictated by hierarchies in which dominant fish hold more optimal positions and thus increase their growth rates.
- Robinson2019MEPS - Predation strategies of larval clownfish capturing evasive copepod prey
- Observe and quantify the feeding success and failure of larval fish as a function of both fish age (day post-hatch) and copepod stage.
- Chapman2011EL - To boldly go: Individual differences in boldness influence migratory tendency
- Investigating the role of boldness in determining which individuals migrate in a partially migrating species. Individual predation vulnerability, higher in bold fish, possibly the main factor driving the decision to migrate.
- Methot1986CR - Frame trawl for sampling pelagic juvenile fish
- Overview of Methot net for sampling of pelagic juvenile fish and zooplankton
- Clayton1987B - Why Mudskippers Build Walls
- Shows the impact of compressibility (increasing density) on territoriality through the use of mudwalls to define spaces and limit aggression between neighbors.
- Brown2014BES - Background level of risk determines the intensity of predator neophobia in juvenile convict cichlids
- Background level of predation risk (pre-exposure) is a stronger driver of neophobic response than concentration of cue.
- Dixson2008PRSB - Coral reef fish smell leaves to find island homes
- Clownfish appear to have an innate olfactory attraction to rainforest vegetation which could be used to search out suitable habitat on island-associated reefs.
- Parrish2002BB - Self-organized fish schools: An examination of emergent properties
- Tries to detangle the role of social and asocial forcings, and the mechanisms of why fish school through exploration of previous model development and their own.
- Biro2003E - From individuals to populations: Prey fish risk-taking mediates mortality in whole-system experiments
- Whole lake studies of rainbow trout where they conclude that mortality due to predation depends largely on food-dependent risk taking rather than predator density.
- Rose1995JMR - Cod (Gadus morhua L.) migration speeds and transport relative to currents on the north-east Newfoundland Shelf
- Observations of cod migration behavior by tracking agreggations using acoustics. They identify changes in school behavior with seaward/shoreward flow that suggest active transport.
- Lubchenco2020N - Five priorities for a sustainable ocean economy
- Priorities and suggestions of the Ocean Panel for global policy action for ocean energy, sustainability, and accounting.
- Rose1995JMS - Cod (Gadus morhua L.) migration speeds and transport relative to currents on the north-east Newfoundland Shelf
- Observations of cod migration from spawning to feeding grounds over 3 years using acoustic detection of shoal centroid. Observations indicate fish use active behavior to remain within the migration route.
- WarnerHoffman1980E - Population Density and the Economics of Territorial Defense in a Coral Reef Fish
- Implications of density on mating success of territorial male reef fishes, showing that decreased density of fish leads to less time defending and thus more time for mating.
- Philipp2009TAFS - Selection for Vulnerability to Angling in Largemouth Bass
- Long-term breeding study showing that vulnerability to recreational angling in largemouth bass is an inheritable trait.
- Warner1988N - Traditionality of mating-site preferences in a coral reef fish
- Observations of traditionalism in wrasse who appear establish mating territories based on traditional sites rather than resource assessment.
- Ward2011PNAS - Fast and accurate decisions through collective vigilance in fish shoals
- Lab tests showing that speed and accuracy of predator avoidance increase as a function of group size.
- Sisneros2009IZ - Adaptive hearing in the vocal plainfin midshipman fish: getting in tune for the breeding season and implications for acoustic communication.
- A review of the plasticity of frequency sensitivity in midhsipman
- Lima1998B - Nonlethal Effects in the Ecology of Predator-Prey Interactions
- Prey put in a significant amount of effort to avoid predation, and this behavior has major implications at the individual, population, and ecosystem level. A review of the current research.
- LimaDill1990CJZ - Behavioral decisions made under the risk of predation: a review and prospectus
- Risk of predation is integral to decision making. Here they outline many of the factors influenced by predation risk.
- Woillez2009ALR - Notes on survey-based spatial indicators for monitoring fish populations
- A manual of spatial indicators for use in fisheries ecology to describe population distribution.
- Shuterlad1998AB - The importance of behavioural studies in conservation biology.
- Review discussing key fields and research where behavioral studies can assist conservation
- Lampert1989FE - The Adaptive Significance of Diel Vertical Migration of Zooplankton
- Describes how DVM varies individually within a migrating population based on a compromise between predation pressure, food availability and temperature gradients.
- Pister1999EBF - Professional obligations in the conservation of fishes
- Editorial on the values and professional responsibilities of a fisheries researcher
- Gross1994TREE - The evolution of behavioural ecology
- Brief letter on the history of behavioral ecology as a field
- Heithaus2007JAE - State-dependent risk-taking by green sea turtles mediates top-down effects of tiger shark intimidation in a marine ecosystem
- Found that sea turtles in better condition were more likely to move out of regions of higher food quality when risk of predation increased. Shark presence has non-lethal implications on the turtle and thus the seagrass population.
- Helfman1999EBF - Behavior and fish conservation: introduction, motivation, and overview Gene
- The introduction to a special issue on behavior and fish conservation
- Burrows2019NCC - Ocean community warming responses explained by thermal affinities and temperature gradients
- Demonstrate the effect of temperature on community shifts independent of other pressures based on the thermal niches of species within marine communities.