Demonstrates using Kubernetes by deploying a container that toggles LEDs, in order to discuss key concepts such as deployment, services, labels, node selection, scaling, privileges etc.
First we need to build a cluster, for this check out the following awesome projects;
A Raspberry Pi 3 Kubernetes Cluster
[](Project31 aims to deploy the Fabric8 applications on ARM64 architectures, in particular a cluster of RaspberryPi3 and Pine64.)
Turning on an LED with your Raspberry Pi's GPIO Pins
This route toggles the state of the GPIO pin every second.
If using Spring then repackage as follows;
See if it works;
mvn clean install
sudo java -jar target/kubernetes-led-demo.jar
NB Base image is Hypriot's Java 8 for rPi, to this we add the far-jar and configure the entry-point;
mvn clean install
You can also run a prebuilt image that toggles the state of GPIO_01
docker run -it --privileged taariq/rpi-kubernetes-led-demo:1.0-SNAPSHOT
or specify a different pin
docker run -e gpioId=GPIO_02 -it --privileged taariq/rpi-kubernetes-led-demo:1.0-SNAPSHOT
docker run -it --privileged --rm rpi-kubernetes-led-demo:1.0-SNAPSHOT
NB Run the container as privileged so wiringPi can access the device ( /dev/mem )
- fabric8-maven-plugin commands
- kubectl to label nodes etc