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Tag Cloud
Name | Blog | Description |
나윤환 | https://nayunhwan.github.io/ | React |
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남영환 | http://www.iamfrom.kr/ | Java, Javascript |
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도경태 | https://medium.com/@keendev |
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Name | Blog | Description |
편해걸 | http://dev-momo.tistory.com/ | Front-end |
Name | Blog | Description |
Adam Bien | http://www.adam-bien.com/roller/abien/ | Real World Java EE Patterns 저자 |
Adam Fletcher | https://medium.com/@adam_34309 | Gyroscope Software CEO |
Andrea Giammarchi | http://webreflection.blogspot.kr/ | Javascript |
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Armin Ronacher | http://lucumr.pocoo.org/ | Flask, Lektor 개발자 |
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Bojan Gvozderac | https://medium.com/@bojangbusiness | |
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Chris Lattner | http://nondot.org/sabre/ | LLVM, Swift 창시자 |
Chris Ng | http://chrisrng.svbtle.com/ | Front-end |
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Dan Webb | http://danwebb.net/ | 프론트엔드 개발자 |
Daniel Shiffman | http://shiffman.net/ | Processing |
David Bryant | https://medium.com/@david_bryant | Mozilla |
David Ford | https://medium.com/@daveford | Kotlin |
David Moreau Simard | https://dmsimard.com/ | RedHat Senior Software Engineer, OpenStack |
David Robinson | http://varianceexplained.org/ | 스택오버플로 데이터 과학자 |
David Thomas | http://pragdave.me/ | 실용주의 프로그래머 공저, Elixir 언어 |
David Walsh | https://davidwalsh.name/ | Javascript |
Derick Bailey | https://derickbailey.com/ | Javascript 개발자 |
Dino Esposito | https://software2cents.wordpress.com/ | .NET 에반젤리스트 |
Douglas Crockford | http://www.crockford.com/ | JSON 창시자, JavaScript: The Good Parts 저자 |
Eli Bendersky | http://eli.thegreenplace.net/ | Haskell |
Eric A. Meyer | http://meyerweb.com/ | |
Eric S. Raymond | http://www.catb.org/~esr/ | The Cathedral and the Bazaar 저자 |
Erik Bernhardsson | https://erikbern.com/ | Better CTO. Machine Learning |
Gal Sagie | http://galsagie.github.io/ | OpenStack Networking |
Hadley Wickham | http://hadley.nz/ | R studio |
Jake Wharton | http://jakewharton.com/ | Android |
James D Bloom | http://blog.jamesdbloom.com/ | JVM |
James Gosling | http://nighthacks.com/roller/jag/ | Java 창시자 |
Jeff Atwood | http://blog.codinghorror.com/ | 스택오버플로 주인장 |
Jeff Langr | http://langrsoft.com/jeff/ | 지금길로 빠르게 배울 수 있는 자바 저자 |
Jessie Frazelle | https://blog.jessfraz.com/ | Container |
Joe Hewitt | http://joehewitt.com/ | Firebug 개발자 |
Joel Spolsky | http://www.joelonsoftware.com/ | 조엘온소프트웨어 저자, 개발방법론 |
John Gruber | https://daringfireball.net/ | Markdown 창시자 |
John McClean | https://medium.com/@johnmcclean | Maintainer of Cyclops |
John Mumm | http://jtfmumm.com/blog/ | |
John Resig | http://ejohn.org/ | jQuery 창시자, 칸 아카데미 개발자 |
Jonathan Snook | https://snook.ca/ | SMACSS 창시자 |
Josh Symonds | http://joshsymonds.com | Founder of Symonds & Son, Devops |
Kevin Sookocheff | https://sookocheff.com/ | |
Lars Vogell | http://www.vogella.com/ | 이클립스 커미터 |
Linus Torvalds | https://plus.google.com/+LinusTorvalds | Linux 창시자 |
Marius Schulz | https://blog.mariusschulz.com/ | Javascript 개발자 |
Mark Otto | http://markdotto.com/ | Bootstrap 창시자, 디자이너 |
Martin Fowler | http://martinfowler.com/ | 리팩토링 창시자 |
Michael Hausenblas | https://medium.com/@mhausenblas | Open Shift, Kubernetes |
Mike Bostock | https://bost.ocks.org/mike/ | D3.js 창시자 |
Mike Gouline | https://blog.gouline.net/ | |
Mike Nakhimovich | https://medium.com/@theMikhail | Google Developer Expert Android |
Nicolai Parlog | http://blog.codefx.org/, https://medium.com/@nipa | Java channel editor at SitePoint |
Phil Haack | http://haacked.com/ | Github 개발자 |
Paul Bakker | http://paulbakker.io/ | Modular Cloud Apps with OSGI 저자 |
Paul Lewis | https://aerotwist.com/ | Google Web Developer |
Ricardo Cabello | http://mrdoob.com/ | Three.js 창시자 |
Richard Stallman | https://www.stallman.org/ | Free Software Foundation, GNU Project 창시자 |
Robert C. Martin | http://blog.cleancoder.com/ | 클린 코드 저자 |
Rod Johnson | https://medium.com/@springrod | Spring 창시자 |
Sacha Greif | https://medium.com/@sachagreif | Front-end |
Sam Newman | http://samnewman.io/ | Building Microservices 저자 |
Scott Hanselman | http://www.hanselman.com/ | ASP.NET |
Stephen Colebourne | http://blog.joda.org/ | Joda-Time 창시자 |
Steve Wozniak | http://www.woz.org/ | Apple 공동창업자 |
Thomas Fuchs | http://mir.aculo.us/ | script.aculo.us, Zepto.js 창시자 |
Thomas Stringer | https://medium.com/@trstringer | Technical Evangelist at Microsoft |
Vinicius Isola | https://visola.github.io/ | Full-stack |
Will McGugan | https://www.willmcgugan.com/ | Moya(no-Python Python Web Framework) |