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Creating Talos cluster(single node)

# clone this repo
cd <repo>
# Download the talos iso
wget --timestamping -O tmp/metal-amd64.iso

cd vagrant/
# Bring up the vagrant environment
vagrant up --provider=libvirt
# Check the status
vagrant status

# Find out the IP addresses assigned by the libvirt DHCP by running
virsh list | grep talos | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -t -L1 virsh domifaddr

# Generate a machine configuration
talosctl gen config my-cluster https://<IP address of your control plane>:6443 --install-disk /dev/vda --force
# Apply the configuration to the initial control plane node
talosctl -n <IP address of your control plane> apply-config --insecure --file controlplane.yaml
# Set up your shell to use the generated talosconfig and configure its endpoints (use the IPs of the control plane nodes)
export TALOSCONFIG=$(realpath ./talosconfig) && talosctl config endpoint <IP address of your control plane>
# Bootstrap the Kubernetes cluster from the initial control plane node
talosctl -n <IP address of your control plane> bootstrap

# Retrieve the kubeconfig from the cluster
talosctl -n <IP address of your control plane> kubeconfig ./kubeconfig
# List the nodes in the cluster
kubectl --kubeconfig ./kubeconfig get node -owide

Bootstrapping cluster

We manage Helm package installations in the cluster using ArgoCD. Before deploying applications with ArgoCD, we manually provision ArgoCD and its supporting tools using the Terraform Helm provider.


Local storage

Making changes to the cluster to configure local storage

add the following to controlplane.yaml

            - destination: /var/openebs/local # Destination is the absolute path where the mount will be placed in the >              type: bind # Type specifies the mount kind.
              source: /var/openebs/local # Source specifies the source path of the mount.
              # Options are fstab style mount options.
                - bind
                - rshared
                - rw

we are deploying openebs local storage as the local storage solution

talosctl -n <IP address of your control plane> apply-config --file controlplane.yaml

Removing taint from control plane node

kubectl taint node <Control plane node name>

Deploying argo-cd and sealed-secrets-controller

cd terraform/
terraform init
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform apply

Deploying SealedSecret for argocd repository and app of apps argo applications

create a secret for adding your first argocd repository

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: gitops-repo
  namespace: argocd
  labels: repository
  type: git
  url: <REPO>
  password: <TOKEN>
  username: <USERNAME>

we are going to convert this secret to a sealed secret

cat gitops-repo.yaml | kubeseal --format yaml > app2repo.yaml
kubectl apply -f app2repo.yaml
# creating our first argocd application which can bootstrap the rest of the cluster, dont forget to replace templated values
kubectl apply -f helm/templates/bootstrap.yaml


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