This code is for the lane follower, including perception and control, as shown below.
- Hardware
- Industrial Camera
- Intel-NUC(10FNK)
- Software
- Ubuntu18.04
- Python3.6
- OpenCV4.2
- PyTorch1.8.1
See environment.txt for details.
The code supports the offline testing, which takes the offline video as input and output the demo video.
The code also supports the online testing, which takes the real-time video streaming from the industrial camera as input and controls the vehicle.
You can find the offline testing video and the corresponding demo video here [n25o].
- --- Offline testing
- --- Online testing
basic_function --- Some Basic Function
- show_img(name, img): Show the image
- find_files(directory, pattern): Method to find target files in one directory, including subdirectory
- get_M_Minv(): Get Perspective Transform
- draw_area(img_origin, img_line, Minv, left_fit, right_fit): Draw the road area in the image
- draw_demo(img_result, img_bin, img_canny, img_line, img_line_warp, img_bev_result, curvature, distance_from_center, steer): Generate the Demo image
lib_camera --- Class for the industrial camera
- open(): Open the camera
- grab(): Grab an image from the camera
- close(): Close the camera
mvsdk --- Official lib for the industrial camera
lib_can --- Class for the CAN
- OpenDevice(): Open the CAN device
- InitCAN(can_idx=0): Init the CAN
- StartCan(can_idx=0): Start the CAN
- Send(can_idx, id, frame_len, data): Send messages to CAN
- Listen(can_idx, id, try_cnt=10): Receive messages from CAN
- CloseDevice(): Close the CAN device
lib_LaneDetector --- Class for the lane detector
- detect_line(img_input, steer, memory, debug=False): Main Function
- pre_process(img, debug=False): Image Preprocessing
- find_line(img, memory, debug=False): Detect the lane using Sliding Windows Methods
- calculate_curv_and_pos(img_line, left_fit, right_fit): Calculate the curvature & distance from the center
lib_ObjectDetector --- Class for the traffic object detector based on YOLO5
- load_model(): Load Yolo5 model from pytorch hub
- detect(frame, img_area): Predict and analyze using yolo5
- class_to_label(idx): Return the corresponding string label for a given label value
- plot_detections(results, frame): Takes a frame and its results as input, and plots the bounding boxes and label on to the frame
lib_vehicle --- Class for the vehicle model and vehicle control
- steer_cal(curvature, dist_from_center): Calculate the steer according to the curvature of the lane and the distance form the center
- steer_ctrl(): Control the steer by sending the signal via CAN
- steer_get(): Get the real steer of the vehicle via the CAN
- --- DLL for the CAN device
- --- DLL for the industrial camera