Nimble is a small, quick and flexible Model-View-Presenter library for Android
If you do not know much about MVP, please read MVP Definition and best practices. Or read more about Nimble.
- Nimble provides simple base classes to implement MVP simple. You can get it from maven center or copy and paste few lines of code.
- Nimble is simple has less than 500 lines of code. So it is easy to read and understand. You cat get familiar with it in just 30 minutes.
- Nimble has well tested code (more than 89% code coverage) so you can confident when using it.
- Nimble is designed to be flexible. So you can use it any way you. It can be used perfectly with Dagger or you can manage it manually.
- Nimble provides mechanism to manage the life cycle of the view for you.
- Nimble provides mechanism to save data when activity/fragment/view is recreated throws Bundle class.
Nimble has two simple examples in this repository: Nimble-exaple and Nimble example with Dagger 2. There is more complete example for Nimble is Snowball which is a well tested sample project.
Nimble has two basic interfaces NimbleView and NimblePresenter. They are base interfaces for ant views and presenters.
You should follow these steps to create a MVP component in your application:
- Create a View interface which must extents NimbleView:
public interface MainView extends NimbleView {
void showUser(User user);
- Create a Presenter interface which must extent NimblePresenter with View generic like:
public interface MainPresenter extends NimblePresenter<MainView> {
void getUser();
- Implement your Presenter which should extent BasePresenter:
public class MainPresenterImpl extends BasePresenter<MainView> implements MainPresenter {
public void getUser(){
User user = ...
- Implement your View which should extent base a Nimble Views such as NimbleActivity and implments your View interface:
public class MainActivity extends NimbleActivity<MainView> implements MainView {
private MainPresenter presenter;
protected MainPresenter presenter() {
if(presenter == null){
presenter = new MainPresenter();
return presenter;
void onButtonClicked(){
Congratulation!!! You have a MVP component now.
Nimble has a lot of inspiration from other great MVP libraries for Android:
- Mortar -
- Nucleus -
- Mosby -
compile 'com.lenguyenthanh.nimble:nimble:0.5.1'
Copyright (C) 2016 Thanh Le
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.