This javascript program implements the http API from namesilo to update the value of an "Existing Resource Record " with your public ip address, polling it from ipyfy public service.
This script was developed and tested using:
- nodejs >= 4.5.6
- npm >= 3.5.2
- namesilo api key
Clone the repository .
git clone
cd namesilo_ddns_record_updater
Install all node modules.
npm install
Rename the file example_config.js to config.js. On linux you can do that with the next command:
mv config_example.js config.js
Edit the file config.js filling the empty ("") config properties. Take this as an example:
var _ = require('lodash');
var config = {
ipifyPublicHttpServiceQuery : "",
namesilo_target_domain : "", //your main domain
namesilo_target_resource_host : "", //a target value update subdomain
namesilo_api_key : "b2fdef38c2932a3eb47f", //you must get an ip key from namesilo
record_list_http_query_template : _.template("<%- apiKey %>&domain=<%- targetDomain %>"),
update_http_query_template : _.template("<%- apiKey %>&domain=<%- targetDomain %>&rrid=<%- targetResourceId %>&rrhost=<%- targetResourceHost %>&rrvalue=<%- value %>&rrttl=7207 ")
module.exports = config;
If everything above is ok the just run the script.
npm start