This repository contains some files to demonstrate how to deploy a simple application to Kubernetes.
- A working kubernetes cluster
- kubectl
- helm
The first application is a simple echo server.
It can be deployed with :
cd echoserver
kubectl create ns echoserver
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
You can then test it with :
kubectl port-forward svc/echo-service 8080:80
You can scale the deployment and observe the round-robin behaviour of the service :
kubectl scale deploy echo-deployment --replicas=2
You can try the service with a NodePort (not recommended in production) :
´´´ kubectl delete -f service.yaml kubectl create -f service-nodeport.yaml ´´´
If you have a firewall, you need to open port 30007.
For instance with gcloud:
gcloud config set project <project>
gcloud compute firewall-rules create echoserver --allow tcp:30007
To cleanup :
kubectl delete -f deployment.yaml
kubectl delete -f service.yaml
kubectl create -f service-nodeport.yaml
To demonstrate a deployment with helm, we'll use a pacman application chart.
helm repo add pacman
helm install pacman pacman/pacman -n pacman --create-namespace
You can test with :
kubectl port-forward svc/pacman 8080:80
If you want to test with an ingress (might incur additional costs for the load balancer) :
As we are using GKE, we first need a global IP address :
gcloud compute addresses create pacman-ip --global
We can then deploy the application, with the updated values :
helm install pacman pacman/pacman -n pacman --create-namespace -f values-ingress.yaml