Configuration on my i3wm. BtW I uSE ArCH!!!
polybar | My primary bar |
dunst | Notification daemon |
(AUR) i3-gaps-rounded-git | Allowing i3-gaps to go in rounded mode |
URxvt | My primary terminal |
mpd & ncmpcpp & mpc | Music daemon and media player for mpd |
scrot | Tool for screenshoot |
rofi | Minimalist menu launcher |
networkmanager_dmenu | Network manager applet but based on rofi (its cool) |
firefox | Favorite browser (fu*k chrome) |
picom | Compositor |
Basically i installed Nerd Font Complete But it was wasting my storage, for you i'll give you fonts that really needs. Make sure to check in bellow of theme list. Copy font in /usr/share/fonts
or ~/.local/share/fonts
then run fc-cache -f -v
Color included at xrdb
folder, copy my .Xresources
config, and edit colors
- Polybar1
- For color,
- Polybar2
- For color,