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EdAyers committed Sep 16, 2022
1 parent 2a4b041 commit 98de35e
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Showing 3 changed files with 70 additions and 54 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/Lean/Server/FileWorker/RequestHandling.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,7 +171,11 @@ def getInteractiveGoals (p : Lsp.PlainGoalParams) : RequestM (RequestTask (Optio
let goals : Widget.InteractiveGoals := {goals}
if useAfter then
-- add a goal diff
Widget.diffInteractiveGoals ti.goalsBefore.toArray goals
Widget.diffInteractiveGoals ti.goalsBefore.toArray goals
catch e =>
let msg ← e.toMessageData.format
return {goals with message? := s!"internal error when diffing goals:\n{msg}"}
return goals
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107 changes: 65 additions & 42 deletions src/Lean/Widget/Diff.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,41 +13,40 @@ namespace Lean.Widget

open Server Std Lean SubExpr

-- def getMvars (e : Expr) : Set (Expr) :=

open Lean.Expr in
/-- Define `m₁` to be the parent of `m₂` in a given mvar-context when `m₁` has been
assigned with an expression containing `m₂`.
Some technicalities:
Suppose `m₁ : (n : Nat) → P`, and the new goal `n : Nat ⊢ m₂ : P` was got with an application of `intro`.
Now, `m₁` is assigned the expression `fun (n : Nat) => m₃ n`.
`m₃` is an auxilliary mvar with a delayed assignment.
`m₃` is an auxilliary mvar with a delayed assignment, so we have to look a step further if there is a delayed mvar.
partial def isParent (m₁ m₂ : MVarId) : MetaM Bool := do
let some assignment ← Lean.getExprMVarAssignment? m₁ | return false
let assignment ← instantiateMVars assignment
let r ← assignment.findExtM? (fun e => do
if !e.hasMVar then return FindStep.done else
match e with
| .mvar m =>
if m == m₂ then
return FindStep.found
let m' ← getDelayedMVarRoot m
if m' == m₂ then
return FindStep.found
if m' != m ∧ (← m'.isAssigned) then
if ← isParent m' m₂ then -- probably dodgy recursion
partial def isParent (m₁ m₂ : MVarId): MetaM Bool := core m₁ 2
where core (m₁ : MVarId) (fuel : Nat) : MetaM Bool := do
let some assignment ← Lean.getExprMVarAssignment? m₁ | return false
let assignment ← instantiateMVars assignment
let r ← assignment.findExtM? (fun e => do
if !e.hasMVar then return FindStep.done else
match e with
| .mvar m =>
if m == m₂ then
return FindStep.found
return FindStep.done
| _ => return FindStep.visit
return r.isSome
let m' ← getDelayedMVarRoot m
if m' == m₂ then
return FindStep.found
if m' != m ∧ (← m'.isAssigned) ∧ fuel > 0 then
if ← core m' (fuel - 1) then -- [todo] is this wf without fuel?
return FindStep.found
return FindStep.done
| _ => return FindStep.visit
return r.isSome

/-- A marker for a point in the expression where a subexpression has been inserted.
NOTE: in the future it may make sense to add `deleted` or `end_insert` tags too.
NOTE: in the future we may add other tags such as `deleted` or `end_insert`.
inductive ExprDiffPoint where
| inserted
Expand All @@ -65,19 +64,27 @@ instance : FromJson ExprDiffPoint where
instance : ToJson ExprDiffPoint where
toJson x := x.toString |> Json.str

/-- A description of the differences between a pair of expressions `e₀`, `e₁`.
The information is only used to display a 'visual diff' for `e₁`. -/
structure ExprDiff where
/-- A map from subexpr positions in `e₁` to 'diff points' which are tags
describing how the expression is changed at the given position.-/
changes : PosMap ExprDiffPoint := ∅

instance : EmptyCollection ExprDiff := ⟨{}⟩
instance : Append ExprDiff where
append a b := {changes := RBMap.mergeBy (fun _ _ b => b) a.changes b.changes}

def ExprDiff.tell (p : Pos) (d : ExprDiffPoint) : ExprDiff :=
/-- Creates an ExprDiff with a single diff point. -/
def ExprDiff.singleton (p : Pos) (d : ExprDiffPoint) : ExprDiff :=
RBMap.empty |>.insert p d |>

/-- If true, the expression before and the expression after are identical. -/
def ExprDiff.isEmpty (d : ExprDiff) : Bool :=
RBMap.isEmpty <| d.changes

/-- Determines whether the given expressions have the same function head and
the same number of arguments. -/
def sameHead (e₀ e₁ : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do
if e₀ == e₁ then return true
let f₀ := e₀.getAppFn
Expand All @@ -93,25 +100,43 @@ def ExprDiff.isRootReplacement (d : ExprDiff) : MetaM Bool := do
| (some .inserted) => return true
| _ => return false

/-- Computes a diff between `before` and `after` expressions.
This works by recursively comparing function arguments.
- diffs under binders, particularly if the binder count has changed as after `intro`.
- experiment with a 'greatest common subexpression' design where
given `e₀`, `e₁`, find the greatest common subexpressions `Xs : Array Expr` and a congruence `F` such that
`e₀ = F[A₀[..Xs]]` and `e₀ = F[A₁[..Xs]]`. Then, we can have fancy diff highlighting where common subexpressions are not highlighted.
partial def exprDiff (before after : Expr) (p : Pos := Pos.root) : MetaM ExprDiff := do
if before == after then
if !(← sameHead before after) then
return ExprDiff.tell p ExprDiffPoint.inserted
return ExprDiff.singleton p ExprDiffPoint.inserted
let afterArgs := after.getAppArgs
let beforeArgs := before.getAppArgs
if afterArgs.size == 0 then
return ExprDiff.tell p ExprDiffPoint.inserted
return ExprDiff.singleton p ExprDiffPoint.inserted
let n := afterArgs.size
let bas := beforeArgs afterArgs
let numDifferent := bas.filter (fun (a,b) => a != b) |>.size
if numDifferent > 1 ∧ p != Pos.root then
return ExprDiff.tell p ExprDiffPoint.inserted
/- heuristic: if we are not at the root expression and more than one
argument is different, we say that the change has occurred at the head term.
eg if comm `x + y ↝ y + x`, we want to highlight all of `y + x`.
One common case is if `⊢ A = B` and a tactic rewrites both `A` and `B`.
in this case it looks a little better to recurse the diff to `A` and `B` separately.
return ExprDiff.singleton p ExprDiffPoint.inserted
let rs : Array ExprDiff ← bas.mapIdxM (fun i (x,y) => do
exprDiff x y <| p.pushNaryArg n i
return rs.foldl (init := ∅) (· ++ ·)

/-- Given a `diff` between `before` and `after : Expr`, and the rendered `infoAfter : CodeWithInfos` for `after`,
this function decorates `infoAfter` with tags indicating where the expression has changed. -/
def addDiffTags (diff : ExprDiff) (infoAfter : CodeWithInfos) : MetaM CodeWithInfos := do
if diff.isEmpty then
return infoAfter
Expand All @@ -126,23 +151,21 @@ def addDiffTags (diff : ExprDiff) (infoAfter : CodeWithInfos) : MetaM CodeWithIn
open Meta

def diffHypothesesBundle (ctx₀ : LocalContext) (h₁ : InteractiveHypothesisBundle) : MetaM InteractiveHypothesisBundle := do
let mut h₁ := h₁
/- Strategy: we say a hypothesis has mutated if the ppName is the same but the fvarid has changed.
this indicates that something like `rewrite at` has hit it. -/
for (ppName, fvid) in h₁.names h₁.fvarIds do
if !(ctx₀.contains fvid) then
if let some decl₀ := ctx₀.findFromUserName? ppName then
-- on the old context there was an fvar with the same name as this one.
let t₀ := decl₀.type
h₁ ← withTypeDiff t₀ h₁
return h₁
return ← withTypeDiff t₀ h₁
catch e =>
let f ← e.toMessageData.format
return {h₁ with message? := s!"{f}"}
return {h₁ with isInserted? := true}
-- all fvids are present on original
-- [todo], not completly sure how tactics work but I think
-- we can assume that fvarids are refreshed if eg `rw [...] at h` is used
-- so on this branch we can assume no change.
-- all fvids are present on original so we can assume no change.
return h₁
where withTypeDiff (t₀ : Expr) (h₁ : InteractiveHypothesisBundle) : MetaM InteractiveHypothesisBundle := do
let some x₁ := h₁.fvarIds[0]?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,29 +196,29 @@ def diffInteractiveGoal (g₀ : MVarId) (i₁ : InteractiveGoal) : MetaM Interac
| throwError "Unknown goal {g₁}"
let t₁ ← instantiateMVars md₁.type
let tδ ← exprDiff t₀ t₁
if !(← tδ.isRootReplacement) then
let c₁ ← addDiffTags tδ i₁.type
i₁ := {i₁ with type := c₁, isInserted? := false}
let c₁ ← addDiffTags tδ i₁.type
i₁ := {i₁ with type := c₁, isInserted? := false}
return i₁

def ppMvar (m : MVarId) : MetaM Format := Meta.ppExpr <| .mvar m

def diffInteractiveGoals (gs₀ : Array MVarId) (igs₁ : InteractiveGoals) : MetaM InteractiveGoals := do
let goals ← igs₁.goals.mapM (fun ig₁ => do
/-- Modifies `goalsAfter` with additional information about how it is different to `goalsBefore`. -/
def diffInteractiveGoals (goalsBefore : Array MVarId) (goalsAfter : InteractiveGoals) : MetaM InteractiveGoals := do
let goals ← goalsAfter.goals.mapM (fun ig₁ => do
let some g₁ := ig₁.mvarId?
| return {ig₁ with message? := "error: goal not found"}
withGoalCtx (g₁ : MVarId) (fun _lctx₁ _md₁ => do
-- if the goal is present on the previous version then continue
if gs₀.any (fun g₀ => g₀ == g₁) then
if goalsBefore.any (fun g₀ => g₀ == g₁) then
return {ig₁ with isInserted? := none}
let some g₀ ← gs₀.findM? (fun g₀ => isParent g₀ g₁)
let some g₀ ← goalsBefore.findM? (fun g₀ => isParent g₀ g₁)
| return {ig₁ with
isInserted? := true
let ig₁ ← diffInteractiveGoal g₀ ig₁
return ig₁
return {igs₁ with goals := goals}
return {goalsAfter with goals := goals}

end Lean.Widget
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions src/Lean/Widget/InteractiveGoal.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,23 +96,12 @@ end InteractiveTermGoal

structure InteractiveGoals where
goals : Array InteractiveGoal
/-- Positions between items in the array where there used to be an item that has now been deleted.
E.g., deleting the first item would give `[0]`.
If there are `n` items, deleting the last item would give `[n]`.
We can render little red triangles in the margin indicating that an item was deleted at a particular position. -/
deleted? : Option (Array Nat) := none
/-- An optional string to show the user after all of the goals. This is useful for debugging.-/
message? : Option (String) := none
deriving RpcEncodable

def InteractiveGoals.deleted (g : InteractiveGoals) : Array Nat :=
g.deleted?.getD ∅

def InteractiveGoals.append (l r : InteractiveGoals) : InteractiveGoals where
goals := l.goals ++ r.goals
deleted? := Option.merge (fun ld rd => ld ++ (· + l.goals.size)) l.deleted? r.deleted?
message? := Option.merge (fun ld rd => s!"{ld}\n{rd}") l.message? r.message?

instance : Append InteractiveGoals := ⟨InteractiveGoals.append⟩
Expand Down

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