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chore: post-stage0 cleanup for #6165 (#6268)
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This PR puts code in terms of syntax quotations now that there has been
a stage0 update. Fixes a lingering bug in StructInst where some
intermediate syntax was malformed, but this had no observable effects
outside of some debug messages.
  • Loading branch information
kmill authored Dec 1, 2024
1 parent ca96922 commit 7b8504c
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Showing 4 changed files with 46 additions and 78 deletions.
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/Lean/Elab/MutualDef.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -283,9 +283,8 @@ private partial def withFunLocalDecls {α} (headers : Array DefViewElabHeader) (
loop 0 #[]

private def expandWhereStructInst : Macro := fun whereStx => do
let whereTk := whereStx[0]
let structInstFields : TSyntaxArray ``Parser.Term.structInstField := .mk whereStx[1][0].getSepArgs
let whereDecls? := whereStx[2].getOptional?
let `(Parser.Command.whereStructInst| where%$whereTk $[$structInstFields];* $[$whereDecls?:whereDecls]?) := whereStx
| Macro.throwUnsupported

let startOfStructureTkInfo : SourceInfo :=
match whereTk.getPos? with
Expand Down
15 changes: 5 additions & 10 deletions src/Lean/Elab/PatternVar.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -261,16 +261,11 @@ partial def collect (stx : Syntax) : M Syntax := withRef stx <| withFreshMacroSc
| `({ $[$srcs?,* with]? $fields,* $[..%$ell?]? $[: $ty?]? }) =>
if let some srcs := srcs? then
throwErrorAt (mkNullNode srcs) "invalid struct instance pattern, 'with' is not allowed in patterns"
-- TODO(kmill) restore this
-- let fields ← fields.getElems.mapM fun
-- | `(Parser.Term.structInstField| $lval:structInstLVal := $val) => do
-- let newVal ← collect val
-- `(Parser.Term.structInstField| $lval:structInstLVal := $newVal)
-- | _ => throwInvalidPattern -- `structInstFieldAbbrev` should be expanded at this point
let fields ← fields.getElems.mapM fun field => do
let field := field.raw
let val ← collect field[1][2][1]
pure <| field.setArg 1 <| field[1].setArg 2 <| field[1][2].setArg 1 val
let fields ← fields.getElems.mapM fun
| `(Parser.Term.structInstField| $lval:structInstLVal := $val) => do
let newVal ← collect val
`(Parser.Term.structInstField| $lval:structInstLVal := $newVal)
| _ => throwInvalidPattern -- `structInstField` should be expanded at this point
`({ $[$srcs?,* with]? $fields,* $[..%$ell?]? $[: $ty?]? })
| _ => throwInvalidPattern

Expand Down
98 changes: 38 additions & 60 deletions src/Lean/Elab/StructInst.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,62 +74,44 @@ Structure instance notation makes use of the expected type.
`(($stxNew : $expected))

def mkStructInstField (lval : TSyntax ``Parser.Term.structInstLVal) (binders : TSyntaxArray ``Parser.Term.structInstFieldBinder)
(type? : Option Term) (val : Term) : MacroM Term := do
(type? : Option Term) (val : Term) : MacroM (TSyntax ``Parser.Term.structInstField) := do
let mut val := val
if let some type := type? then
val ← `(($val : $type))
if !binders.isEmpty then
-- HACK: this produces invalid syntax, but the fun elaborator supports structInstFieldBinder as well
val ← `(fun $binders* => $val)
-- `(Parser.Term.structInstField| $lval := $val)
return mkNode ``Parser.Term.structInstField
#[lval, mkNullNode #[mkNullNode, mkNullNode, mkNode ``Parser.Term.structInstFieldDef #[mkAtom " := ", val]]]
`(Parser.Term.structInstField| $lval := $val)

Takes an arbitrary `structInstField` and expands it to be a `structInstFieldDef` without any binders or type ascription.
private def expandStructInstField (stx : Syntax) : MacroM (Option Syntax) := withRef stx do
if stx.isOfKind `Lean.Parser.Term.structInstField && stx.getNumArgs == 3 then
-- old syntax
let lval : TSyntax ``Parser.Term.structInstLVal := stx[0]
let val : Term := stx[2]
mkStructInstField lval #[] none val
else if stx.isOfKind `Lean.Parser.Term.structInstFieldAbbrev then
-- old syntax
let id : Ident := stx[0]
let lval ← `(Parser.Term.structInstLVal| $id:ident)
mkStructInstField lval #[] none id
else if stx.isOfKind ``Parser.Term.structInstField then
let lval := stx[0]
if stx[1].getNumArgs > 0 then
let binders := stx[1][0].getArgs
let ty? := match stx[1][1] with | `(Parser.Term.optTypeForStructInst| $[: $ty?]?) => ty? | _ => none
let decl := stx[1][2]
match decl with
| `(Parser.Term.structInstFieldDef| := $val) =>
if binders.isEmpty && ty?.isNone then
return none
mkStructInstField lval binders ty? val
| `(Parser.Term.structInstFieldEqns| $alts:matchAlts) =>
let val ← expandMatchAltsIntoMatch stx alts (useExplicit := false)
mkStructInstField lval binders ty? val
| _ => Macro.throwUnsupported
-- Abbreviation
match lval with
| `(Parser.Term.structInstLVal| $id:ident) =>
mkStructInstField lval #[] none id
| _ =>
Macro.throwErrorAt lval "unsupported structure instance field abbreviation, expecting identifier"
match stx with
| `(Parser.Term.structInstField| $_:structInstLVal := $_) =>
-- Already expanded.
return none
| `(Parser.Term.structInstField| $lval:structInstLVal $[$binders]* $[: $ty?]? $decl:structInstFieldDecl) =>
match decl with
| `(Parser.Term.structInstFieldDef| := $val) =>
mkStructInstField lval binders ty? val
| `(Parser.Term.structInstFieldEqns| $alts:matchAlts) =>
let val ← expandMatchAltsIntoMatch stx alts (useExplicit := false)
mkStructInstField lval binders ty? val
| _ => Macro.throwUnsupported
| `(Parser.Term.structInstField| $lval:structInstLVal) =>
-- Abbreviation
match lval with
| `(Parser.Term.structInstLVal| $id:ident) =>
mkStructInstField lval #[] none id
| _ =>
Macro.throwErrorAt lval "unsupported structure instance field abbreviation, expecting identifier"
| _ => Macro.throwUnsupported

Expands fields.
* Abbrevations. Example: `{ x }` expands to `{ x := x }`.
* Equations. Example: `{ f | 0 => 0 | n + 1 => n }` expands to `{ f := fun x => match x with | 0 => 0 | n + 1 => n }`.
* `where`. Example: `{ s where x := 1 }` expands to `{ s := { x := 1 }}`.
* Binders and types. Example: `{ f n : Nat := n + 1 }` expands to `{ f := fun n => (n + 1 : Nat) }`.
@[builtin_macro Lean.Parser.Term.structInst] def expandStructInstFields : Macro | stx => do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -461,7 +443,7 @@ Converts a `FieldLHS` back into syntax. This assumes the `ref` fields have the c
Recall that `structInstField` elements have the form
def structInstField := leading_parser structInstLVal >> " := " >> termParser
def structInstField := leading_parser structInstLVal >> group (null >> null >> group (" := " >> termParser))
def structInstLVal := leading_parser (ident <|> numLit <|> structInstArrayRef) >> many (("." >> (ident <|> numLit)) <|> structInstArrayRef)
def structInstArrayRef := leading_parser "[" >> termParser >>"]"
Expand All @@ -487,7 +469,7 @@ private def Field.toSyntax : Field → Syntax
let stx := field.ref
let stx := stx.setArg 1 <| stx[1].setArg 2 <| stx[1][2].setArg 1 field.val.toSyntax
match field.lhs with
| first::rest => stx.setArg 0 <| mkNullNode #[first.toSyntax true, mkNullNode <| (FieldLHS.toSyntax false) ]
| first::rest => stx.setArg 0 <| mkNode ``Parser.Term.structInstLVal #[first.toSyntax true, mkNullNode <| (FieldLHS.toSyntax false) ]
| _ => unreachable!

/-- Creates a view of a field left-hand side. -/
Expand All @@ -509,25 +491,21 @@ and the computed structure name (from `Lean.Elab.Term.StructInst.getStructName`)
and structure source view (from `Lean.Elab.Term.StructInst.getStructSources`).
private def mkStructView (stx : Syntax) (structName : Name) (sources : SourcesView) : MacroM StructInstView := do
/- Recall that `stx` is of the form
leading_parser "{" >> optional (atomic (sepBy1 termParser ", " >> " with "))
>> structInstFields (sepByIndent structInstField ...)
>> optional ".."
>> optional (" : " >> termParser)
>> " }"
This method assumes that `structInstField` had already been expanded by the macro `expandStructInstFields`
and is of the form
def structInstFieldDef := leading_parser
structInstLVal >> group (null >> null >> group (" := " >> termParser))
Recall that `stx` is of the form
leading_parser "{" >> optional (atomic (sepBy1 termParser ", " >> " with "))
>> structInstFields (sepByIndent structInstField ...)
>> optional ".."
>> optional (" : " >> termParser)
>> " }"
This method assumes that `structInstField` had already been expanded by the macro `expandStructInstFields`.
let fields ← stx[2][0].getSepArgs.toList.mapM fun fieldStx => do
let val := fieldStx[1][2][1]
let first ← toFieldLHS fieldStx[0][0]
let rest ← fieldStx[0][1].getArgs.toList.mapM toFieldLHS
let `(Parser.Term.structInstField| $lval:structInstLVal := $val) := fieldStx | Macro.throwUnsupported
let first ← toFieldLHS lval.raw[0]
let rest ← lval.raw[1].getArgs.toList.mapM toFieldLHS
return { ref := fieldStx, lhs := first :: rest, val := FieldVal.term val : Field }
return { ref := stx, structName, params := #[], fields, sources }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -673,7 +651,7 @@ mutual
let updateSource (structStx : Syntax) : TermElabM Syntax := do
let sourcesNew ← s.sources.explicit.filterMapM fun source => mkProjStx? source.stx source.structName fieldName
let explicitSourceStx := if sourcesNew.isEmpty then mkNullNode else mkSourcesWithSyntax sourcesNew
let implicitSourceStx := s.sources.implicit.getD mkNullNode
let implicitSourceStx := s.sources.implicit.getD (mkNode ``Parser.Term.optEllipsis #[mkNullNode])
return (structStx.setArg 1 explicitSourceStx).setArg 3 implicitSourceStx
let valStx := s.ref -- construct substructure syntax using s.ref as template
let valStx := valStx.setArg 4 mkNullNode -- erase optional expected type
Expand Down
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions src/Lean/PrettyPrinter/Delaborator/Builtins.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -238,11 +238,7 @@ def unexpandStructureInstance (stx : Syntax) : Delab := whenPPOption getPPStruct
let fieldPos ← nextExtraPos
let fieldId := annotatePos fieldPos fieldId
addFieldInfo fieldPos (s.induct ++ fieldName) fieldName fieldId fieldVals[idx]!
-- TODO(kmill) restore this
-- let field ← `(structInstField|$fieldId:ident := $(stx[1][idx]))
let lval ← `(structInstLVal| $fieldId:ident)
let field := mkNode ``Parser.Term.structInstField
#[lval, mkNullNode #[mkNullNode, mkNullNode, mkNode ``Parser.Term.structInstFieldDef #[mkAtom " := ", stx[1][idx]]]]
let field ← `(structInstField|$fieldId:ident := $(stx[1][idx]))
fields := fields.push field
let tyStx ← withType do
if (← getPPOption getPPStructureInstanceType) then delab >>= pure ∘ some else pure none
Expand Down

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