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chore: add tags to trace nodes
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alexkeizer committed Oct 8, 2024
1 parent 4e91860 commit ffced42
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Showing 2 changed files with 127 additions and 108 deletions.
165 changes: 86 additions & 79 deletions Tactics/Sym.lean
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Expand Up @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Finally, we use this proof to change the type of `h_run` accordingly.
def unfoldRun (whileTac : Unit → TacticM Unit) : SymReaderM Unit := do
let c ← readThe SymContext
withTraceNode m!"unfoldRun (runSteps? := {c.runSteps?})" <|
withTraceNode m!"unfoldRun (runSteps? := {c.runSteps?})" (tag := "unfoldRun") <|
match c.runSteps? with
| some (_ + 1) => do
trace[Tactic.sym] "runSteps is statically known to be non-zero, \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ store an `AxEffects` object with the newly added variables in the monad state
def explodeStep (hStep : Expr) : SymM Unit :=
withMainContext' <|
withTraceNode m!"explodeStep {hStep}" <| do
withTraceNode m!"explodeStep {hStep}" (tag := "explodeStep") <| do
let c ← getThe SymContext
let mut eff ← AxEffects.fromEq hStep c.effects.stackAlignmentProof?

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,22 +232,24 @@ Symbolically simulate a single step, according the the symbolic simulation
context `c`, returning the context for the next step in simulation. -/
def sym1 (whileTac : TSyntax `tactic) : SymM Unit := do
let stateNumber ← getCurrentStateNumber
withTraceNode m!"(sym1): simulating step {stateNumber}" <|
withTraceNode m!"(sym1): simulating step {stateNumber}" (tag:="sym1") <|
withMainContext' do
withTraceNode "verbose context" <| do
withVerboseTraceNode "verbose context" (tag := "infoDump") <| do
trace[Tactic.sym] "Goal state:\n {← getMainGoal}"

let stepi_eq := Lean.mkIdent (.mkSimple s!"stepi_{← getCurrentStateName}")
let h_step := Lean.mkIdent (.mkSimple s!"h_step_{stateNumber + 1}")

unfoldRun (fun _ => evalTacticAndTrace whileTac)

-- Add new state to local context
let hRunId := mkIdent <|← getHRunName
let nextStateId := mkIdent <|← getNextStateName
evalTacticAndTrace <|← `(tactic|
init_next_step $hRunId:ident $stepi_eq:ident $nextStateId:ident
withTraceNode "initNextStep" (tag := "initNextStep") <| do
let hRunId := mkIdent <|← getHRunName
let nextStateId := mkIdent <|← getNextStateName
evalTacticAndTrace <|← `(tactic|
init_next_step $hRunId:ident $stepi_eq:ident $nextStateId:ident

-- Apply relevant pre-generated `stepi` lemma
withMainContext' <| do
Expand All @@ -262,15 +264,15 @@ def sym1 (whileTac : TSyntax `tactic) : SymM Unit := do

-- If we know SP is aligned, `simp` with that fact
if let some hSp := (← getThe AxEffects).stackAlignmentProof? then
trace[Tactic.sym] "simplifying {hStep.toExpr} \
with {hSp}"
let some goal ← do
let (ctx, simprocs) ← LNSymSimpContext
(config := {decide := false}) (exprs := #[hSp])
let goal ← getMainGoal
LNSymSimp goal ctx simprocs hStep.fvarId
| throwError "internal error: simp closed goal unexpectedly"
replaceMainGoal [goal]
let msg := m!"simplifying {hStep.toExpr} with {hSp}"
withTraceNode msg (tag := "simplifyHStep") <| do
let some goal ← do
let (ctx, simprocs) ← LNSymSimpContext
(config := {decide := false}) (exprs := #[hSp])
let goal ← getMainGoal
LNSymSimp goal ctx simprocs hStep.fvarId
| throwError "internal error: simp closed goal unexpectedly"
replaceMainGoal [goal]
trace[Tactic.sym] "we have no relevant local hypotheses, \
skipping simplification step"
Expand All @@ -293,44 +295,46 @@ def sym1 (whileTac : TSyntax `tactic) : SymM Unit := do
- log a warning and return `m`, if `runSteps? = some m` and `m < n`, or
- return `n` unchanged, otherwise -/
def ensureAtMostRunSteps (n : Nat) : SymM Nat := do
let ctx ← getThe SymContext
match ctx.runSteps? with
| none => pure n
| some runSteps =>
if n ≤ runSteps then
pure n
withMainContext <| do
let hRun ← ctx.hRunDecl
logWarning m!"Symbolic simulation is limited to at most {runSteps} \
steps, because {hRun.toExpr} is of type:\n {hRun.type}"
pure runSteps
return n
withVerboseTraceNode "" (tag := "ensureAtMostRunSteps") <| do
let ctx ← getThe SymContext
match ctx.runSteps? with
| none => pure n
| some runSteps =>
if n ≤ runSteps then
pure n
withMainContext <| do
let hRun ← ctx.hRunDecl
logWarning m!"Symbolic simulation is limited to at most {runSteps} \
steps, because {hRun.toExpr} is of type:\n {hRun.type}"
pure runSteps
return n

/-- Check that the step-thoerem corresponding to the current PC value exists,
and throw a user-friendly error, pointing to `#genStepEqTheorems`,
if it does not. -/
def assertStepTheoremsGenerated : SymM Unit := do
let c ← getThe SymContext
let pc := c.pc.toHexWithoutLeadingZeroes
if !c.programInfo.instructions.contains c.pc then
let pcEff ← AxEffects.getFieldM .PC
throwError "\
Program {c.program} has no instruction at address {c.pc}.
We inferred this address as the program-counter from {pcEff.proof}, \
which has type:
{← inferType pcEff.proof}"

let step_thm := Name.str c.program ("stepi_eq_0x" ++ pc)
let _ ← getConstInfo step_thm
catch err =>
throwErrorAt err.getRef "{err.toMessageData}\n
Did you remember to generate step theorems with:
#genStepEqTheorems {c.program}"
-- TODO: can we make this error ^^ into a `Try this:` suggestion that
-- automatically adds the right command just before the theorem?
def assertStepTheoremsGenerated : SymM Unit :=
withVerboseTraceNode "" (tag := "assertStepTheoremsGenerated") <| do
let c ← getThe SymContext
let pc := c.pc.toHexWithoutLeadingZeroes
if !c.programInfo.instructions.contains c.pc then
let pcEff ← AxEffects.getFieldM .PC
throwError "\
Program {c.program} has no instruction at address {c.pc}.
We inferred this address as the program-counter from {pcEff.proof}, \
which has type:
{← inferType pcEff.proof}"

let step_thm := Name.str c.program ("stepi_eq_0x" ++ pc)
let _ ← getConstInfo step_thm
catch err =>
throwErrorAt err.getRef "{err.toMessageData}\n
Did you remember to generate step theorems with:
#genStepEqTheorems {c.program}"
-- TODO: can we make this error ^^ into a `Try this:` suggestion that
-- automatically adds the right command just before the theorem?

/- used in `sym_n` tactic to specify an initial state -/
syntax sym_at := "at" ident
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,32 +394,35 @@ elab "sym_n" whileTac?:(sym_while)? n:num s:(sym_at)? : tactic => do
sym1 whileTac

traceHeartbeats "symbolic simulation total"
let c ← getThe SymContext
-- Check if we can substitute the final state
if c.runSteps? = some 0 then
let msg := do
let hRun ← userNameToMessageData c.h_run
pure m!"runSteps := 0, substituting along {hRun}"
withTraceNode `Tactic.sym (fun _ => msg) <| withMainContext' do
let sfEq ← mkEq (← getCurrentState) c.finalState

let goal ← getMainGoal
trace[Tactic.sym] "original goal:\n{goal}"
let ⟨hEqId, goal⟩ ← do
let hRun ← SymContext.findFromUserName c.h_run
goal.note `this (← mkEqSymm hRun.toExpr) sfEq
goal.withContext <| do
trace[Tactic.sym] "added {← userNameToMessageData `this} of type \
{sfEq} in:\n{goal}"

let goal ← subst goal hEqId
trace[Tactic.sym] "performed subsitutition in:\n{goal}"
replaceMainGoal [goal]

-- Rudimentary aggregation: we feed all the axiomatic effect hypotheses
-- added while symbolically evaluating to `simp`
withTraceNode m!"aggregating (non-)effects" <| withMainContext' do
let goal? ← LNSymSimp (← getMainGoal) c.aggregateSimpCtx c.aggregateSimprocs
replaceMainGoal goal?.toList
withTraceNode "Post processing" (tag := "postProccessing") <| do
let c ← getThe SymContext
-- Check if we can substitute the final state
if c.runSteps? = some 0 then
let msg := do
let hRun ← userNameToMessageData c.h_run
pure m!"runSteps := 0, substituting along {hRun}"
withMainContext' <|
withTraceNode `Tactic.sym (fun _ => msg) <| do
let sfEq ← mkEq (← getCurrentState) c.finalState

let goal ← getMainGoal
trace[Tactic.sym] "original goal:\n{goal}"
let ⟨hEqId, goal⟩ ← do
let hRun ← SymContext.findFromUserName c.h_run
goal.note `this (← mkEqSymm hRun.toExpr) sfEq
goal.withContext <| do
trace[Tactic.sym] "added {← userNameToMessageData `this} of type \
{sfEq} in:\n{goal}"

let goal ← subst goal hEqId
trace[Tactic.sym] "performed subsitutition in:\n{goal}"
replaceMainGoal [goal]

-- Rudimentary aggregation: we feed all the axiomatic effect hypotheses
-- added while symbolically evaluating to `simp`
withMainContext' <|
withTraceNode m!"aggregating (non-)effects" (tag := "aggregateEffects") <| do
let goal? ← LNSymSimp (← getMainGoal) c.aggregateSimpCtx c.aggregateSimprocs
replaceMainGoal goal?.toList

traceHeartbeats "final usage"
70 changes: 41 additions & 29 deletions Tactics/Sym/Context.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,6 +146,26 @@ end SymM

namespace SymContext

/-! ## Trace Nodes -/
section Tracing
variable {α : Type} {m : TypeType} [Monad m] [MonadTrace m] [MonadLiftT IO m]
[MonadRef m] [AddMessageContext m] [MonadOptions m] {ε : Type}
[MonadAlwaysExcept ε m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m]

def withTraceNode (msg : MessageData) (k : m α)
(collapsed : Bool := true)
(tag : String := "")
: m α := do
Lean.withTraceNode `Tactic.sym (fun _ => pure msg) k collapsed tag

def withVerboseTraceNode (msg : MessageData) (k : m α)
(collapsed : Bool := true)
(tag : String := "")
: m α := do
Lean.withTraceNode `Tactic.sym.verbose (fun _ => pure msg) k collapsed tag

end Tracing

/-! ## Simple projections -/
open Lean (Ident mkIdent)
Expand All @@ -156,10 +176,11 @@ def program : Name :=

/-- Find the local declaration that corresponds to a given name,
or throw an error if no local variable of that name exists -/
def findFromUserName (name : Name) : MetaM LocalDecl := do
let some decl := (← getLCtx).findFromUserName? name
| throwError "Unknown local variable `{name}`"
return decl
def findFromUserName (name : Name) : MetaM LocalDecl :=
withVerboseTraceNode m!"[findFromUserName] {name}" <| do
let some decl := (← getLCtx).findFromUserName? name
| throwError "Unknown local variable `{name}`"
return decl

/-- Find the local declaration that corresponds to `c.h_run`,
or throw an error if no local variable of that name exists -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,22 +225,12 @@ def toMessageData (c : SymContext) : MetaM MessageData := do
curr_state_number := {c.currentStateNumber},
effects := {c.effects} }"

section Tracing
variable {α : Type} {m : TypeType} [Monad m] [MonadTrace m] [MonadLiftT IO m]
[MonadRef m] [AddMessageContext m] [MonadOptions m] {ε : Type}
[MonadAlwaysExcept ε m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m]

def withTraceNode (msg : MessageData) (k : m α) : m α := do
Lean.withTraceNode `Tactic.sym (fun _ => pure msg) k
def withVerboseTraceNode (msg : MessageData) (k : m α) : m α := do
Lean.withTraceNode `Tactic.sym.verbose (fun _ => pure msg) k

def traceSymContext : SymM Unit :=
withTraceNode m!"SymContext: " <| do
let m ← (← getThe SymContext).toMessageData
trace[Tactic.sym] m

end Tracing

/-! ## Adding new simp theorems for aggregation -/

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -437,7 +448,7 @@ we create a new subgoal of this type.
def fromMainContext (state? : Option Name) : TacticM SymContext := do
let msg := m!"Building a `SymContext` from the local context"
withTraceNode msg <| withMainContext' do
withTraceNode msg (tag := "fromMainContext") <| withMainContext' do
trace[Tactic.Sym] "state? := {state?}"
let lctx ← getLCtx

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -470,16 +481,17 @@ evaluation:
* the `currentStateNumber` is incremented
def prepareForNextStep : SymM Unit := do
let pc ← do
let { value, ..} ← AxEffects.getFieldM .PC
reflectBitVecLiteral 64 value
catch err =>
trace[Tactic.sym] "failed to reflect PC: {err.toMessageData}"
pure <| (← getThe SymContext).pc + 4

modifyThe SymContext (fun c => { c with
runSteps? := (· - 1) <$> c.runSteps?
currentStateNumber := c.currentStateNumber + 1
withVerboseTraceNode "prepareForNextStep" (tag := "prepareForNextStep") <| do
let pc ← do
let { value, ..} ← AxEffects.getFieldM .PC
reflectBitVecLiteral 64 value
catch err =>
trace[Tactic.sym] "failed to reflect PC: {err.toMessageData}"
pure <| (← getThe SymContext).pc + 4

modifyThe SymContext (fun c => { c with
runSteps? := (· - 1) <$> c.runSteps?
currentStateNumber := c.currentStateNumber + 1

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