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feat: stability of List.insertionSort (#16065)
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The statements of stability follow those used for `mergeSort` in leanprover/lean4#5092.

Co-authored-by: Matthew Ballard <[email protected]>
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marcusrossel and mattrobball committed Sep 29, 2024
1 parent 9491960 commit a6006d2
Showing 1 changed file with 87 additions and 0 deletions.
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Data/List/Sort.lean
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Expand Up @@ -345,6 +345,40 @@ theorem sublist_orderedInsert (x : α) (xs : List α) : xs <+ xs.orderedInsert r
refine Sublist.trans ?_ (.append_left (.cons _ (.refl _)) _)
rw [takeWhile_append_dropWhile]

theorem cons_sublist_orderedInsert {l c : List α} {a : α} (hl : c <+ l) (ha : ∀ a' ∈ c, a ≼ a') :
a :: c <+ orderedInsert r a l := by
induction l with
| nil => simp_all only [sublist_nil, orderedInsert, Sublist.refl]
| cons _ _ ih =>
unfold orderedInsert
split_ifs with hr
· exact .cons₂ _ hl
· cases hl with
| cons _ h => exact .cons _ <| ih h
| cons₂ => exact absurd (ha _ <| mem_cons_self ..) hr

theorem Sublist.orderedInsert_sublist [IsTrans α r] {as bs} (x) (hs : as <+ bs) (hb : bs.Sorted r) :
orderedInsert r x as <+ orderedInsert r x bs := by
cases as with
| nil => simp
| cons a as =>
cases bs with
| nil => contradiction
| cons b bs =>
unfold orderedInsert
cases hs <;> split_ifs with hr
· exact .cons₂ _ <| .cons _ ‹a :: as <+ bs›
· have ih := orderedInsert_sublist x ‹a :: as <+ bs› hb.of_cons
simp only [hr, orderedInsert, ite_true] at ih
exact .trans ih <| .cons _ (.refl _)
· have hba := hb |>.left _ (mem_of_cons_sublist ‹a :: as <+ bs›)
exact absurd (trans_of _ ‹r x b› hba) hr
· have ih := orderedInsert_sublist x ‹a :: as <+ bs› hb.of_cons
rw [orderedInsert, if_neg hr] at ih
exact .cons _ ih
· simp_all only [sorted_cons, cons_sublist_cons]
· exact .cons₂ _ <| orderedInsert_sublist x ‹as <+ bs› hb.of_cons

section TotalAndTransitive

variable [IsTotal α r] [IsTrans α r]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,6 +408,59 @@ theorem sorted_insertionSort : ∀ l, Sorted r (insertionSort r l)

end TotalAndTransitive

If `c` is a sorted sublist of `l`, then `c` is still a sublist of `insertionSort r l`.
theorem sublist_insertionSort {l c : List α} (hr : c.Pairwise r) (hc : c <+ l) :
c <+ insertionSort r l := by
induction l generalizing c with
| nil => simp_all only [sublist_nil, insertionSort, Sublist.refl]
| cons _ _ ih =>
cases hc with
| cons _ h => exact ih hr h |>.trans (sublist_orderedInsert ..)
| cons₂ _ h =>
obtain ⟨hr, hp⟩ := hr
exact cons_sublist_orderedInsert (ih hp h) hr

Another statement of stability of insertion sort.
If a pair `[a, b]` is a sublist of `l` and `r a b`,
then `[a, b]` is still a sublist of `insertionSort r l`.
theorem pair_sublist_insertionSort {a b : α} {l : List α} (hab : r a b) (h : [a, b] <+ l) :
[a, b] <+ insertionSort r l :=
sublist_insertionSort (pairwise_pair.mpr hab) h

variable [IsAntisymm α r] [IsTotal α r] [IsTrans α r]

A version of `insertionSort_stable` which only assumes `c <+~ l` (instead of `c <+ l`), but
additionally requires `IsAntisymm α r`, `IsTotal α r` and `IsTrans α r`.
theorem sublist_insertionSort' {l c : List α} (hs : c.Sorted r) (hc : c <+~ l) :
c <+ insertionSort r l := by
obtain ⟨d, hc, hd⟩ := hc
induction l generalizing c d with
| nil => simp_all only [sublist_nil, insertionSort, nil_perm]
| cons a _ ih =>
cases hd with
| cons _ h => exact ih hs _ hc h |>.trans (sublist_orderedInsert ..)
| cons₂ _ h =>
specialize ih (hs.erase _) _ (erase_cons_head a ‹List _› ▸ hc.erase a) h
have hm := <| mem_cons_self ..
have he := orderedInsert_erase _ _ hm hs
exact he ▸ Sublist.orderedInsert_sublist _ ih (sorted_insertionSort ..)

Another statement of stability of insertion sort.
If a pair `[a, b]` is a sublist of a permutation of `l` and `a ≼ b`,
then `[a, b]` is still a sublist of `insertionSort r l`.
theorem pair_sublist_insertionSort' {a b : α} {l : List α} (hab : a ≼ b) (h : [a, b] <+~ l) :
[a, b] <+ insertionSort r l :=
sublist_insertionSort' (pairwise_pair.mpr hab) h

end Correctness

end InsertionSort
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