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kim-em committed Jan 31, 2025
1 parent 3016592 commit c379a53
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Showing 2 changed files with 0 additions and 145 deletions.
23 changes: 0 additions & 23 deletions Batteries/Classes/Order.lean
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Expand Up @@ -5,29 +5,6 @@ Authors: Mario Carneiro
import Batteries.Tactic.SeqFocus

/-! ## Ordering -/

namespace Ordering

@[simp] theorem swap_swap {o : Ordering} : o.swap.swap = o := by cases o <;> rfl

@[simp] theorem swap_inj {o₁ o₂ : Ordering} : o₁.swap = o₂.swap ↔ o₁ = o₂ :=
fun h => by simpa using congrArg swap h, congrArg _⟩

theorem swap_then (o₁ o₂ : Ordering) : (o₁.then o₂).swap = o₁.swap.then o₂.swap := by
cases o₁ <;> rfl

theorem then_eq_lt {o₁ o₂ : Ordering} : o₁.then o₂ = lt ↔ o₁ = lt ∨ o₁ = eq ∧ o₂ = lt := by
cases o₁ <;> cases o₂ <;> decide

theorem then_eq_eq {o₁ o₂ : Ordering} : o₁.then o₂ = eq ↔ o₁ = eq ∧ o₂ = eq := by
cases o₁ <;> simp [«then»]

theorem then_eq_gt {o₁ o₂ : Ordering} : o₁.then o₂ = gt ↔ o₁ = gt ∨ o₁ = eq ∧ o₂ = gt := by
cases o₁ <;> cases o₂ <;> decide

end Ordering

namespace Batteries

/-- `TotalBLE le` asserts that `le` has a total order, that is, `le a b ∨ le b a`. -/
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122 changes: 0 additions & 122 deletions Batteries/Data/Array/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -32,132 +32,10 @@ theorem forIn_eq_forIn_toList [Monad m]
@[deprecated (since := "2024-08-13")] alias join_data := toList_flatten
@[deprecated (since := "2024-10-15")] alias mem_join := mem_flatten

end Array

/-! ### indexOf? -/

namespace Array

theorem findIdx?_loop_eq_map_findFinIdx?_loop_val {xs : Array α} {p : α → Bool} {j} :
findIdx?.loop p xs j = (findFinIdx?.loop p xs j).map (·.val) := by
unfold findIdx?.loop
unfold findFinIdx?.loop
split <;> rename_i h
case isTrue =>
case isTrue => simp
case isFalse =>
have : xs.size - (j + 1) < xs.size - j := Nat.sub_succ_lt_self xs.size j h
rw [findIdx?_loop_eq_map_findFinIdx?_loop_val (j := j + 1)]
case isFalse => simp
termination_by xs.size - j

theorem findIdx?_eq_map_findFinIdx?_val {xs : Array α} {p : α → Bool} :
xs.findIdx? p = (xs.findFinIdx? p).map (·.val) := by
simp [findIdx?, findFinIdx?, findIdx?_loop_eq_map_findFinIdx?_loop_val]

end Array

namespace List

theorem findFinIdx?_go_beq_eq_idxOfAux_toArray [BEq α]
{xs as : List α} {a : α} {i : Nat} {h} (w : as = xs.drop i) :
findFinIdx?.go (fun x => x == a) xs as i h =
xs.toArray.idxOfAux a i := by
unfold findFinIdx?.go
unfold Array.idxOfAux
split <;> rename_i b as
· simp at h
simp [h]
· simp at h
rw [dif_pos (by simp; omega)]
simp only [getElem_toArray]
erw [getElem_drop' (j := 0)]
simp only [← w, getElem_cons_zero]
have : xs.length - (i + 1) < xs.length - i := by omega
rw [findFinIdx?_go_beq_eq_idxOfAux_toArray]
rw [← drop_drop, ← w]
termination_by xs.length - i

@[simp] theorem finIdxOf?_toArray [BEq α] {as : List α} {a : α} :
as.toArray.finIdxOf? a = as.finIdxOf? a := by
unfold Array.finIdxOf?
unfold finIdxOf?
unfold findFinIdx?
rw [findFinIdx?_go_beq_eq_idxOfAux_toArray]

theorem findIdx?_go_eq_map_findFinIdx?_go_val {xs : List α} {p : α → Bool} {i : Nat} {h} :
List.findIdx?.go p xs i =
(List.findFinIdx?.go p l xs i h).map (·.val) := by
unfold findIdx?.go
unfold findFinIdx?.go
split <;> rename_i a xs
· simp_all
· simp only
· simp
· rw [findIdx?_go_eq_map_findFinIdx?_go_val]

theorem findIdx?_eq_map_findFinIdx?_val {xs : List α} {p : α → Bool} :
xs.findIdx? p = (xs.findFinIdx? p).map (·.val) := by
simp [findIdx?, findFinIdx?]
rw [findIdx?_go_eq_map_findFinIdx?_go_val]

theorem idxOf?_eq_map_finIdxOf?_val [BEq α] {xs : List α} {a : α} :
xs.idxOf? a = (xs.finIdxOf? a).map (·.val) := by
simp [idxOf?, finIdxOf?, findIdx?_eq_map_findFinIdx?_val]

@[simp] theorem idxOf?_toArray [BEq α] {as : List α} {a : α} :
as.toArray.idxOf? a = as.idxOf? a := by
rw [Array.idxOf?, finIdxOf?_toArray, idxOf?_eq_map_finIdxOf?_val]

open Array in
@[simp] theorem findIdx?_toArray {as : List α} {p : α → Bool} :
as.toArray.findIdx? p = as.findIdx? p := by
unfold Array.findIdx?
suffices ∀ i, i ≤ as.length →
Array.findIdx?.loop p as.toArray (as.length - i) =
(findIdx? p (as.drop (as.length - i))).map fun j => j + (as.length - i) by
specialize this as.length
intro i
induction i with
| zero => simp [findIdx?.loop]
| succ i ih =>
unfold findIdx?.loop
simp only [size_toArray, getElem_toArray]
split <;> rename_i h
· rw [drop_eq_getElem_cons h]
rw [findIdx?_cons]
split <;> rename_i h'
· simp
· intro w
have : as.length - (i + 1) + 1 = as.length - i := by omega
specialize ih (by omega)
simp only [Option.map_map, this, ih]
· have : as.length = 0 := by omega

@[simp] theorem findFinIdx?_toArray {as : List α} {p : α → Bool} :
as.toArray.findFinIdx? p = as.findFinIdx? p := by
have h := findIdx?_toArray (as := as) (p := p)
rw [findIdx?_eq_map_findFinIdx?_val, Array.findIdx?_eq_map_findFinIdx?_val] at h
rwa [Option.map_inj_right] at h
rintro ⟨x, hx⟩ ⟨y, hy⟩ rfl

end List

open List

namespace Array

theorem idxOf?_toList [BEq α] {a : α} {l : Array α} :
l.toList.idxOf? a = l.idxOf? a := by
rcases l with ⟨l⟩
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