This library provides Marshmallow fields and validators for Brazilian documents:
- Brazilian phone number
- Brazilian birth, marriage and death certificates
- CNH (Carteira Nacional de Habilitação)
- CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica)
- CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas)
pip install marshmallow-br
from marshmallow import Schema
from marshmallow_br import fields
class Documents(Schema):
certificate = fields.Certificate(mask=True)
cnh = fields.CNH(mask=True)
cnpj = fields.CNPJ(mask=True)
cpf = fields.CPF(mask=True)
phones = fields.List(fields.Phone(mask=True, require_ddi=False, require_ddd=True))
raw_data = {
"certificate": "12173901552014167634174940702955",
"cnh": "64076917022",
"cnpj": "52203670000109",
"cpf": "98008862068",
"phones": ["5511999999999", "11 999999999", "+55(11)99999-9999", "11 9999-9999"],
data = Documents().load(raw_data)
# {
# 'certificate': '121739.01.55.2014.1.67634.174.9407029-55',
# 'cnh': '64076917022',
# 'cnpj': '52.203.670/0001-09',
# 'cpf': '980.088.620-68',
# 'phones': [
# '+55 (11) 99999-9999',
# '(11) 99999-9999',
# '+55 (11) 99999-9999',
# '(11) 9999-9999'
# ]
# }