PlayDocs is command line tool for converting Swift Playgrounds to Markdown and HTML. Playgrounds have supported rendering markdown from the beginning, so why not leverage that for generating documentation that can live both in your repository as executable code and on your wiki or blog as documention or a post?
You can use PlayDocs both as a commandline tool or as a framework in your own code.
Here is the basic command for generating a markdown file via a Playground:
playdocs convert ./MyPlayground.playground --open
And if you want it to output as html:
playdocs convert ./MyPlayground.playground --html --open
To specify a destination:
playdocs convert ./MyPlayground.playground --destination /path/to/file/ --open
PlayDocs can also help you easily create new Playground files so you can get your doc started fast:
playdocs new HelloPlayDocs --open
If you want the Playground to target MacOS:
playdocs new HelloPlayDocs --macos --open
And if you don't want any boilerplate in your Playground:
playdocs new HelloPlayDocs --macos --empty --open
To make your conversions in swift, you can use PlayDocsKit
// Convert swift source from a swift source string to a markdown string
public func convertToMarkdown(from source: SwiftSource) -> MarkdownSource
// Convert swift source from a file to a markdown file
public func convertToMarkdown(from source: URL, to destination: URL) throws
// Convert swift source from a string to an html string
public func convertToHTML(from source: SwiftSource) throws -> HTMLSource
// Convert swift source from a file to a html file
public func convertToHTML(from source: URL, to destination: URL) throws
// Custom conversion allowing caller to convert each Chunk as seen fit
public func convert(from source: SwiftSource, prepending header: String = "", appending footer: String = "", conversion convert: (Chunk) -> String) -> String
Syntax highlighting for all Swift code is applied via John Sundell's Splash
Note: For now, the theme for syntax highlighting is hardcoded, but in the future this project should make the theme configurable.
To install the commandline tool:
🌱 Mint
$ mint install ldstreet/PlayDocs
Run in terminal:
git clone && cd PlayDocs && make install
🏃♂️ Marathon
Add to your Marathonfile:
marathon add
Or use the inline dependency syntax:
import PlayDocsKit //
To use PlayDocsKit add the following to your Package.swift
// 🏓 A framework for converting Playgrounds and Swift files to markdown and html
.package(url: "", from: "0.1.0"),
.target(name: "MyPackage", dependencies: ["PlayDocsKit"]),