This project is designed for simple integration with Mongoose OS using bluetooth with the ESP32. This was done with Android Studio using graddle version 3.3 and android plugin version 2.3.3. Most of the initial code that that is on here is taken from a tutorial, but is modified to be used for Mongoose OS only as a client. The hope is to provide users a nicer interface to communicate with the ESP32 devices.
I will be adding more stuff to this particular project over the weeks and months. Right now the UUID services and characteristics are constants that are defined and appear to be the same on multiple devices (as of MOS version 1.14). I do not know if these will get changed. This will likely crash with any other type of device and the mac address as of now is the only things that is showing. There is some extra Server Activity Stuff, which I am going to remove in the near future. If you are interested in helping, please let me know.