pangeo-AMPS is a repo for working with AMPS output (i.e. raw WRF output files) in a cloud environment.
Very early stages - currently just notebooks for creating and uploading zarr files directly to ldeo-glaciology's Google Cloud Storage bucket
In Stage 1, ldeo-glaciology will be working primarily with two AMPS domains, the Ross sector (domain 3) and the Antarctic Peninsula (domain 6). We anticipate the larger pan-Antarctic domain (d02) in the near future.
(reminder, WRF uses a staggered grid to aid in spatial discretization, in this case the Arikawa-C grid)
Domain | Current Res (km) | dims |
Ross (d03) | 2.67 | 675 x 1035 |
AP (d06) | 2.67 | 651 x 570 |
More info on these domains can be found at Kevin's AMPS site
Log in to dataaccess node.
Retrieve data from archive
2.1 HPSS
List files on HPSS
hsi ls -l /AMPSRT/
either manually `` or write/execute script to pull from tape archive
./ > & log.txt &
check what you did:
ll wrfout_d06_2019090* | du
ll wrfout_d06_2019090* | du -h
Transfer to Google Bucket
Install gsutil
I just follow this [link](
curl | bash
Add sdk directory to your path (cshell example), and restart shell:
setenv PATH $PATH\:$HOME/bin\:$HOME/google-cloud-sdk/bin\:.
exec $SHELL -l
gcloud init
3.3 Transfer using rsync
Options: -m for multithreaded, -r recursive, -d directory, -n for a dry-run (USEFUL!)
gsutil -m rsync -r WRF_24 gs://ldeo-glaciology/AMPS/WRF_24/ > & log.txt &
or be a little more crafty (-x to exclude a pattern)...
gsutil -m rsync -n -x "wrfout_d06*$\" . gs://ldeo-glaciology/AMPS/WRF_24/ > & log.txt &
Check the bucket for new files
gsutil ls gs://ldeo-glaciology/AMPS