Upload and processing images for your web projects
- Uploading images and Progressing response with nginx upload progress module
- Dinamic resizing by specify actions urls, with caching
- get original imageresize
- crop image by given coordinates- Transformations documention
- After upload images save to async queue in rabbitmq for handling
- fetch exif
- search of dominant image colors
- create pre-cache image for quick resize small images(less 1500px width)
- Expose REST API for photo resources
- Read API documentation about how to use the service http://docs.filecessor.apiary.io
- install Docker and Docker Compose
git clone
this reposomewhere/filecessor
- copy
for override basic configuration - set mongodb password
environment variable indocker-compose.override.yml
- configuration additional variables
- run containers with
docker-composer up -d
- open in browser http://localhost/api/photos the Api endpoint with list of all uploaded photos (it's empty by default)
- read more from the Api documentaion
- for Mac OS X users mondogDB volume do not works correctly, please comment out below line in
# - ./volumes/mongodb:/data/db
From the official Docker documentation https://hub.docker.com/_/mongo/
WARNING (Windows & OS X): The default Docker setup on Windows and OS X uses a VirtualBox VM to host the Docker daemon. Unfortunately, the mechanism VirtualBox uses to share folders between the host system and the Docker container is not compatible with the memory mapped files used by MongoDB (see vbox bug, docs.mongodb.org and related jira.mongodb.org bug). This means that it is not possible to run a MongoDB container with the data directory mapped to the host.
Solved in the Docker native for Mac users, in beta now https://beta.docker.com
Filecessor is an open source project. If you find bugs or have proposal please create issue or Pull Request
All what you can find at this repo shared under the MIT License