A collection of windows small tools.
There are many small apps for programmers, like tftpd/hfs/atkping etc., they are very interesting and useful. But it is scattered, and some of it is out of date, so I am here to integrate them together in this project. I want to build a home for these apps here, make it long live here.
- A set of code to solve the fragmentation problem of project development
- Open source ensures that code can be maintained and updated by anyone to solve sustainability issues
- Try to unify the UI, single executable program, solve the problem of fragmentation
library APIs please refer to doc/{library name}.mk, such as doc/ping.mk, here is for the program.
- a ping app, with state shown in taskbar.
- a scan app, use ping to check if a ip used.
- a http server, support set root dir and port.
- a tftp server, implemented with a third party library.
- support chinese simplified and english, but i don't known how to combine them into a single exe file. current combined exe file can only support english.
- ...
- use ilmerge.exe combine exe and dlls like below, copy and run sRabbit.exe directly.
..\..\..\tools\ILMerge.exe /targetplatform:v4 /ndebug /target:winexe /out:sRabbit.exe lazebird.rabbit.rabbit.exe /wildcards *.dll zh-CN/lazebird.rabbit.rabbit.resources.dll
refer to /doc/releasenotes.md
refer to /doc/todo.md