This is a GitHub Pages website for
It's easiest to make content changes through Siteleaf. You can also click the edit
link at the bottom right corner of a page.
Be sure to read the Siteleaf documentation if you're not sure how to use the Siteleaf editor.
You will need to be added to the website in Siteleaf, ask someone on the team.
To make code or style changes, you'll need to edit the site locally.
- Clone the repo
- You'll need to have a modern Ruby installation
- Ensure Bundler is installed:
gem install bundler
- Install dependencies:
bundle install
- Run the webserver:
jekyll server --watch
- Visit http://localhost:4000
Every night, GitHub Actions runs and updates _data/commons.json
with stats from Laws.Africa and commits it back into the master branch, which updates the website.