What's Changed
- update eIds of elements in empty_document_content() by @goose-life in #56
- Explicitly set namespace on the maker by @longhotsummer in #59
- Run tests automatically; fix empty document eIds by @longhotsummer in #60
- Allow parsing complex work components with slashes by @longhotsummer in #62
- Set manifestation and expression dates for components. by @longhotsummer in #61
- No redundant refs by @longhotsummer in #63
- Don't hardcode source, honour language by @longhotsummer in #64
- Don't set unnecessary contains="originalVersion" by @longhotsummer in #65
- Ignore comments at top level. by @longhotsummer in #67
- Use 0001-01-01 as a placeholder for None publication, amendment and repeal dates by @longhotsummer in #69
Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v5.0.0