Only iOS 8.0 or later
Add pod 'Rabbit-Swift'
in Podfile
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'Rabbit-Swift'
and then pod install
You can use like
import Rabbit_Swift
Rabbit.zg2uni("Zawgyi To Unicode")
Rabbit.uni2zg("Unicode To Zawgyi")
For Carthage , please read how to use it , first.
In the Cartfile
github "Rabbit-Converter/Rabbit-Swft" >= 0.1.4
And then update the Carthage
carthage update
You can find the framework , under the Carthage/Build/iOS/RabbitConverter.framework
- Drag and Drop to yoru framwork.
- Unselected the
Copy Item If Needed
In the Run Script
> Input Files
, add
In the code , you can call
import RabbitConverter
You can use like
Rabbit.zguni("Zawgyi Text")
Rabbit.uni2zg("Unicode Text")