This library makes it easier to switch on / off a live stream automatically and play a list of videos in a loop.
To use any of the helpers provided by this library:
Install it as an npm package. Run this command in your scene's project folder:
npm install dcl-video-system
Add this line at the start of your game.ts file, or any other TypeScript files that require it:
import * as vs from 'dcl-video-system'
- Create the video system passing in the configuration parameters:
let videoSystem = new vs.VideoSystem({
emission: 1.2,
type: vs.VideoSystemTypes.LIVE,
offType: vs.VideoSystemTypes.PLAYLIST,
liveLink: "",
- To start the video system anywhere in your scene passing in an optional
- Add the
material to your plane shapes
let ent = new Entity()
ent.addComponent(new PlaneShape())
ent.addComponent(new Transform({position: new Vector3(16,5,16), rotation:Quaternion.Euler(0,180,0), scale: new Vector3(16,9,1)}))
This scene is protected with a standard Apache 2 licence. See the terms and conditions in the LICENSE file.