Cite as
author = {Thibault Clérice},
title = {Référentiel du Latin pour Pyrrha, d'après le dictionnaire et travaux du LASLA de D. Longrée et al},
month = may,
year = 2020,
publisher = {Zenodo},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3822040},
url = {}
Tag | French | English | UD POS | Example |
ADJadv.mul | Numéral Adverbial Multiplicatif | Multiplicative numeral adverbial | ADV | quadragies |
ADJadv.ord | Numéral Adverbial Ordinal | Ordinal numeral adverb | ADV | secundo |
ADJcar | Numéral Cardinal | Cardinal | NUM | decem, ducenti, duo |
ADJdis | Numéral Distributif | Distributive numeral | ADJ | tricenus, trinus, uicenus, undenus |
ADJmul | Numéral Multiplicatif | Multiplicative numeral | ADJ | septemplex, simplex, triplex |
ADJord | Numéral Ordinal | Ordinal numeral | ADJ | octogesimus, primus, prior |
ADJqua | Adjectif qualificatif | Adjective | ADJ | |
ADV | Adverbe | Adverb | ADV | |
ADVint | Adverbe interrogatif | Interogative Adverb | ADV | an, anne, cuicuimodi2 |
ADVint.neg | Adverbe interrogatif négatif | Negative Interrogative Adverb | ADV | necne, nonne, quidni |
ADVneg | Adverbe négatif | Negative Adverb | ADV | haud, ne3, nec1 |
ADVrel | Adverbe relatif | Relative Adverb | ADV | proquam, prout |
CONcoo | Conjonction de coordination | Coordinating conjunction | CCONJ | |
CONsub | Conjonction de subordination | Subordinating conjunction | SCONJ | |
INJ | Interjection | Interjection | INTJ | |
NOMcom | Nom commun | Noun | NOUN | |
NOMpro | Nom propre | Proper Noun | PROPN | |
OUT | Non-Géré | Out | X | |
PRE | Préposition | Preposition | ADP | |
PROdem | Pronom démonstratif | Demonstrative Pronoun | PRON | hic, idem, ille |
PROind | Pronom indéfini | Indefinite Pronoun | PRON | aliquantus, aliquis, aliquot, alis, alius, alter |
PROint | Pronom interrogatif | Interrogative Pronoun | PRON | cuias, cuius, ecquis |
PROper | Pronom personnel | Personal Pronoun | PRON | ego, nos, tu, uos |
PROpos | Pronom possessif | Possessive Pronoun | PRON | mei, meus, noster |
PROpos.ref | Pronom possessif réfléchi | Relfexive Possessive Pronoun | PRON | Sui, suus |
PROref | Pronom réfléchi | Reflexive Pronoun | PRON | sepse, sui |
PROrel | Pronom relatif | Relative Pronoun | PRON | cuius, qualis, qualiscumque |
PUNC | Ponctuation | Punctuation | PUNCT | |
VER | Verbe | Verb | VERB | |
VERaux | Verbe auxiliaire | Auxiliary Verb | AUX | |
FOR | Termes étrangers | Foreign words | X |
means a lemma was added*
means a lemma ha been more thoroughly detailed1/2
means lemma1 and lemma2 (disambiguation) were both modified@
fixed a typo
- D. Longrée, C. Philippart de Foy & G. Purnelle. « Structures phrastiques et analyse automatique des données morphosyntaxiques : le projet LatSynt », in S. Bolasco, I. Chiari & L. Giuliano (eds), Statistical Analysis of Textual Data, Proceedings of 10th International Conference Journées d'Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles, 9-11 June 2010, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, LED, pp. 433-442.
- D. Longrée & C. Poudat, « New Ways of Lemmatizing and Tagging Classical and post-Classical Latin: the LATLEM project of the LASLA », in P. Anreiter & M. Kienpointner (éd.), Proceedings of the 15th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft), Innsbruck, 2010, pp. 683-694.
- D. Longrée & C. Philippart de Foy & G. Purnelle, « Subordinate clause boundaries and word order in Latin: the contribution of the L.A.S.L.A. syntactic parser project LatSynt », in P. Anreiter & M. Kienpointner, éd.), Proceedings of the 15th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft), Innsbruck, 2010, pp. 673-681.
- D. Longrée & Poudat C., « Variations langagières et annotation morphosyntaxique du latin classique », TAL, 50 – n° 2/2009, Special issue on "Natural Language Processing and Ancient Languages", pp. 129-148.