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Table of Contents
- Official Documentation by rust-lang org
- Open Source Books or Free Books
- Books you have to buy or... you know the answer
- Guides and Tutorials
- Exercises
- Podcasts
- Algorithms
- Cheat Sheets
- Serialization
- WebAssembly (Wasm)
- Blockchain
- Interview
- Various Deep Dive Articles
- Rust Book (Stable)
- Ru Rust Book
- Rust Book (Nightly)
- Rust Reference
- The Rustonomicon
- Rust by Example
- Rust Standard Library
- Cargo Book
- Clippy Documentation (Stable)
- Clippy Documentation (Nightly)
- Rust Compiler (rustc)
- Rust Style Guidelines
- Rust Error Codes
- Rust Book Brown different version of the Rust Book, featuring: quizzes, highlighting, visualizations, and more
- Rust Atomics and Locks: Low-Level Concurrency in Practice by Mara Bos
- Asynchronous Programming in Rust by Carl Fredrik Samson
- Asynchronous Programming in Rust from NOTE: this guide is currently undergoing a rewrite after a long time without much work. It is work in progress, much is missing, and what exists is a bit rough.
- Effective Rust
- The Rust Performance Book
- Rust Cookbook
- The Embedded Rust Book
- Official and other Rust books built in EPUB format destined for local reading Jul 2023
- RustBooks GitHub
- 24 Premium Ebooks on Learning Rust
- Rust In Practice, Second Edition - Rick Tim, Ralph J, B Anderson
- Zero To Production In Rust by Luca Palmieri
- Rust for Network Programming and Automation by Gilbert Stew, Second Edition Work around designing networks, TCP/IP protocol, packet analysis and performance monitoring using Rust 1.68
- (Ru) Руководство по языку программирования Rust by
- Rust API Guidelines
- Rust Compiler Development Guide
- Rust Design Patterns
- Rust by Practice
- Rustlings This project contains small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code. This includes reading and responding to compiler messages.
- Rustfinity - challenges
- Rust in Production podcasts by Under episodes, you can find a list of links related to the discussion topics.
- The Algorithms - Rust Open Source resource for learning Data Structures & Algorithms and their implementation in any Programming Language
- 100 Rust interview questions and answers in 2024 Updated: January 14th, 2024
- 53 Rust Interview Questions + Answers (Easy, Medium, Hard)
- Rust Interview Questions for Developers from coderpad
- Simple rust interview questions by flakm May 8, 2022
- Rust Interview Handbook
- Reddit preparing for rust interview thread
- Rust Developer Interview Questions from <- I dont like answers here, just keep it as questions example
- Smart Pointers in Rust: A Comprehensive Guide by Murat Genc 2024-07-03
- Futures Explained in 200 Lines of Rust 2020-04-06: Final draft finished
- ARC Mutex in Rust by Adam Shirey 2020-12-23
- Explaining Atomics in Rust by cfsamson
- Explaining Atomics in Rust by cfsamson GitHub
- Reactor-Executor Pattern: A Deep Dive by Murat Genc 2024-06-11
- An example implementation that creates an event queue based on Kqueue, Epoll and IOCP
- The ultimate guide to Rust newtypes by howtocodeit
- Master hexagonal architecture in Rust by howtocodeit
- Implementing a load-balanced thread pool in Rust Feb 3, 2022
- Ru translation of the above article
- Four limitations of Rust's borrow checker Dec 21, 2024