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*                           Copyright Notice
*                       This code is (C) 2006-2024
*                 Vincent E. Larson and Brian M. Griffin
*         The distribution of this code and derived works thereof 
*                      should include this notice.
*         Portions of this code derived from other sources (Hugh Morrison,
*         ACM TOMS, Numerical Recipes, et cetera) are the intellectual
*         property of their respective authors as noted and are also 
*         subject to copyright. 
*        Overview of the Cloud Layers Unified By Binormals (CLUBB) code        
For a detailed description of the model code see:  

Larson, V. E., 2017: CLUBB-SILHS: A parameterization of subgrid variability
  in the atmosphere.

Golaz, J.-C., V. E. Larson, and W. R. Cotton, 2002:  A PDF-Based Model for
  Boundary Layer Clouds. Part I: Method and Model Description.  J. Atmos. Sci.,
  59, 3540--3551.

Golaz, J.-C., V. E. Larson, and W. R. Cotton, 2002:  A PDF-Based Model for
  Boundary Layer Clouds. Part II: Model Results.  J. Atmos. Sci, 59, 3552--3571.

Larson, V. E. and J.-C. Golaz, 2005:  Using Probability Density Functions to
  Derive Consistent Closure Relationships among Higher-Order Moments.  Mon. Wea.
  Rev., 133, 1023--1042.

   See also the ./doc/CLUBBeqns.pdf file in the git repository for the CLUBB
model equations and finer details on how the discretization was done.

The single column model executable ("clubb_standalone") runs a particular 
case (e.g. BOMEX shallow nonprecipitating cumulus case) 
and outputs statistical data in either Network Common Data Form (netCDF)
format or Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) format
(if the --grads flag is used with the run script run_scm.bash).
GrADS is both a data file format and a plotting program.  See
<> for a description of GrADS.  NetCDF is a self 
describing data file format that can be read by the GrADS plotting program, 
MATLAB, and other scientific programs.  See
<> for a description of netCDF.
A list of software packages that can be used to display netCDF data can be
found at <>.

The tuner code tunes certain parameters in a one-dimensional boundary layer 
cloud parameterization (``CLUBB''), to best fit large-eddy simulation output.  
It is not needed to run the single-column or for using CLUBB in a host model.
The parameterization is called as a subroutine ( run_clubb() ) with 
parameter values as input.

The tuner code is highly flexible.  One can vary the cases (bomex, fire, arm, 
or atex) to match; the variables to match (cloud fraction, liquid water, third
moment of vertical velocity, etc.); the altitude and times over which to match
these variables; and the parameters to tune (C1, beta, etc.).

For more information about the tuner, see section 3.3 below and in input_misc/tuner/README.

*                       CLUBB Quick Start Guide                       *
CLUBB is a single-column atmospheric model written in ISO Fortran 2003, and
executed using scripts written in the GNU Bash scripting language.
A script to plot CLUBB output, pyplotgen, has been implemented in Python,
and a script to compile CLUBB, mkmf, has been implemented in Perl.

This quick start guide has instructions for checking CLUBB out from the UWM
repositories, compiling CLUBB using the gfortran compiler, running one of the
benchmark test cases, and creating plots.

Checking CLUBB out requires the user to be a collaborator on the clubb_release github repository.
Sign up will require a github username.

After entering the required information in the registration page, an invitation e-mail
will be sent to the email associated with the github account entered.

Please note that each user will only need to sign up once.

With the valid permissions as a collaborator, the CLUBB code can be cloned from its
repository using git.  If you have not already downloaded CLUBB,
then at a bash prompt, type in the following command from the directory where
you want the clubb folder to be placed, all on one line:
user@computer ~$ git clone 

After entering this command, git will prompt for a username and password. 
Use your github credentials. After the authorized credentials are entered, 
git will download the CLUBB source code into the directory specified as the
last option in the git command; in the example
above, it will be downloaded to the clubb/ directory.  On some computers,
when entering the password, the cursor may remain in the same spot
and the screen may remain blank.  Don't be confused; hit return, and 
your password will be entered.  

Before CLUBB can be run, the source code must first be compiled. CLUBB is known
to compile properly with various Fortran compilers, including gfortran, 
which is free.  The CLUBB code relies on a script called mkmf 
which requires your system to have Perl installed.

To compile, change directories to the CLUBB directory (e.g. "clubb"),
and then to the compile directory within the CLUBB directory:

user@computer ~$ cd clubb/compile

Once in the compile directory, run the compile.bash script, using the config
file corresponding to the target platform to run CLUBB on.
For instance, on a Linux machine, to compile with gfortran, use the following
user@computer compile$ ./compile.bash -c config/linux_x86_64_gfortran.bash

To run this on a Mac OS X machine, you should use the following command:

user@computer compile$ ./compile.bash -c config/macosx_x86_64_gfortran.bash

Note: If clubb did not compile correctly (e.g. compiled with wrong config)
and you are using a mac, try installing gnu-getopt as opposed to bsd-getopt (default on mac) - compile.bash expects gnu-getopt.
Another work around for this is to change the default compile configuration in compile.bash.
To do this comment out the config for linux gfortran and uncomment the config for macOS gfortran in compile.bash  

The code should look like this:
# Set using the default config flags
#       CONFIG=./config/linux_x86_64_gfortran.bash # Linux (Redhat Enterprise 5 / GNU)
#       CONFIG=./config/linux_x86_64_g95_optimize.bash # Linux (Redhat Enterprise 5 g95)
        CONFIG=./config/macosx_x86_64_gfortran.bash # MacOS X / GNU
#       CONFIG=./config/aix_powerpc_xlf90_bluefire.bash # IBM AIX on Bluefire / XL Fortran
#       CONFIG=./config/solaris_generic_oracle.bash # Oracle/Sun Solaris / Oracle/Sun Fortran

(If you want a primer on using the command line shell on Macs, see .)

The command line will output information relating to the compilation of CLUBB.

If you change something in the configuration and need to remove the old 
executables and object files you can type:
user@computer compile$ ./clean_all.bash

Then recompile the code.

Once CLUBB is compiled, the various benchmark test cases can be run.
To do this, change directories to the run_scripts directory inside the CLUBB

Once in the run_scripts directory, CLUBB is generally run using the
run_scm.bash script. This script will run the CLUBB model for a single case,
which can be specified on the command line. For example, to run the BOMEX case:
user@computer run_scripts$ ./run_scm.bash bomex

To list various run-time options --- such as settings for grid spacing,
time step, stats output, and grads format --- type
user@computer run_scripts$ ./run_scm.bash --help

Other cases that you may run are listed in run_scripts/RUN_CASES.  The command
line will output information relating to the case as it runs.  In addition,
output from the case will be placed in the output directory inside the CLUBB

After a case has been run, the resulting output in netCDF format can be used 
to create graphs.  One way is to use an included python3 script called 
Pyplotgen produces plots that allow CLUBB's output to be easily visualized.  
Other options for plotting the output can be found at

Required packages to run pyplotgen --- e.g. pillow, netcdf4, and matplotlib ---
are contained in postprocessing/pyplotgen/requirements.txt.

The script is located in the postprocessing/pyplotgen directory
inside the CLUBB checkout. Pyplotgen is run by running the script,
after telling it where the CLUBB output directory is and specifying the desired
plots output directory. can be called from the postprocessing/pyplotgen
directory inside the CLUBB checkout.  For detailed instructions and options,
please read postprocessing/pyplotgen/ in your CLUBB checkout.

Then modify the ALL_CASES variable in pyplotgen/config/ to
include the CLUBB case(s) that you'd to plot (and only those cases).

To generate a webpage containing plots, type (if your output 
is in ~/clubb/output and you want the plots to go in directory ~/plots):

user@computer$ cd  ~/clubb/postprocessing/pyplotgen

user@computer$ python3 ./ -c ~/clubb/output -o ~/plots

(Here the tilde, ~, tells the OS to look in the user's home directory.)
The above line will use pyplotgen to create plots from the simulation output
in ~/clubb/output, and place the resulting plots in the ~/plots directory.  
pyplotgen will create the ~/plots directory if it does not exist,
and if it does exist, instead use 

user@computer$ python3 ./ -r -c ~/clubb/output -o ~/plots

in order to overwrite what's in the ~\plots directory.
If you want to overplot two simulations, move each set of output files to 
its own directory, e.g. ~/clubb/output/sim1 and ~/clubb/output/sim2, and
type the command

user@computer$ cd  ~/clubb/postprocessing/pyplotgen
user@computer pyplotgen$ python3 ./ -c ~/clubb/output/sim1 ~/clubb/output/sim2 -o ~/plots

To view the plots, use a web browser to view index.html in the plots directory.
user@computer ~$ firefox ~/plots/index.html

Alternatively, one can use the command "pwd" in order to find the directory path
to the index.html file.  Then go to a web browser URL bar, type "file://" then the path,
and then "/index.html".


To check out, compile, and run CLUBB, and use pyplotgen to view the results,
follow the following steps:

- Become a CLUBB collaborator
  - Sign up at:
  - This only needs to be performed once. 
  - You must have a valid GitHub account.
- Check out the CLUBB code with git
  - git clone
- Compile the CLUBB source code with a Fortran compiler (e.g. gfortran)
  - ./compile.bash config/linux_x86_64_gfortran.bash
    (in the clubb/compile directory)
    (Replace config/linux_x86_64_gfortran.bash to match the desired platform
     and compiler.  You may need to edit these for your pariticular computer
     setup if your paths are not the same as ours)
- Run a benchmark case (e.g. BOMEX)
  - ./run_scm.bash bomex
    (in the clubb/run_scripts directory)
- Run pyplotgen to create plots of the output from the benchmark case simulation
  - python3 ./ -c ~/clubb/output -o ~/plots
    (in the clubb/postprocessing/pyplotgen directory, assuming CLUBB is checked
     out to ~/clubb)
- View the pyplotgen plots using a web browser
  - firefox ~/plots/index.html

*                        Using the CLUBB Model                        *


- (1.1) Building (i.e. compiling) everything:

The CLUBB code is written in ISO Fortran 2003 and executed by scripts written in
the GNU Bash scripting language. 
The mkmf Makefile generating script and some other optional code checking
scripts are written in the Perl scripting language.
On the Microsoft Windows platform the CLUBB parameterization could be configured
and compiled using MSYS or Cygwin with G95, but we have not tested this sort 
of configuration.

When compiling CLUBB to a new platform there are sometimes portability 
difficulties that arise, usually from different Fortran compilers.  When 
possible it may be helpful to look at similar platforms in the compile/config 
directory.  Another useful troubleshooting technique is to examine the 
configuration of other Fortran projects (e.g. WRF) on the same platform.  If you
manage to compile CLUBB on a new configuration and would like to share it with
other users, feel free to send us an email with your configuration attached.

We mainly use the GNU Fortran compiler on Intel and AMD x64 processors running 
CentOS 6.5.  GNU Fortran <> has been tested 
on x64 & x86 GNU/Linux and MacOS X systems. Other configurations that have been 
used to compile CLUBB can be found in the compile/ config directory.

Older versions of the GNU Fortran compiler (GCC) may not work.  The default 
version on Redhat Enterprise 5 does not. Install and use gfortran44 instead.
The versions that comes with Fedora Core 11 and Ubuntu 8 LTS and later should 
be able to compile CLUBB properly.

It is important to note that all these compilers use *incompatible* module
formats for the .mod files!  If you want to use different compilers on the
same system, you will need to build a different set of netCDF mod files for
each compiler and use -M or -I flags to specify their location.

In order to get similar results on differing architectures, platforms, and
compilers, initially try a conservative optimization and enable 
IEEE-754 standard style floating-point math.  On x86 compatible computers 
enabling SSE or SSE2 with a compiler flag is usually the best way to do this.

Requirements for compiling and running CLUBB:
A. A Fortran 2003 compiler with a complete implementation of the standard.
   The compile/config directory contains several scripts for 
   configurations we have tested.
B. GNU make (we use v3.81).
C. Perl 5 to run the mkmf script (called by compile.bash to create the makefiles).
D. LAPACK & BLAS.  These provide the tri and band diagonal matrix solver
   subroutines needed by CLUBB.  Many vendors provide optimized versions of
   these routines, which are typically much faster than the reference BLAS.  
   To be safe, we recommend you use a LAPACK and BLAS library compiled with the 
   same compiler you compile the CLUBB code with (e.g. don't compile LAPACK
   with GNU Fortran and CLUBB with Portland Group's Fortran).
E. GNU bash, or an equivalent POSIX compliant shell to use the run scripts.
   See <http://>.

F. GrADS for viewing the GrADS output data.
G. netCDF >= v3.5.1;  We have not tested our code with anything older.
   If you do not use netCDF, you must remove -DNETCDF from the preprocessor
   flags, found in the compile/config/<PLATFORM>.bash file, and
   remove -lnetcdf from the LDFLAGS.
H. MATLAB, GNU Octave or NCAR graphics for viewing the netCDF output data.

To compile the code, perform the following three steps:
1. $ cd <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY>/compile
   (<CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY> is the directory to which you checked out CLUBB.  
    Usually it is called "clubb" or some variant.)
2. Edit a ./config/<PLATFORM>.bash file and uncomment the corresponding 
   line in the file compile.bash. Depending on your platform you may need 
   to create a new file based on the existing configurations, and add a new
   line to compile.bash.  Add or uncomment the "source" statement
   for your <PLATFORM>.bash in the file ./compile.bash, and comment
   out the other "source" statements with a # character.

   Alternatively, compile.bash can take in an argument specifying the
   config file to use. In this case, the ./config/<PLATFORM>.bash file
   would still need to be edited/created according to your platform, but
   ./compile.bash would not need to be edited at all.

   Note that the variables libdir and bindir determine where
   your executables and libraries will end up, so make sure you set it
   to the correct location (the default is one directory up).
3. $ ./compile.bash
   if you edited compile.bash, or
   $ ./compile.bash ./config/<PLATFORM>.bash
   if you wish to pass in the config file as a parameter

                            *** Important Note ***
   If you have a linking error related to a symbol with a name like _sisnan or
   _disnan you have an older version of LAPACK. You will either need to 
   upgrade LAPACK, or add -DNO_LAPACK_ISNAN to the CPPDEFS variable in your 
   ./config/<PLATFORM>.bash;  note however that we haven't tested this 
   alternate code with many compilers using high levels of optimization. Certain
   assumptions made by high levels of optimization may disable checks in CLUBB 
   that test for NaN/Undefined variables after solving a matrix if the flag
   -DNO_LAPACK_ISNAN is added.

The executables and Makefile will appear in <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY>/bin 
and libraries in <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY>/lib.  The object (.o) and 
module (.mod) files will appear in <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY>/obj.

If you're using GNU make and have a fast parallel machine, parallel builds 
should work as well.  E.g. for 3 threads, append gmake="gmake -j 3" to the
file source'd from compile.bash.

The mkmf script may or may not generate files that are compatible with
non GNU versions of make.

If you add a new source file to CLUBB, then in order for mkmf to be
able to find it, you will need to add the filename 
to one of the file lists in directory compile/file_list.

When compiling for a tuning run, make sure to include the command-line option
-t/--tuner along with any other option:
   $ ./compile.bash -t [other options]

- (1.1.1) Promoting real to double precision at compile time

Several compilers allows for promotion of real variables without a "kind="
statement to double precision at compile time through the use of a compiler
flag.  This will not currently work with the numerical recipes subroutines
referenced by the tuner because they use operator overloading (therefore you can
only use tune_type = 2 when all real variables are promoted).
It also fails to work with Morrison microphysics (clubb:ticket:585#comment:13).

To do this:

1. Do a clean_all.bash if have object files and programs from a prior compile.
2. Edit compile.bash so that l_double_precision=true.
3. ./compile.bash

To set the precision of CLUBB's internal variables, in the 
compile/config .bash file you wish to use, set -DCLUBB_REAL_TYPE=8 
for double precision or -DCLUBB_REAL_TYPE=4 for single precision.

- (1.2) Building (i.e. compiling) for use in a host model:

You do not need to build all the components if you have implemented CLUBB
in a large-scale weather or climate model and want to run the combined
model, rather than running CLUBB in standalone (single-column) mode 
as described above. 

A., B., C., D., & E. as above.


There are two basic ways to doing this:
- Method 1: Build libclubb_param.a and link it to the host model
Do 1, 2, & 3 as above.  Important Note: The host model, CLUBB, and ancillary 
programs such as netCDF and MPI need to be compiled using the same version 
of Fortran and with the same compiler flags.  Not using the same compiler and 
the same flags may cause errors and/or spurious results. 

Optionally, you can safely remove everything but libclubb_param.a from the 
"all" section of the compile.bash script if you only want to use CLUBB in 
a host model.
Then, do

$ ./compile.bash

This will build just the static library and the f90 modules.
The static library will be in <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY>/lib, while the modules will be 
in the <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY>/obj directory.  You will need at least the 
clubb_core.mod and constants.mod file to interface with CLUBB.

Addition by Brian:  
In addition to the above, you will have to make a reference to the CLUBB 
library from the configuration file of the host program.  Since CLUBB now uses 
the LAPACK libraries, you will also have to make reference to those. Currently, 
we do not include the LAPACK libraries with the CLUBB download.  You will have 
to find them and then download them onto your own computer if they are not
included with your operating system or compiler.  Once you have done this, you 
can reference them in a line such as the following:

-L/home/griffinb/clubb/lib -lclubb_param -llapack -lblas

If the LAPACK and BLAS libraries were compiled with GNU Fortran, you may 
need to link to the runtime libs for that with -lg2c or -lgfortran as well.

Don't forget that you will also have to make reference
to the CLUBB modules.  You can reference that with a line
such as the following:


- Method 2: Use a host model's make to compile CLUBB 
We've used git subtrees to put the CLUBB_core directory into the SAM host
model, and compile CLUBB using the SAM's Build script.  Other host models
that utilize B. Eaton's mkDepends and mkSrcFiles could be similarly
configured.  The basic method is to put the src/CLUBB_core directory into
the search path used by mkSrcfiles and mkDepends. These will create the
list of files to be used and then CLUBB should compile without a problem.
This tends to be the less complicated solution and allows you to make
changes to the CLUBB parameterization with just one compile step.
There are 3 key caveats when this method however:
1. The netCDF library still needs to be linked in if -DNETCDF is defined
for compiling CLUBB's source files.  If the host model itself uses the 
netCDF library, this shouldn't require any modifications to the linking
(this is usually in the LDFLAGS variable for the host model).
2. The LAPACK and BLAS libraries still need to be linked into the host
model application.
3. The CLUBB model has files with a .F90 extension in addition to .f90;
You may need to modify mkSrcfiles if it's not searching for those.

- (1.2.1) Performance in a host model:
There are several key points to reducing the portion of runtime spent
by CLUBB in a host model.  These include:

1. Using a fast compiler with flags that work well for your computer.
  On UWM's machines, the Intel Fortran and Sun Studio compilers performed
  much better than g95.  Consult the documentation provided by the compiler
  vendor, and try to use options that optimize to your particular processor 
  and cache.  Generally, we recommend against using options that reduce 
  the precision of calculations, since they may negatively impact the 
  accuracy of your results.

2. Choose a fast implementation of the Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines 
  (abbreviated BLAS).  This is more crucial for CLUBB than for other models
  because CLUBB uses large matrix inversions. 
  For the LAPACK and BLAS libraries it is best to use the AMD Core Math Library,
  Intel Math Kernel Library, or ATLAS BLAS rather than the "reference" BLAS 
  that typically comes with GNU/Linux systems, because the former will greatly 
  improve the CLUBB code's runtime.
  Typically we've seen better performance with the AMD Core Math Library
  using AMD processors and the Intel MKL using Intel processors.
  The ATLAS version of BLAS has been carefully configured to work well with 
  both after being tuned at compile time to your specific setup.
  It is probably best to avoid the current Oracle Performance Library for 
  production simulations, since it appears to have a high OpenMP overhead 
  when solving the matrices in CLUBB.
  On IBM AIX the included library ESSL lacks the band diagonal solvers that 
  CLUBB uses, so regular LAPACK must be used.

3. If the host model's timestep is less than a minute, then a time-saving option
  is to sub-cycle the CLUBB code so that CLUBB is being called at a 60 or 120
  second timestep rather than the host model timestep.  The CLUBB code 
  uses a semi-implicit discretization, and should not require a small timestep.

4. In some implementations of CLUBB in a host model, we have enabled the CLUBB
  statistics code for a particular horizontal grid column (e.g. output the
  first column of the third row on the domain).  This is meant to be used
  for diagnostic purposes and should be disabled (l_stats = .false.) when
  the model is used for production runs.  Alternatively, a small number of
  CLUBB's variables could be output rather than all of them. That way, not as
  many variables would need to be written to the disk.

5. Host models should call set_clubb_debug_level at initialization.  For
  production simulations, use an argument of 0 rather than 1 or 2.  This 
  disables warning messages and associated diagnostics, and will help speed 
  up the model.

6. When determining runtime occupied by CLUBB, keep in mind that the
  percent time spent in the CLUBB code will be proportional to other processes
  that are computed within the host model.  For example, in SAM-CLUBB the 
  percentage of runtime spent in the CLUBB code will be far less if there 
  large number of microphysical fields or tracers since the host model will 
  need to advect, diffuse, and apply other processes to each of them. The
  total time in CLUBB should be the same regardless of these other processes.

- (1.3) Making clean (for re-compiling from scratch)  

Occasionally, one needs to erase old executables or libraries and re-compile 
the code starting with nothing.  For instance, this may be required when 
a library or compiler is updated.  

To delete old object files (*.o), and mod (*.mod) files,
go to <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY>/bin (where Makefile resides) and type

$ make clean

If this doesn't help, then to additionally delete everything in the binary 
and library directories, go to <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY>/bin and type

$ make distclean

To save time we have a script clean_all.bash in the compile directory that will
also do make distclean without the need to change directories.


- (2.1) Executing a single-column (standalone) run:

   Before you can execute CLUBB, you must compile it (see Build section 
   <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY> refers the the directory where clubb is installed.
   <CASE NAME> refers to the cloud case, e.g. arm, atex, bomex, etc.

1. cd <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY>/input/case_setups

2. Edit <CASE NAME> for each case you wish to run, or just leave 
   them as is.  This file contains inputs such as model timestep, vertical
   grid spacing, options for microphysics and radiation schemes, and so forth.  
   See the KK_microphys code for a description of Khairoutdinov and Kogan
   drizzle parameterization.
   See BUGSrad description below for a description of the interactive
   radiation scheme.
   Enabling radiation or microphysics parameterizations may increase runtime 

3. cd <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY>/input/stats
   Edit a stats file you would like to use, if you would like to output to
   disk a variable that is not currently output.  A complete list of all 
   computable statistics is found in  Note that CLUBB now 
   supports GrADS or netCDF output, but you can only use the clubb_tuner 
   using GrADS, due to some issues with buffered I/O.

4. $ cd <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY>/input/tunable_parameters
   Edit if you are an expert and wish to try to optimize 
   the solution accuracy.  The file contains values of the
   physical parameters that are embedded in parameterized terms in CLUBB's
   equation set.  They are neither constants of nature, nor are they configuration
   specifications such as paths to input files.  They are specified constants
   found in the model equation set (for example, C5, C8, etc.; see the CLUBB
   model equation set in ./doc/CLUBBeqns.pdf for more detail).  The default
   parameter values in have been tested extensively and
   will work with all the current cases.

5. Within folder input/tunable_parameters, edit
   if you are an expert and you want to try different options within CLUBB.

6. $ cd <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY>/run_scripts
   $ ./run_scm.bash <CASE NAME> or
   $ ./run_scm.bash <CASE NAME> -p <PARAMETER FILE> -s <STATS FILE>

   Where the parameter file and stats file are optional arguments. The default
   is and

   For a complete list of options type:
   $ ./run_scm.bash --help

   The resulting data will be written in the directory clubb/output.

- (2.2) Explanation of CLUBB's output and input files

Nota bene: Our numerical output is usually in GrADS format
(  Each output has a header, or control file 
(.ctl), and a data file (.dat).  The .ctl file is a text file that 
describes the file format, which variables are output in which order, etc.  
CLUBB also can output in netCDF (.nc) format.


Generated CLUBB GrADS files (in clubb/output):
  bomex_zt.dat, fire_zt.dat, arm_zt.dat, atex_zt.dat, dycoms_zt.dat,
    wangara_zt.dat, <case>_zm, <case>_sfc ...
  These are the output files generated by CLUBB.  Every time CLUBB is run, 
  these are overwritten, so if you want to prevent them
  from being erased be sure to either copy the .ctl and .dat
  files to another directory or rename them.

LES GrADS files (available only to larson group members):
  les_data/bomex_coamps_sw.ctl, les_data/wangara_rams.ctl
  FIRE, BOMEX, ARM & ATEX are some basic benchmark ``datasets'', 
  simulated by COAMPS, that we compare to CLUBB output.  BOMEX is trade-wind 
  cumulus; FIRE is marine  stratocumulus; ARM is continental cumulus; and 
  ATEX is cumulus under stratocumulus.  BOMEX, FIRE, and ATEX are statistically 
  steady-state; ARM varies over the course of a day.


Input values of parameters and flags can be set in various namelists, described below.

Note that at the beginning of a run the run scripts combine all the namelist
files into one file, named, which is then fed into the CLUBB main code.
The namelist files:

  input/case_setups/<CASE NAME>
  These files specify the standard CLUBB model parameters.  Usually these 
  do not need to be modified unless a new case is being set up.

  input/stats/,, etc.
  These files specify statistics output for each simulation.  See for a complete list of the all variables that can be output.

The surface files:

  input/case_setups/<CASE NAME>
  These files contain the time-dependent surface fluxes and conditions for a case. 
  The variables that can be included here are Time[s], thlm[k], rt[kg/kg],
  latent_ht[W/m^2], sens_ht[W/m^2], CO2[umol/m^2/s], upwp_sfc[(m/s)^2],
  vpwp_sfc[(m/s)^2], T_sfc[K], wpthlp_sfc[mK/s], and wpqtp_sfc[(kg/kg)m/s].
  A file must contain the Time variable, but all others are

  Not all cases have a file. Some cases compute surface 
  variables from an equation provided in the case specification. For
  these cases, the surface variables are computed within 
  src/Benchmark_cases/<CASE NAME>.F90, subroutine <CASE_NAME>_sfclyr().

The forcings files:

  input/case_setups/<CASE NAME>
  These files contain the time-dependent forcing data for a case. 

  Not all cases have a file. Some case compute forcings
  variables from an equation provided in the case specification. For
  these cases, the forcings variables are computed within
  src/Benchmark_cases/<CASE NAME>.F90, subroutine <CASE NAME>_tndcy().

The sounding files:

  input/case_setups/<CASE NAME>, <CASE NAME>,
  These files contain the sounding data by level for a case.

  All cases need a file.,,
  and files are optional.

Some of best tested cases:

How to create a new case:

  The easiest way to create a new case is to copy and then modify one of the 
  "current" cases shown above. The typical files that need to modified are the
  files mentioned above: namelist file, surface file, forcing file, and 
  sounding file, as well as the <CASE NAME>.F90 file located in 

The randomization files (only needed for the tuner described below):

  run_scripts/generate_seed.bash, input_misc/tuner/rand_seed.dat, bin/int2txt
  The script uses intrinsic functionality in the Linux kernel to generate
  a pseudo random seed (the .dat) used by the tuner for randomizing initial
  parameters.  This works on any operating system with a Linux style 
  /dev/urandom (Solaris, Tru64, etc.) as well.  The seed file is now plain text 
  text and can be edited by hand.

- (2.3) Plotting output from a single-column run:

A plotting script,, is contained in the directory postprocessing/pyplotgen.
See postprocessing/pyplotgen/ for more information on

Otherwise, you can view the raw CLUBB output files in GrADS or netCDF
format using a plotting program such as GrADS (
To open a GrADS session, type "grads" at a Linux prompt.

- (2.4) Determining whether two CLUBB simulations produce different output:

There are 2 major ways to determine if output files are different, each will 
be covered briefly in this section.
1) script: tests for bit-by-bit equivalence
2) plotting the outputs using pyplotgen: tests for visual agreement

- Comparison using
This script takes two output directories as arguments and will compare the
contents of those directories to determine if the binary outputs differ.  
Note that
run_scm_all.bash must be run prior to this script to create the ouput to be
compared.  The script will compare the .nc files for each
case specified in run_scm_all.bash.  This is the most exact way to detect
differences between two output directories.

This script can be found in "clubb/run_scripts".

Usage: ./ output_directory output_directory_to_compare

- Comparison using pyplotgen
This method requires python as the plots are generated through python.
For information on pyplotgen, including detailed usage and options see:
postprocessing/pyplotgen/ in your CLUBB checkout.


- (3.0) Multicolumn Runs:

CLUBB has the capability to run with multiple columns, where each
columns uses a different parameter set. To perform one of these runs
you need a file containing a list of the parameters you want to use
for each colummn, along with an additional namelist containing the 
number of columns to run with (ngrdcol) and a logical (l_output_multi_col)
that tells CLUBB whether or not you want to multiple column data to be saved 
to disk. 

There is a tool in run_scripts used to generate a multiple column
parameter set along with this extra namelist, here is an example use:
` -n 32 -param_file input/tunable_parameters/`
- This will create a new param file with the default name ""
- This file will contain 32 copies of the parameter set passed into it
- It will also contain the namelist setting ngrdcol=32 and l_output_multi_col=.true. (true by default)
- There are other options this script takes, including different parameter generation schemes,
  see the script for more details.

Once you have the multicolumn parameter file, you can run clubb with the '-p'
flag to pass in the new parameter set, like so:
`./run_scm.bash -p arm`
- The multiple column data will be saved to output/{casename}_multi_col_zm/
- This data is output if `l_output_multi_col` is true, regardless of the 
  l_stats setting, so one can run clubb with "-e" as well to turn off 
  stats and still get the the multicolumn output, e.g
`./run_scm.bash -p -e arm`

- (3.1) Executing a restart run:

After a long simulation has been performed, it is sometimes convenient to 
perform a new simulation that starts some time at the middle or end of the original 
simulation, rather than wasting time by starting again from the initial time.  
The new simulation is then called a "restart" simulation.  The restart
simulation is initialized using data saved to disk by the original
simulation at the restart time.

1.  Perform the original simulation of case <CASE NAME> and save the GrADS 
    or netCDF output files in the <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY>/output directory. 
    These data files will be accessed to restart the simulation.  In order
    to reproduce the original simulation exactly, one must save
    non-time-averaged output from the original simulation.  That is, 
    in the file, one must set stats_tsamp to the same value 
    as stats_tout for the original simulation.

2.  Create a subdirectory in the <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY> called "restart" and 
    move the GrADS output files to that subdirectory.

3.  Edit the following three variables at the end of the &model_setting section of 
    the file:

    l_restart = .true.
    restart_path_case = restart/<CASE NAME>
    time_restart = initial time of restart run in seconds

    Compute time_restart as (time_initial + n_out * stats_tout), where n_out
    is the number of output intervals before the restart time.

4.  Execute the run as usual from /run_scripts using 
    ./run_scm.bash <CASE NAME>

- (3.2) Executing a single-column run with fields input from LES:

One supported mode of running clubb is to use GrADS or netCDF data from either a
prior CLUBB run or a horizontally averaged set of data from an LES to
set some of the prognosed variables to the data set's values at each timestep.
E.g. If desired, the horizontal winds (variables um and vm in the code)
could be fixed to the COAMPS-LES value at each timestep, while the other
fields will evolve as in the standard single-column run.

Currently, we have only tested the code with data from COAMPS and SAM-LES.  Data 
from CLUBB also works, but should result in similar results to not 
using input_fields and so is less useful.

The relevant namelist files are in the input/case_setups/<Model Case> files.
To execute an input fields run, you first need to set the variable l_input_fields to
.true., and then configure a separate namelist called &setfields, which controls the
data and variables that are read in.  First, set the 'datafile' variable in the
&setfields namelist to the location of the data files, and set 'input_type' to ether 
"clubb", "coamps_les", "sam", or "rams_les" depending on the type of data you want to
read in.  Finally, set 'l_input_<varname>' to .true. for those fields for which you 
want to use a fixed value from the LES dataset at the beginning of each timestep.

Then, change your directory to run_scripts and execute the run_scm.bash
as you would usually.

Nota bene:  The GrADS data files cannot have a time increment less than 1mn.
Therefore, when a file is output in CLUBB with a stats_tout of less than
60, the code will simply round up, which will not work for using the
resulting GrADS data file generated for an inputfields simulation.
Therefore, when l_input_fields is true, always use GrADS data output
at 1mn increments or greater.

Note the input fields code will also work for tuning runs, if the tuner is
configured to use a <Case Name> with the input fields options

- (3.3) Executing a tuning run:

The "tuner" code is used to optimize CLUBB's parameters in order to better match
output from a 3D large-eddy simulation (LES) model.  The default optimization 
technique is the downhill-simplex method of Nelder and Mead, as implemented in 
Numerical Recipes In Fortran 90, 3rd Ed. (amoeba.f90).  You will either need special
access to the CLUBB repository, or your own license from Numerical Recipes to
use the default algorithm.  In the latter case, the files that need to be placed in
the directory src/Numerical_recipes are:
amebsa.f90  nr.f90      nrutil.f90  ran1_v.f90
amoeba.f90  nrtype.f90  ran1_s.f90  ran_state.f90
You may need to separate out any USE statements delimited by a semicolon in
order to make the files work properly with the mkmf script.

For a tuning run, CLUBB must be compiled as described in Chapter 1 with one exception:
it is advised to use the command-line option -t/--tuner when calling the compile.bash script 
in order to avoid crashed while tuning:
   $ ./compile.bash -t [other options]
Using this option will set a compiler flag that enables additional checks needed to avoid 
floating-point issues when running CLUBB with unusual parameter sets.
In general, this change will likely not be bit-changing since it will only affect the output 
in extreme cases.
Do steps 1, 2, & 3 as outlined in the description of a standalone run (Sec 2.1).

4. Edit input_misc/tuner/error_<CASE NAME>.in or select an existing one. Note that
   there are two tuning subroutines, specified by tune_type in the 
   error_<CASE NAME>.in /stats/ namelist.  
   If tune_type = 0, then the amoeba subroutine, which implements the downhill 
   simplex algorithm, will be used.  If runtype is 1, then amebsa, 
   a variant of amoeba which uses simulated annealing instead, is used.  A complete 
   explanation of these minimization algorithms can be found 
   in "Numerical Recipes" by Press et al., .
   The current default is tune_type = iesa = 2 and l_esa_siarry = .false.,
   which runs a variant of simulated annealing developed by Gunther Huebler.
   The parameters whose values are adjusted by the tuner 
   are the non-zero entries in namelist initmax.
   Sometimes the names of the optimized variable in the CLUBB and LES output
   will differ.  Note that when tuning against netCDF data, the file will
   need to have a .nc extension for the clubb_tuner to correctly identify
   the file as being in netCDF format.  
   For more information on the tuning parameters go to input_misc/tuner/README.

5. You may also wish to set the debug_level to 0 in the file
   input/case_setups/<CASE_NAME> to speed up tuning.
   Doing this will also help make the output match the nightly tuning run. 
   You may need to set stats_tout to 60.0 in order to match the
   time interval of LES output data.  The tuner also supports 
   setting l_input_fields
   to .true. for for the purposes of `fixing' variables such as um or vm for
   the purposes of isolating model errors.

6. Edit run_scripts/run_tuner.bash to use your namelists.  Note that run_tuner.bash uses
   a customized stats file for tuning and a (possibly different) stats file 
   to run CLUBB with the optimized parameters.  The stats file used while 
   tuning is input/stats/ and contains only the names of the 
   variables being tuned for; this speeds up the tuning process.  Therefore,
   you must also edit to match the variables being tuned for
   in the error_<CASE_NAME>.in file.

7. Ensure that the directory /home/pub/les_and_clubb_benchmark_runs exists on the
   machine you are using.  (All group computers at UWM should have this directory.)  
   This directory should contain the benchmark LES output that CLUBB is trying
   to match.  Using this output, along with setting debug_level to 0, 
   will produce identical output to the nightly tests tuning run.

8. Go to the run_scripts directory and execute ./run_tuner.bash

NOTE: In previous versions the run_tuner.bash script executed pre-tuning CLUBB standalone runs.
Those runs are now by default disabled and can be re-enabled by adding the *-i/--initial-output* option when executing run_script.bash

- (3.3.1) Creating a RAM disk (optional)

One means of speeding up tuning runs is reducing the time spent writing
to the hard disk.  Most operating systems support a virtual device called
a ram disk, which is main memory that has been allocated to act as an emulated
file system.  Note that you will need system privileges to make the ram disk, 
and files copied to the ram disk are not preserved when the computer is 
powered off.


1. Create and mount RAM disk on "output"

2. Run tuner

Linux Example
Note that you will need ram disk support compiled into your kernel, which is
typically the default on most systems.  Linux appears to be less flexible 
about when you are allowed to change the ramdisk size.

1. In grub.conf
   Append to 'kernel' line:
   kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.21-40.EL ro root=LABEL=/ ramdisk_size=262144

This sets ram disks to be 256 megabytes in size.  Note that your own system may
already have other options besides the ramdisk_size on this line.

2. $ mkfs.ext2 /dev/ram0

3. $ mount /dev/ram0 /home/dschanen/clubb/output

4. $ cd run_scripts

(Run your job)

Solaris Example
Note that these instructions only apply to Solaris 9 & 10

1. $ ramdiskadm -a clubb 256m 
Creates a virtual disk clubb that is 256 megabytes in size.

2. $ newfs /dev/ramdisk/clubb

3. $ mount /dev/ramdisk/clubb /home/dschanen/clubb/output/

4. $ cd run_scripts

(Run your job)

- (3.3.2) Executing an ensemble tuning run:

An ensemble tuning run generates a set ("ensemble") of optimal parameter
values.  This is useful if you want to see the range of parameter values that
will yield good results.

Detailed instructions on how to execute an ensemble tuning run
can be found in ens_tune/README.

- (3.4) Executing a Jacobian analysis:

A Jacobian analysis determines how sensitive the model results are to a change
in a parameter value.

1. $ cd ../run_scripts

2. Edit ../input_misc/ 

   Note that choosing a high delta_factor may make the model
   crash, which will result in no data (results for that term will come
   back as NaN).


- (3.5) Running a convergence test:

A convergence test is used to determine how well CLUBB is converging to a reference
solution (which is a simulation run with very high spatial and temporal resolution)
as vertical and temporal resolution increases over multiple simulations.

The convergence tests run multiple simulations (for each test case) with the
following refinements. The number on the left is the order of the refinement,
where the vertical grid spacing and model timestep duration are both a factor
of 2^order smaller than their 0th order values. The 7th refinement is the "reference"
refinement, as it is run at the smallest grid spacing and time step duration.

0: dt = 4 s; dz is based on the 128-level "deep convective" zt grid
   (input/grid/deep_convection_128lev_27km_zt_grid.grd), which is applied
   up to altitude zm_top, which is the case-specific model upper boundary. 
1: dt = 2 s; dz is 1/2 of its size at the 0th refinement.
2: dt = 1 s; dz is 1/4 of its size at the 0th refinement.
3: dt = 0.5 s; dz is 1/8 of its size at the 0th refinement.
4: dt = 0.25 s; dz is 1/16 of its size at the 0th refinement.
5: dt = 0.125 s; dz is 1/32 of its size at the 0th refinement.
6: Omitted
7 (reference solution): dt = 0.03125 s; dz is 1/128 of its size at the 0th refinement.

The convergence tests scripts run the convergence tests in 3 steps: (1) compile
the code (if necessary), (2) run the tests, and (3) perform the postprocessing,
which generates a large number of *.png image files in the cnvg_*/figures
directory. The *.png image files show the rate of convergence for each case and
variable of interest.

There are 3 different groups of settings for running the convergence tests:

1) default: turns off both microphysics and radiation, and also turns off
            wp2 splat and turns on the l_standard_term_ta flag.
2) baseline: uses the settings found in "default", and additionally uses
             modified initial conditions instead of the default method and
             uses modified boundary conditions for computing surface fluxes.
3) revall: uses the settings found in "baseline", and additionally uses
           a modified Brunt-Vaisala frequency and Richardson number limiter,
           sets l_smooth_Heaviside_tau_wpxp to false, uses linear diffusion
           (accomplished by setting all of c_K1, c_K2, c_K6, c_K8, and c_K9
           to 0), and uses a modified wp3 limiter with a smooth Heaviside

The "revall" is the group of setting that you want to use to truly test for
maximum convergence.

As of now, the convergence tests are only able to be run on Anvil, which is
a U.S. D.O.E. computer. The steps to run a convergence test are as follows:

1. cd run_scripts/convergence_run

2. Edit run_cnvg_test_multi_cases_revall.csh.

   You will most likely need to edit the script to declare the path to the
   top-level (main) CLUBB directory. You can edit whether or not to compile,
   whether or not to run the cases, and whether or not to perform the
   postprocessing. You can also edit what CLUBB test cases are run, for how
   long they are run for, etc.

3. Since these tests take a long time to run, they can be run in the background
   by issuing the following command at the prompt:

   at now -f run_cnvg_revall

   The standard output (screen output) from the run is redireted to
   clubb_output_revall.txt (also within the run_scripts/convergence_run
   directory). The netCDF output files that CLUBB produces are stored in
   the same location that CLUBB normally places output files, and that is
   in the output directory. Finally, the script creates a new directory
   underneath the main directory that is called cnvg_revall. There are
   many log files and other files placed in this directory. Also within
   this directory is the figures subdirectory, which contains the *.png
   output files that contain the results of the convergence test.


- (4.1) The passive scalar code

The CLUBB code can be run with additional non-interactive scalars.
The scalars in the code provide a generalized way of simulating a 
passive scalar in the atmosphere (e.g. carbon dioxide) 

By default CLUBB is configured to run without any passive scalars.  To use 
this option, you must modify the input/case_setups/<CASE NAME>
so that sclr_dim is equal to the number of passive scalars.  You will also 
need to set variable ii<SCALAR NAME> to be the index of the array which 
contains the passive scalar.  For example, iisclr_CO2 is setup in the COBRA
case to be the index containing carbon dioxide.  New passive scalars with
different fluxes and forcings would need to be added to the code.
The initial sounding can be done at run time in <CASE NAME>_sclr_sounding
file, but large scale forcing and surface fluxes for these passive scalars 
must be configured in the clubb_driver code and handled at compile time.
To output the scalar fields from a CLUBB simulation, be sure to include 
sclr1m, sclr1p2, etc. your stats file. See input/stats/ for a
complete list (commented out by default).

Currently the code contains eddy-diffusivity scalar code (edsclr1m, edsclr2m)
and the more sophisticated high-order scalars (sclr1m, sclr2m).  Both use two
dimensional arrays, but the code and results for each is separated.
The high-order scalars require a tolerance, called `sclrtol' to be set in the
namelist file. Generally this value should be larger than machine epsilon.

Initially, the scalar arrays were configured to contain two vertical columns
containing copies of thl and rt for testing purposes.
The code is sufficiently general that an arbitrary number of scalars can be
added with a small number of modifications.

The Namelists:

Within the existing <CASE NAME> for each run, a sounding for 
the scalar variable must be added.  See input/case_setups/
for an example.

Finally, if you wish to see the results of your calculations, you will need to
append the names of variables to the vars_zt and var_zm portion of the 
&stats namelist.  The file has this done already.
The variables follow the convention of having the index number appended after 
the sclr portion of their name.  For example, the first scalar mean is 'sclr1m',
and the second is 'sclr2m'.  These and their forcings are all that occurs in
the zt file, the rest (e.g. variance, flux) all occur in the zm file.

Note that the scalars can be used in a host model as well.  See SAM-CLUBB for
an example of how to do this.


- (5.1) The BUGSrad Radiation scheme

  This is an optional interactive radiation scheme, developed separately from
  CLUBB by Stephens, et al. The code used in CLUBB was obtained from Norm Wood 
  on 2004/07/10.
  When enabled, the radiation will be calculated using this interactive scheme rather
  than an analytic computation or prescribed radiation scheme (to prevent double counting).
  BUGSrad is enabled in the input/case_setups/<CASE NAME> file by setting the
  variable rad_scheme = "bugsrad" in namelist &radiation_setting.
  Some important pre-processor directives for BUGSrad follow:

  -Dradoffline: BUGSrad was originally developed both for use within the CSU GCM
  (BUGS) and for use as a standalone (single-column) radiative transfer code.
  This preprocessor flag configures the code to operate as a standalone code,
  independent of the CSU GCM.  You must compile CLUBB with the -Dradoffline 
  preprocessor flag.

  -Dnooverlap: Treats clouds as horizontally homogeneous, with no partial
  cloudiness.  Otherwise, the default overlap assumption is maximum/random.

  -DUSE_BUGSrad_ocast_random:  This is an overlap treatment that should probably
  be considered experimental.  It's similar to maximum/random but in testing 
  CSU that performed, it showed somewhat better agreement (in terms of fluxes) 
  with realistic clouds.  It's not been extensively tested, though.

  BUGSrad requires input of *within-cloud* liquid water, ice, etc.
  qcwl is the in-cloud mixing ratio (the same is true for qcil, qril etc.,
  --- all are the in-cloud values).  This is what the default maximum/random
  overlap treatment expects.  If cloud overlap is turned off by using 
  the Dnooverlap flag, these mixing ratios get diluted according to the 
  layer cloud fraction.

  BUGSrad allows the output of the following variables:

  Momentum grid:
  Frad, Frad_SW, Frad_LW:  Radiative Flux; Short-wave/Long-wave component;

  Thermodynamic grid:
  radht, radht_SW, radht_LW:  Radiative Heat; Short-wave/Long-wave component;

  The thlm_forcing variable will also have radht added to it.  This is an
  explicit contribution to the thlm calculation.

  Note that for most simulations SW and LW components are not calculated 
  without using BUGSrad.

- (5.2) The COAMPS microphysics scheme

     COAMPS microphysics is a single-moment scheme that includes
  the following hydrometeor categories: cloud water, rain, cloud ice,
  snow, and graupel.  It is based on Rutledge and Hobbs (1983).

     COAMPS was developed by the Naval Research Laboratory,
  Monterey, California.  COAMPS is a registered trademark of the
  Naval Research Laboratory.

     By default, COAMPS microphysics is not distributed with the code 
  outside of UWM.  If you are interested in this code, please contact
  James Doyle at the Naval Research Laboratory.

- (5.3) The Morrison microphysics scheme

Morrison microphysics is a double-moment scheme that can predict mixing
ratio's and number concentrations for cloud water, rain, cloud ice,
snow, and graupel.  Details of its implementation may be found in:

H. Morrison, J. A. Curry, and V. I. Khvorostyanov, 2005: A new double-
moment microphysics scheme for application in cloud and climate models. 
Part 1: Description. J. Atmos. Sci., 62, 1665–1677.

You can enable the Morrison scheme by setting microphys_scheme = "morrison"
in the &microphysics_setting namelist.

Some useful &microphysics_setting namelist flags for the 
Morrison microphysics code:

Logical flag                 |  If true then:

  l_ice_microphys  = .true.   Allow ice and snow to form.

  l_graupel        = .true.   Allow graupel to form.

  l_hail           = .true.   Dense precipitating ice is hail rather than 

  l_seifert_beheng = .true.   Use Seifert and Beheng (2001) rain scheme,
    rather than Khairoutdinov and Kogan (2000).

  l_predict_Nc      = .true.   Prognose droplet number concentration
    (rather than specify it with Nc0_in_cloud).

  l_specify_aerosol = .true.  Use lognormal aerosol size distribution to
    derive ccn spectra, rather than power-law.

  l_subgrid_w       = .true.  Use the SGS calculation of the std of w to
    determine cloud droplet activation (recommended when using CLUBB).

  l_arctic_nucl     = .true.  Use the MPACE observations rather than the
    Rasmussen et al., 2002 ice nucleation formula.

  l_cloud_edge_activation = .true. Assume droplet activation at lateral cloud
    edges due to unresolved entrainment and mixing dominates. 

  l_fix_pgam  = .true.  Fix the value of pgam (exponent of cloud water's gamma
    dist.) from Martin et al. (1994).

  Other parameters:

  Nc0_in_cloud      =  Either the initial value of cloud droplet number
    concentration, or the constant value if l_predict_Nc is true.   [num/m^3]

  pgam_fixed       =  Value to use for a fixed pgam [num]

  aer_n1,n2        = Aerosol concentration [num/m^3]

  aer_sig1,sig2    = Standard deviation of aerosol size distribution [num]

  aer_rm1,rm2      = Mean geometric radius [m]

The budgets for the mixing ratio and number concentrations when using 
the Morrison microphysics are as follows:

  For rain water mixing ratio and number concentration:
  rrainm_bt = rrainm_ma + rrainm_dff + rrainm_mc + rrainm_cl
  Nrm_bt    = Nrm_ma + Nrm_dff + Nrm_mc + Nrm_cl

  All other species should be as follows:
  xm_bt = xm_ma + xm_dff + xm_mc + xm_cl

  Note that unlike COAMPS and Khairoutdinov Kogan microphysics, the Morrison 
  code handles its own sedimentation.  Therefore, xm_mc includes xm_sd in 
  addition to local processes and clipping.

  The Morrison and Khairoutdinov Kogan microphysics is also configured to allow
  for Subgrid Importance Latin Hypercube sampling.  See the file 
  input/case_setups/README for more information on this.


- (6.1) Contributing code changes 

If you have changes that you'd like to see included in the repository version
of CLUBB, please feel free to contribute them.  We'll gladly review your 
changes and consider them for inclusion.  

To contribute the changes, type 'git pull' to merge the latest repository
version of CLUBB with your local version, and then create a file containing 
the differences between the repository and your version:

$ git diff > patchfile

Then email us patchfile.  See for more details about git.


- (7.1) Generic naming conventions 

Certain letters in CLUBB's variable names have special meanings (usually):

m   = horizontal mean.          E.g., wm is the mean vertical velocity.
p   = prime or perturbation.    E.g., wp2 is the variance of vertical velocity  
r   = mixing ratio.             E.g., rtm is the mean total water mixing ratio.
th  = theta or potential temp.  E.g., thlm is the liquid water pot. temp.                 
_zm = interpolated to the       E.g., rho_zm is the density on the     
      momentum grid.                momentum grid.
_zt = interpolated to the       E.g., wp2_zt is wp2 on the
      thermodynamic grid.           thermodynamic grid
_sfc= ground or ocean surface   E.g., T_sfc is the temperature of 
                                    the ground or ocean
microphys = microphysics        E.G., instead of microphys or microphysics
- (7.2) Some important variables in CLUBB:

gr         = <grid>    = Main grid class reference for CLUBB            [-]
gr%nzm     = Number of momentum vertical levels in grid                 [-]
gr%nzt     = Number of thermodynamic vertical levels in grid            [-]
gr%zm      = Grid altitudes of "momentum" variables (wp2, etc.)         [m]
gr%zt      = Grid altitudes of "thermodynamic" variables (rtm, etc.)    [m]
thlm       = <θ_l>       = Mean liquid water potential temperature, θ_l [K]
rtm        = <r_t>       = Mean total water mixing ratio, r_t           [kg/kg]
wm         = <w>         = Mean vertical wind component, w              [m/s]
um         = <u>         = Mean east-west wind component, u             [m/s]
vm         = <v>         = Mean north-south wind component, v           [m/s]
cloud_frac = Cloud fraction                                             [-]
rcm        = <r_c>       = Mean cloud water mixing ratio, r_c           [kg/kg]
wp2        = <w'^2>      = Variance of vertical velocity                [m^2/s^2]
wp3        = <w'^3>      = Third order moment of vertical velocity      [m^3/s^3]
wpthlp     = <w'th_l'>   = Vertical turbulent flux of th_l              [(m/s) K] 
wprtp      = <w'r_t'>    = Vertical turbulent flux of r_t               [(kg/kg) (m/s)]
thlp2      = <θ_l'^2>    = Variance of th_l                             [K^2]
rtp2       = <r_t'^2>    = Variance of r_t                              [(kg/kg)^2]
rtpthlp    = <r_t'th_l'> = Covariance of r_t and th_l                   [(kg/kg) K]
upwp       = <u'w'>      = Covariance of u and w                        [m^2/s^2]
vpwp       = <v'w'>      = Covariance of v and w                        [m^2/s^2]
up2        = <u'^2>      = Variance of u                                [m^2/s^2]
vp2        = <v'^2>      = Variance of v                                [m^2/s^2]
rrm        = <r_r>       = Mean rain water mixing ratio, r_r            [kg/kg]
Nrm        = <N_r>       = Mean rain water concentration, N_r           [num/kg]

Note: The variable nz is used locally within some subroutines and functions to
      denote a generic number of vertical grid levels. This notation is used in
      subroutines and functions that could potentially be called on either
      thermodynamic or momentum grid levels, and where all the inputs and outputs
      to that subroutine or function, as well as all local variables, are
      located on the same grid level type. A prominant example of subroutines and
      functions that could be called on either grid level type is CLUBB's PDF.
      Other examples include subroutines and functions that calculate
      quantities such as saturation mixing ratio or skewness, or handle
      conversions between absolute temperature and liquid water potential

Information on and a description of CLUBB's vertical grid can be found in the 
source file ../src/CLUBB_core/grid_class.F90 and doc/CLUBBeqns.pdf.

- (7.3) Variable locations in CLUBB:

1. Thermodynamic-level Variables

  CLUBB generally defines mean fields (thlm, rtm, rcm, um, vm, etc.) and
  third-order moments (wp3, wp2thlp, wprtp2, etc.) to be thermodynamic-level
  variables. Furthermore, pressure variables (p_in_Pa and exner) are
  thermodynamic-level variables. Their "home" is on thermodynamic levels.

  Furthermore, most variables that are diagnosed based purely on
  thermodynamic-level variables are thermodynamic-level variables themselves.  A
  good example of this is Lscale. Lscale is computed in subroutine
  compute_length based on the following thermodynamic-level inputs:  thvm, thlm,
  rtm, rcm, p_in_Pa, and exner.  There is only one momentum-level variable input
  into compute_length, and that is em (as a side note, em is a rare exception to
  the "mean field" rule because it is diagnosed based purely on three
  momentum-level variables, wp2, up2, and vp2).  Thus, em is interpolated to
  thermodynamic-levels within compute_length. Another good example of this rule
  is thvm, which is diagnosed based on thermodynamic-level variables thlm, rtm,
  exner, and rcm.

  When thermodynamic-level variables are at their "home" thermodynamic levels,
  they simply use their "base" name (thlm, wp2rcp, wp3, Lscale, etc.). However,
  when thermodynamic-level variables are interpolated to momentum levels (or
  computed on momentum levels in some instances), the general naming convention
  is to tack a "_zm" onto the end of their "base" name. For example, thlm is
  thlm at thermodynamic levels and thlm_zm when interpolated to momentum levels.

2. Momentum-level Variables

  CLUBB generally defines second-order moments (wpthlp, rtp2, wp2, sclrpthlp,
  etc.) and fourth-order moments (wp4) to be momentum-level variables.  Their
  "home" is on momentum levels.

  Furthermore, most variables that are diagnosed based purely on momentum-level
  variables are momentum-level variables themselves.  A good example of this is
  sigma_sqd_w, which is diagnosed based purely on momentum-level variables
  wpthlp, wp2, thlp2, wprtp, and rtp2.  Another example of this, as referenced
  above in the section on "Thermodynamic-level variables", is em, which is
  diagnosed based purely on momentum-level variables wp2, up2, and vp2. 

  When momentum-level variables are at their "home" momentum levels, they simply
  use their "base" name (wprtp, up2, sigma_sqd_w, rtpthlp, etc.). However, when
  momentum-level variables are interpolated to thermodynamic levels (or computed
  on thermodynamic levels in some instances), the general naming convention is
  to tack a "_zt" onto the end of their "base" name. For example, rtp2 is rtp2
  at momentum levels and rtp2_zt when interpolated to thermodynamic levels.
  Likewise, sigma_sqd_w is sigma_sqd_w at momentum levels and sigma_sqd_w_zt
  when interpolated to thermodynamic levels.

3. Homeless Variables

  There are some variables in the CLUBB code that don't have a definitive
  "home". Rather, they just have numerous cardboard boxes scattered amongst the
  various different vertical levels.
  Generally, these are variables that are diagnosed based on nearly equal
  contributions from momentum-level variables and thermodynamic-level variables.
  A great example of this is Skewness of w. The skewness of w, Skw, equals
  wp3 / wp2^1.5.  It is based on one thermodynamic-level variable, wp3, and one
  momentum-level variable, wp2. Thus, when calculating Skw on thermodynamic
  levels, Skw = wp3 / wp2_zt^1.5, and when calculating Skw on momentum levels,
  Skw = wp3_zm / wp2^1.5.  Two more great examples of this are eddy diffusivity,
  Kh, and time-scale, tau. Both are based on one thermodynamic-level variable,
  Lscale, and one momentum-level variable, em.

  When a homeless variable is at its cardboard box on momentum levels, a "_zm"
  extension is tacked onto it, and when it is at its cardboard box on
  thermodynamic levels, a "_zt" extension is tacked onto it. Thus, skewness of w
  is called Skw_zt at thermodynamic levels and Skw_zm at momentum levels.
  Likewise, eddy diffusivity and time-scale are Kh_zt and tau_zt, respectively,
  at thermodynamic levels, and Kh_zm and tau_zm, respectively, at momentum


1.  If you have trouble compiling, sometimes it helps to delete
old object files and re-compile from scratch.  E.g., to delete 
everything in the binary and library directories, 
go to <CLUBB BASE DIRECTORY>/compile and type

$ ./clean_all.bash

2. Several vendors provide command-line and graphical debuggers that work with 
CLUBB.  The script run_scm_debug.bash is configured to use the PGI debugger
by default, but it could be modified to use any number of free or commercial 
debuggers.  When doing so ensure the debugging flags for your compiler have
been enabled in your config file.