Added Illuminate/Cache/CacheManager::setApplication()
(#46594 )
Fix infinite loading on batches list on Horizon (#46536 )
Fix whereNull queries with raw expressions for the MySql grammar (#46538 )
Fix getDirty method when using AsEnumArrayObject / AsEnumCollection (#46561 )
Skip Illuminate/Support/Reflector::isParameterBackedEnumWithStringBackingType
for non ReflectionNamedType (#46511 )
Replace Deprecated DBAL Comparator creation with schema aware Comparator (#46517 )
Added Storage::json() method to read and decode a json file (#46548 )
Force cast json decoded failed_job_ids to array in DatabaseBatchRepository (#46581 )
Handle empty arrays for DynamoDbStore multi-key operations (#46579 )
Stop adding constraints twice on *Many to *One relationships via one() (#46575 )
allow override of the Builder paginate() total (#46415 )
Add a possibility to set a custom on_stats function for the Http Facade (#46569 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.