This is the code for the paper: Modeling Transitions of Focal Entities for Conversational Knowledge Base Question Answering
Yunshi Lan, Jing Jiang
If you find this code useful in your research, please cite
title={Modeling Transitions of Focal Entities for Conversational Knowledge Base Question Answering},
author={Lan, Yunshi and Jiang, Jing},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)},
All codes were developed and tested in the following environment.
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Python 3.6.9
- Pytorch 1.4.0
Download the code and set up development environment:
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
To avoid installation error, make sure that your pip tool is update-to-date.
We evaluate our methods on CONVEX and ConvCSQA, which is a subset of CSQA.
To obtain the pre-processed data, you can simply run:
python code/
It takes some time (1~2 hours) to do the pre-processing. Alternatively, the processed data CONVEX can be downloaded from link
Simply run:
python code/
Check whether the results are:
{'head': {'vars': ['r', 'e1']}, 'results': {'bindings': [{'e1': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'r': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}}]}}
You can download our pre-trained models from the link and put the files into the path trained_model/ and files into config/
In order to save your time to validate our methods, we also recommend you to download the KB cache that collected during our exploration. You can download our cache from the link.
To test our pre-trained model, simply run:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python code/ \
--train_folder CONVEX/data/train_set \
--dev_folder CONVEX/data/dev_set \
--test_folder CONVEX/data/test_set \
--vocab_file config/vocab.txt \
--output_dir trained_model/convex \
--config config/config_RecurrentRanker.json \
--gpu_id 0\
--load_model trained_model/convex/RecurrentRanker \
--save_model RecurrentRanker+test\
--cache_dir /PATH/TO/CACHE \
--num_train_epochs 100 \
--do_train 0\
--do_eval 1\
--do_policy_gradient 2\
--learning_rate 3e-5 \
The predicted answers are saved in trained_model folder. To obtain the evaluation results, simply run:
python code/ \
--data_path trained_model/convex \
--data_file RecurrentRanker+test \
--mode breakdown \
You can obtain the breakdown results of CONVEX.
Before training a new model, make sure the If you want to train your model, for example CONVEX, you can input
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python code/ \
--train_folder CONVEX/data/train_set \
--dev_folder CONVEX/data/dev_set \
--test_folder CONVEX/data/test_set \
--vocab_file config/vocab.txt \
--output_dir trained_model/convex \
--config config/config_RecurrentRanker.json \
--gpu_id 0\
--load_model trained_model/convex/new \
--save_model new \
--cache_dir /PATH/TO/CACHE \
--num_train_epochs 100 \
--do_train 1\
--do_eval 1\
--do_policy_gradient 2\
--learning_rate 3e-5 \
The code framework is largely developed based on Multi-hopComplexKBQA. The training time will take around 2~3 days. The training procedure will go faster and faster as the cache saves queries in history and avoids repeating the same queires subsequently. You can also try baselines (SimpleRecurrentRanker, SimpleRanker) :)
For any questions, please contact me via [email protected]