This repo links to all of the repos and outside sources containing content required for the Algorithms and Data Structures course that is being planned during Q3/Q4 of 2020 and Q1 of 2021.
Folder containing content as docs
- Welcome to Technical Interview Preparation
- Algorithmic Problem Solving
- A Note on Testing
- Problem-Solving Tips
- Day 1: Reverse a String
- Day 2: Find First Duplicate
- Day 3: Fibonacci Series
- Day 4: Selection Sort
- Day 5: Find Shortest String
Rethink if time and add supporting videos, doc on recursive approaches
- Introduction to Recursion
- Day 1: Recursive Counting
- Day 2: Recursive Search
- Day 3: Recursive Fibonacci Series
- Day 4: Recursive Find Shortest String
- Day 5: Recursive Selection Sort
- Bonus 1: Balancing Parenetheses
- Bonus 2: Roman Numeral to Integer
- Bonus 3: Rotate Array Clockwise
- Bonus 4: Distinct Pair Sum
- Bonus 5: Consecutive Substrings
- Day 1: Introduction to Big O Notation
- Day 1: Time Complexity Quiz
- Day 2: Introduction to Space Complexity
- Day 2: Space Complexity Quiz
- Day 3: Work Out Big O Quiz Part 1
- Day 4: Work Out Big O Quiz Part 2
- Day 5: Big-O Review Quiz
- Days 1 to 2: Implement a Stack Class
- Day 2: Big O Stack Quiz
- Days 3 to 4: Implement a Queue Class
- Day 4: Big O Queue Quiz
- Day 5: Implement a Set
- Day 5: Big O Set Quiz
- Days 1 to 2: Implement a Linked List
- Day 2: Big O Linked List Quiz
- Day 3: Underneath Arrays
- Rewrite below item if time
- Day 4: Underneath Hashes
- Day 5: Data Structure Quiz
- Bonus Algorithm: Recursive String Reverse
- Bonus: Modify Linked List to Track Tail and Size
- Bonus: Build a Doubly Linked List
- Days 1 to 2: Binary Tree Traversal: Level-Order / Breadth-First
- Days 3 to 4: Binary Tree Traversal In-Order
- Day 5: Find Value in Binary Tree
- Bonus: Quicksort
- Day 1: What Is a Graph?
- Days 2 to 3: Depth-first Graph Traversal
- Days 4 to 5: Breadth-first Graph Traversal
More Practice:
- Maximum Subarray
- First just solve it however possible. BONUS: Use DP to solve. Calculate Big-O.
- House Robber
- First just solve it however possible. BONUS: Use DP to solve. Calculate Big-O.
- Is Subsequence
- Solve however possible, then aim for O(n). Calculate Big-O.
- Unique Paths
- Egg Dropping Problem