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Trees program utilized by Firetec and QUIC-Fire to recreate virtual forests.


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The Trees program is a pre-processing tool used to virtually build the forest fuel arrays used by FIRETEC and QUIC-Fire. This is meant to be a living document to be updated as the program evolves and is modified.

Language and Compilers

In its current form, the Trees program is written in fortran and has been tested/verified using the following compilers:

  • gfortran (9.2.0) with flags -O2 -ffixed-line-length=none
  • intel’s fortran compiler (19.0.4) with flags -g -extend_source
  • cray fortran compiler

Getting Started

The trees program is mirrored to the FIRETEC and QUIC-Fire repositories but is its own separate git remote repository available both on yellow ( and open ( networks. Included in the directory called trees is the source code for the program, a both a default makefile and cmake files to build (chose one or the other), and an Inputs directory which contains example input files for a basic forest build.

To run the program one can either make adjustments to the makefile for the desired compiler and flags, then run ‘make’, or use cmake ('cmake .' at the top directory, followed by 'make'). This will create an executable file called ‘trees.exe’. Move this file to the location of your input files and execute to create the four fuel files -- treesrhof.dat, treesss.dat, treesmoist.dat, and treesfueldepth.dat -- needed by FIRETEC and/or QUIC-Fire.


There is one main input file with an example found in the Inputs directory.

The main input file which the program will look for is called ‘fuellist’ and is parsed with variables listed in the following table. NOTE: for each variable to be correctly parsed, they need to be found in 'fuellist' as VARIABLE = VALUE (ex: nx = 200) with spaces before and after the equality and only one variable per line.

Fuellist Main Variables

Variable -- Default Value -- Dependency --Description
nx          -- 200      -- None     -- Number of cells in the x-dimension
ny          -- 200      -- None     -- Number of cells in the y-dimension
nz          -- 41       -- None     -- Number of cells in the z-dimension
dx          -- 2.0      -- None     -- Spacing of cells in the x-dimension (m)
dy          -- 2.0      -- None     -- Spacing of cells in the y-dimension (m)
dz          -- 15.0     -- None     -- Spacing of cells in the z-dimension before stretching (m)
aa1         -- 0.1      -- None     -- Vertical stretching component defined in zcart function of metryc.f, 0 if no stretching or no     topo to vertical size
singlefuel  -- 0        -- None     -- Flag for averaging cells' fuels into a single fuel type
lreduced    -- 0        -- None     -- Flag for writing files only up to lfuel rather than entire domain
topofile    -- ‘flat’   -- None     -- Name of topo file to be read in if using  topography
ifuelin     -- 0                          -- None       --Flag for reading existing fuel data files
inx         -- nx                         -- ifuelin=1  --Number of cells in the existing fuel data x-dimension
iny         -- ny                         -- ifuelin=1  --Number of cells in the existing fuel data y-dimension
inz         -- nz                         -- ifuelin=1  --Number of cells in the existing fuel data z-dimension
idx         -- dx                         -- ifuelin=1  --Spacing of cells in the existing fuel data x-dimension (m)
idy         -- dy                         -- ifuelin=1  --Spacing of cells in the existing fuel data y-dimension (m)
idz         -- dz                         -- ifuelin=1  --Spacing of cells in the existing fuel data z-dimension before stretching (m)
iaa1        -- aa1                        -- ifuelin=1  --Vertical stretching component in existing fuel data
infuel      -- 1                          -- ifuelin=1  --Number of fuel types in existing fuel data
intopofile  -- ‘flat’                     -- ifuelin=1  --Name of existing topo file to be read in if using topography
rhoffile    -- 'treesrhof.dat.orig'       -- ifuelin=1  --Existing rhof file for read-in fuel data
ssfile      -- 'treesss.dat.orig'         -- ifuelin=1  --Existing sizescale file for read-in fuel data
moistfile   -- 'treesmoist.dat.orig'      -- ifuelin=1  --Existing moisture file for read-in fuel data
afdfile     -- 'treesfueldepth.dat.orig'  -- ifuelin=1  --Existing fueldepth file for read-in fuel data
igrass        -- 0      -- None         -- Flag for grass, 0 if no grass, 1 if generalizd grassfile, 2 if ground fuel levels read directly
ngrass        -- 1      -- igrass=1     -- Number of grass species (for multiple fuels)
grassconstant -- 5      -- igrass=1     -- Exponential constant used to determine the decay of grass mass with tree shading
grho          -- 1.18   -- ngrass>0     -- Array of ngrass size containing the bulk fuel density of grasses
gmoisture     -- 0.06   -- ngrass>0     -- Array of ngrass size containing the moisture content of grasses
gss           -- 0.0005 -- ngrass>0     -- Array of ngrass size containing the sizescale of grasses
gdepth        -- 0.27   -- ngrass>0     -- Array of ngrass size containing the height of grasses
itrees      -- 0                      -- None       -- Flag for trees, 0 if no trees, 2 if specific treefile w/ locations     randomized to fill the domain, 3 if specific treefile w/ random locations using base area to fill the domain, 7 if using FastFuels .csv file
tfuelbins   -- 1                      -- itrees>0   -- Number of size bins to distribute canopy fuels (foliage, branches, etc)
treefile    -- 'AJoseEglinTrees.txt'  -- itrees>0   -- Name of treefile with the additional information to be read
ndatax      -- nx*dx                  -- itrees>0   -- Size of dataset domain in x direction (m); recalculated if itrees=7
ndatay      -- ny*dy                  -- itrees>0   -- Size of dataset domain in y direction (m); recalculated if itrees=7
datalocx    -- 0.                     -- itrees>0   -- Bottom left corner x coordinate for where dataset should be placed
datalocy    -- 0.                     -- itrees>0   -- Bottom left corner y coordinate for where dataset should be placed
trhofmax    -- 1.5*tBulkDenisty       -- itrees>0   -- Array of size ntspecies containing the maximum tree bulk density in any given cell
ilitter         -- 0                    -- None             -- Flag for litter, 0 if no litter, 1 if litter distributed by vertical fuel-load, 2 if litter is filled with DUET
litterconstant  -- 5                    -- ilitter=1        -- Exponential constant to increase of litter mass under trees
lrho            -- 1.18                 -- ilitter=1        -- Array of size ntspecies*tfuelbins containing the normal bulk litter density
lmoisture       -- 0.06                 -- ilitter=1        -- Array of size ntspecies*tfuelbins containing the litter moisture content
lss             -- 0.0005               -- ilitter=1        -- Array of size ntspecies*tfuelbins containing the litter sizescale
ldepth          -- 0.05                 -- ilitter=1        -- Array of size ntspecies*tfuelbins containing the litter depth
windprofile     -- 2                    -- ilitter=2        -- Flag for wind profile type used by DUET, 1 if yearly averaged, 2 if imported windfield
YearsSinceBurn  -- 1                    -- ilitter=2        -- Years since last fire
StepsPerYear    -- 1                    -- ilitter=2        -- Number of DUET timesteps within a year
relhum          -- 0.1                  -- ilitter=2        -- relative humidity of the area
grassstep       -- 1                    -- ilitter=2        -- Step within a year in which grass grows
iFIA            -- 1                    -- ilitter=2        -- Use FIA database
iFIAspecies     -- 1                    -- ilitter=2        -- Number of species from FIA database
litout          -- 0                    -- ilitter=2        -- flag to turn on extra output files for visualizations of DUET functionality
gmoistoverride  -- 0.0                  -- ilitter=2        -- Overwrite grass moisture content
uavg            -- 0.                   -- windprofile=0    -- Average u velocity throughout a year
vavg            -- 0.                   -- windprofile=0    -- Average v velocity throughout a year
ustd            -- 0.                   -- windprofile=0    -- Standard deviation u velocity throughout a year
vstd            -- 0.                   -- windprofile=0    -- Standard deviation v velocity throughout a year
randomwinds     -- 2                    -- windprofile=2    -- Flag for wind generation: 1 for up to 3m/s, 2 for up to 6m/s, 3 for up to 9m/s, etc.
speciesfile     -- 'speciesfile.dat'    -- iFIA=0           -- Provide own species database instead of FIA database 
FIA             -- 1                    -- iFIA=1           -- Array of size infuel+ntspecies*tfuelbins containing who knows what
verbose -- 0    -- None     -- Option to output treelist and fuellist from trees run
!---------------------  END  OF  FUELLIST  INPUTS  -----------------------------------------------

Trees Input Information

If itrees is not 0, then the program will look for the treefile with a name specified in the main input file. However, different itrees values will read the file in different ways.

Trees Specific

If itrees is 2, the treefile should specific tree information the program will use to populate the domain. For this treefile, include the data for each individual tree on a new line. Each line of data should contain 10 columns of data in the following order:

  1. Tree species identity, a numerical value
  2. x-coordinate of tree stem [m]
  3. y-coordinate of tree stem [m]
  4. Tree height [m]
  5. Height to canopy base [m]
  6. Canopy diameter [m]
  7. Height to maximum canopy diameter [m]
  8. Canopy bulk density [kg/m3]
  9. Canopy moisture content
  10. Canopy fuel radius (sizescale) [m]

If itrees is 3, you use the same file as for itrees equals 2, but the trees will randomly re-distributed instead of using the provided coordinates.

FastFuels Treelist (DEPRECIATED 9/7/2023)

Update: Only using a FastFuels treelist from the website will provide expected results. A FastFuels treelist from another source, or containing information different from that listed below will not work as intended. This feature will be updated in the future.

If itrees is 7, use a FastFuels (FF) dataset. This code will take the FF data and calculate the 10 parameters listed in itrees equals 2. When using a FF dataset, do not alter the csv column order after downloading from FF website. In fuellist ndatax, ndatay, datalocx, datalocy, ntspecies and tfuelbins will be overwritten to match the FF data. (JO - As of 10/19/2021) The FF bounding box is not completely filled by data you expect (ex: a 400 x 400 m box will actually return a 350 x 450 rectangle domain). The ndatax, ndatay, datalocx, datalocy values are computed to be the FF dataset bounds and (0,0) respectively. Currently no moisture specified in FF data, so set all trees to 100% moisture content. FF data has 19 columns currently:

  1. sp - not used ; species number, Please see Jenkins et al. 2003 for a table of species codes with latin and common names.
  2. dia - not used ; Diameter at Breast Height. Diameter of the tree in inches measured at 4.5 feet.
  3. ht - tree height [m]
  4. crown_ratio - not used ; ratio of crown length to total tree height
  5. sp_grp - species group number; see sp paper link for discription
  6. mu - not used ; Mean of radial canopy distribution (as a proportion of crow radius)
  7. sigma - not used ; Standard Deviation of radial canopy distribution (as proportion of crown radius)
  8. sav - used to find size scale [1/m]
  9. crown_len - crown length [m]
  10. crown_base_ht - height to live crown [m]
  11. beta_a - beta params, used for finding height to max crown radius
  12. beta_b - beta params, used for finding height to max crown radius
  13. beta_c - beta params, used for finding height to max crown radius
  14. beta_norm - beta params, used for finding height to max crown radius
  15. weight - crown weight [kg]
  16. volume - crown volume [m^3]
  17. crad - maximum crown radius [m]
  18. x - Longitude in EPSG:5070 - NAD83 / Conus Albers [m]
  19. y - Latitude in EPSG:5070 - NAD83 / Conus Albers [m]


This program creates four binary files each containing a full fortran array which can be read directly by FIRETEC or QUIC-Fire:

  1. treesrhof.dat contains bulk fuel density for entire HIGRAD array
  2. treesfueldepth.dat contains actual fuel depths for entire HIGRAD array (3D array, but only bottom layer actually used in fire simulations)
  3. treesss.dat contains sizescales for entire HIGRAD array
  4. treesmoist.dat contains fuel moisture contents for entire HIGRAD array

Program Outline

Main driver file for this program is located in main.f. From this file, all other subroutines are called which execute in this order:

  1. fuellist_input (io.f) is called to read input data and initialize variables used throughout the simulation
  2. define_constant variables (define_variables.f) defines all additional variables needed for the simulation and not specified by the user within input files.
  3. define_grid_variables (define_variables.f) initializes all data arrays needed throughout the simulation
  4. fuels_create (fuels_create.f) first fills the grass arrays, then the trees arrays, and finally the litter arrays while modifying the other arrays as needed
  5. output (io.f) writes the .dat files and finalizes any simulation variables

Building and Executing

A makefile is provided for building this software. Simply execute 'make' from the commandline in the location where the makefile is located. Specific configurations unique to a users build should be specified there. Alternatively, the program is set up for cmake as well. At the top level directory simply execute 'cmake .' followed by 'make'. There are a number of possible input configurations available to the user but in basic when executed, the program will look for a file called 'fuellist' in the location from which the executable is called. This fuellist contains input parameters are specified. Any additional input files (ie treefile or speciesfile) are specified within the fuellist. The four output tree files will be written to the location from which the exectuable is called.


Trees program utilized by Firetec and QUIC-Fire to recreate virtual forests.







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