This is very much a work in progress. I'm trying to learn Agda, and it seems that there aren't enough longer tutorials.
Table of Contents
The following lists the parts of "Write Yourself A Scheme" and whether or not they're implemented:
- First Steps: Compiling and running
- Parsing
- Evaluation, Part 1
- Error Checking and Exceptions
- Evaluation, Part 2
- Building a REPL: Basic I/O
- Adding Variables and Assignment: Mutable State in Haskell
- Defining Scheme Functions: Closures and Environments
- Creating IO Primitives: File I/O
- Towards a Standard Library: Fold and Unfold
- Conclusion & Further Resources
This Scheme doesn't come nearly as close to the one in that Wikibook to being R5RS-compliant. In particular, it is missing:
- Dotted lists
- Multiple kinds of equality
The focus is on practical programming with Agda, not on getting everything right or creating a "true" Scheme.
If you use the Nix package manager, you can use
to jump into a shell with
- Agda
- GHC + two packages required for compiling Agda to binary
Building with nix-build
doesn't currently work.
Do this:
for project in "agda/agda-stdlib" "gallais/agdARGS" "gallais/agdarsec"; do
git clone "$project" || true
agda --library-file=./libraries \
--library=standard-library \
--library=agdarsec \
--library=agdARGS \
--compile-dir=build \
-i "$PWD" \
-c Main.agda
This clones the following three libraries:
and then compiles the main file.