Link accounts and get transactions from the command line.
plaid-cli is a CLI tool for working with the Plaid API.
You can use plaid-cli to link bank accounts and pull transactions in multiple output formats from the comfort of the command line.
Install with go get
go get
Or grab a binary for your platform from the Releases page.
To get started, you'll need Plaid API credentials, which you can get by visiting after signing up for free.
plaid-cli will look at the following environment variables for API credentials:
PLAID_CLIENT_ID=<client id>
PLAID_SECRET=<devlopment secret>
PLAID_LANGUAGE=en # optional, detected using system's locale
PLAID_COUNTRIES=US # optional, detected using system's locale
I recommend setting and exporting these on shell startup.
API credentials can also be specified using a config file located at ~/.plaid-cli/config.toml:
client_id = "<client id>"
secret = "<development secret>"
environment = "development"
After setting those API credentials, plaid-cli is ready to use! You'll probably want to run 'plaid-cli link' next.
Usage: plaid-cli [command] Available Commands: accounts List accounts for a given institution alias Give a linked bank account a name. aliases List aliases help Help about any command link Link a bank account so plaid-cli can pull transactions. tokens List tokens transactions List transactions for a given account Flags: -h, --help help for plaid-cli Use "plaid-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
plaid-cli link
plaid-cli will start a webserver and open your browser so you can link your bank account with Plaid Link.
To see the access token you just created and the "Plaid Item ID" it's associated with, you can run:
plaid-cli tokens
You can make human-readable names for a linked instituion by running:
plaid-cli alias <long-alphanumeric-item-id> nice-name
You can now refer to the linked instituion by nice-name
in most commands.
You can pull transaction history for an institution by running:
plaid-cli transactions <item-id-or-alias> --from 2020-06-01 --to 2020-06-10 --output-format csv > out.csv
The output is suitable for manual import in budgeting tools such as YNAB.
Most commands will prompt you to relink automatically if your bank login has expired (due to 2FA, for example).
To manually relink, you can run the link command with an item ID or alias:
plaid-cli link nice-name
I wanted to work around YNAB's flaky direct import feature. For some reason, it's not able to sync transactions with SoFi and SoFi only provides a PDF statement history unsuitable for manual import.
Similar projects:
- plaid2qif. A very similar Python-based cli tool. The major difference is that plaid-cli handles linking to account automatically and will prompt for relinks.