A gradle plugin for building php applications
- Automatic composer installation and/or update
- PHPUnit
- More features in development...
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url uri('../repo')
dependencies {
classpath group: 'org.swissphpfriends',
name: 'php-build-plugin',
version: '0.1-SNAPSHOT'
apply plugin: 'php-build'
task test(type: org.swissphpfriends.gradle.task.PhpUnit) {
path = './src'
verbose = true
outputTap = true
Please see documentation for full configuration options and more examples...
If you found a bug or have a feature request, please submit an issue or propose a Pull Request. Please write tests for your contributions...
Build JAR
cd plugin
../gradlew clean uploadArchives
Run Tests
cd plugin
../gradlew clean test
The tests are also executed on every Pull Request and for every branch by Travis CI.
This project, including all sourcecode and other documents is licensed under MIT. For details, see LICENSE.