For k8s workshops I prefer to create a dedicated pod for each participant, with all the tools preinstalled.
I wanted to provide an ssh access directly into the pod, without creating real ssh users on the cluster nodes. A containerised version of gliderlabs/sshfront is used.
The manifest file will create:
- ServiceAccount - will be assigned to the sshfront pod
- ClusterRole - gives access to read ConfigMaps, and exec into Pods.
- ClusterRoleBinding - bindes the 2 previous resources
- Deployment - runs the main process: sshfront
- Service - exposes the deployment as a NodePort
kubectl apply -f
After successfull deployment, you can use the NodePort on any node's externalIP. This command will print the ssh command:
$ echo ssh $(kubectl get no -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.addresses[?(.type=="ExternalIP")].address}') \
-p $(kubectl get svc sshfront -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}') \
ssh -p 30174 -l PODNAME
Authentication is using public keys. The public key should be stored in
a ConfigMap named ssh
under the key named key
This function can be used by the user to "self service":
- get public key by github user id:
ssh-pubkey <GITHUB_USERNAME>
- get public key from stdin:
<SOME_COMMAND> | ssh-pubkey
It expects that the user can jump into the pod already, probably via browser (see: todo)
ssh-pubkey() {
declare githubUser=${1}
if [ -t 0 ]; then
if [[ $githubUser ]]; then
curl -sL${githubUser}.keys|kubectl create configmap ssh --from-literal="key=$(cat)" --dry-run -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
cat << USAGE
Configures ssh public key from stdin or github
kubectl create configmap ssh --from-literal="key=$(cat)" --dry-run -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -