Auth0 is an authentication broker that supports social identity providers as well as enterprise identity providers such as Active Directory, LDAP, Google Apps and Salesforce.
Lock makes it easy to integrate SSO in your app. You won't have to worry about:
- Having a professional looking login dialog that displays well on any device.
- Finding the right icons for popular social providers.
- Solving the home realm discovery challenge with enterprise users (i.e.: asking the enterprise user the email, and redirecting to the right enterprise identity provider).
- Implementing a standard sign in protocol (OpenID Connect / OAuth2 Login)
Need help migrating from v1? Please check our Migration Guide.
- Requirements
- Installation
- Usage
- Lock Classic
- Styling Lock
- Lock Passwordless
- Customization Options
- What is Auth0?
- Create a Free Auth0 Account
- Issue Reporting
- Author
- License
- iOS 9+
- Xcode 11.4+ / 12.x
- Swift 4.x / 5.x
If you are using Cocoapods, add this line to your Podfile
pod "Lock", "~> 2.22"
Then run pod install
For more information on Cocoapods, check their official documentation.
If you are using Carthage, add the following line to your Cartfile
github "auth0/Lock.swift" ~> 2.22
Then run carthage bootstrap
For more information about Carthage usage, check their official documentation.
If you are using the Swift Package Manager, open the following menu item in Xcode:
File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency...
In the Choose Package Repository prompt add this url:
Then press Next and complete the remaining steps.
For further reference on SPM, check its official documentation.
First import Lock:
import Lock
Next in your AppDelegate.swift
add the following:
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
return Lock.resumeAuth(url, options: options)
In order to use Lock you need to provide your Auth0 Client ID and Domain.
The Auth0 Client ID & Domain can be found in your Auth0 Dashboard
In your application bundle you can add a plist
file named Auth0.plist
with the following information:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Lock Classic handles authentication using Database, Social & Enterprise connections.
It is strongly encouraged that this SDK be used in OIDC Conformant mode. When this mode is enabled, it will force the SDK to use Auth0's current authentication pipeline and will prevent it from reaching legacy endpoints. By default this is false
.withOptions {
$0.oidcConformant = true
For more information, please see the OIDC adoption guide.
To show Lock, add the following snippet in your UIViewController
.withOptions {
$0.closable = false
$0.oidcConformant = true
.withStyle {
$0.title = "Welcome to my App!"
.onAuth {
print("Obtained credentials \($0)")
.onError {
print("Failed with \($0)")
.onCancel {
print("User cancelled")
.present(from: self)
Since June 2017 new Clients no longer have the Password Grant Type enabled by default. If you are using a Database Connection in Lock then you will need to enable the Password Grant Type, please follow this guide.
Lock will automatically load your application configuration automatically, if you wish to override this behaviour you can manually specify which of your connections to use.
Before presenting Lock you can tell it what connections it should display and use to authenticate an user. You can do that by calling the method and supply a closure that can specify the connections.
.withConnections {
$0.database(name: "Username-Password-Authentication", requiresUsername: true)
.withConnections { connections in "facebook", style: .Facebook) "google-oauth2", style: .Google)
.withConnections { connections in
connections.enterprise(name: "customAD", domains: ["", ""])
connections.enterprise(name: "alternativeAD", domains: [""], style: .Microsoft)
If you are using Custom Domains, you will need to set the configurationBaseURL
to your Auth0 Domain so the Lock configuration can
be read correctly:
.withOptions {
$0.configurationBase = "https://<YOUR DOMAIN>"
You can easily turn on/off logging capabilities:
.withOptions {
$0.logLevel = .all
$0.logHttpRequest = true
Lock provides many styling options to help you apply your own brand identity to Lock.
iPad presentation is show in a modal popup, this can be disabled to use full screen as follows:
.withStyle {
$0.modalPopup = false
.withStyle {
$0.title = "Company LLC"
$0.logo = UIImage(named: "company_logo")
$0.primaryColor = UIColor(red: 0.6784, green: 0.5412, blue: 0.7333, alpha: 1.0)
You can explore the full range of styling options in Style.swift
.withStyle {
$0.oauth2["slack"] = AuthStyle(
name: "Slack",
color: UIColor(red: 0.4118, green: 0.8078, blue: 0.6588, alpha: 1.0),
withImage: UIImage(named: "ic_slack")
Lock Passwordless handles authentication using Passwordless & Social Connections.
The Passwordless feature requires your application to have the Passwordless OTP Grant Type enabled. Check this article for more information.
To use Passwordless Authentication with Lock, you need to configure it with OIDC Conformant Mode set to true
OIDC Conformant Mode will force Lock to use Auth0's current authentication pipeline and will prevent it from reaching legacy endpoints. By default this mode is disabled. For more information, please see the OIDC adoption guide.
To show Lock, add the following snippet in your UIViewController
.withOptions {
$0.oidcConformant = true
.withStyle {
$0.title = "Welcome to my App!"
.onAuth {
print("Obtained credentials \($0)")
.onError {
print("Failed with \($0)")
.onCancel {
print("User cancelled")
.onPasswordless {
print("Passwordless requested for \($0)")
.present(from: self)
- Passwordless can only be used with a single connection and will prioritize the use of email connections over sms.
When using Lock Passwordless the default passwordlessMethod
is .code
which sends the user a one time passcode to login. If you want to use Universal Links you can add the following:
.withOptions {
$0.passwordlessMethod = .magicLink
If you are using Lock Passwordless and have specified the .magicLink
option to send the user a universal link then you will need to add the following to your AppDelegate.swift
func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
return Lock.continueAuth(using: userActivity)
.withConnections {
$0.sms(name: "sms")
.withConnections {
$ "email")
Lock provides numerous options to customize the Lock experience.
Allows Lock to be dismissed by the user. By default this is false
.withOptions {
$0.closable = true
By default Lock will use Auth0's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy:
.withOptions {
$0.termsOfService = ""
$0.privacyPolicy = ""
Database connection will require explicit acceptance of terms of service:
.withOptions {
$0.mustAcceptTerms = true
Database connection will display the Terms & Service dialog. Default is true
.withOptions {
$0.showTerms = true
Note: Terms will always be shown if the mustAcceptTerms
flag has been enabled.
- logLevel: By default this is
, Syslog logging levels are supported. - logHttpRequest: Log Auth0.swift API requests. By default this is
- loggerOutput: Specify output handler, by default this uses the
.withOptions {
$0.logLevel = .all
$0.logHttpRequest = true
$0.loggerOutput = CleanroomLockLogger()
In the code above, the loggerOutput has been set to use CleanroomLogger. This can typically be achieved by implementing the loggerOutput protocol. You can of course use your favorite logger library.
class CleanroomLockLogger: LoggerOutput {
func message(_ message: String, level: LoggerLevel, filename: String, line: Int) {
let channel: LogChannel?
switch level {
case .debug:
channel = Log.debug
case .error:
channel = Log.error
case .info:
channel =
case .verbose:
channel = Log.verbose
case .warn:
channel = Log.warning
channel = nil
channel?.message(message, filePath: filename, fileLine: line)
Scope used for authentication. By default is openid
. It will return not only the access_token, but also an id_token which is a JSON Web Token (JWT) containing user information.
.withOptions {
$0.scope = "openid name email picture"
Allows you to set provider scopes for oauth2/social connections with a comma separated list. By default is empty.
.withOptions {
$0.connectionScope = ["facebook": "user_friends,email"]
- allow: Which database screens will be accessible, the default is enable all screens e.g.
.Login, .Signup, .ResetPassword
- initialScreen: The first screen to present to the user, the default is
. - usernameStyle: Specify the type of identifier the login will require. The default is either
[.Username, .Email]
. However it's important to note that this option is only active if you have set the requires_username flag totrue
in your Auth0 Dashboard
.withOptions {
$0.allow = [.Login, .ResetPassword]
$0.initialScreen = .login
$0.usernameStyle = [.Username]
When signing up the default information requirements are the user's email and password. You can expand your data capture requirements as needed.
If you want to save the value of the attribute in the root of a user's profile, ensure you set the storage
parameter to .rootAttribute
. Only a subset of values can be stored this way. The list of attributes that can be added to your root profile is here. By default, every additional sign up field is stored inside the user's user_metadata
When signing up, your app may need to assign values to the user's profile that are not entered by the user. The hidden
property of CustomTextField
prevents the signup field from being shown to the user, allowing your app to assign default values to the user profile.
.withOptions {
$0.customSignupFields = [
CustomTextField(name: "first_name", placeholder: "First Name", storage: .rootAttribute, icon: UIImage(named: "ic_person", bundle: Lock.bundle), contentType: .givenName),
CustomTextField(name: "last_name", placeholder: "Last Name", storage: .rootAttribute, icon: UIImage(named: "ic_person", bundle: Lock.bundle), contentType: .familyName),
CustomTextField(name: "referral_code", placeholder: "Referral Code", defaultValue: referralCode, hidden: true)
Note: You must specify the icon to use with your custom text field and store it in your App's bundle.
This functionality has been removed as of Release 2.18 due to the 1Password extension using deprecated methods, which can result in your app being rejected by the AppStore. This functionality was superseded in iOS 12 when Apple introduced the integration of password managers into login forms.
The following options are now deprecated:
.withOptions {
$0.passwordManager.enabled = false
$0.passwordManager.appIdentifier = ""
$0.passwordManager.displayName = "My App"
You may also safely remove the following entry from your app's Info.plist
By default a show password icon is shown in password fields to toggle visibility of the input text. You can disable this using the allowShowPassword
.withOptions {
$0.allowShowPassword = false
Note: Show password will not be available if the Password Manager is available.
- enterpriseConnectionUsingActiveAuth: By default Enterprise connections will use Web Authentication. However you can specify which connections will alternatively use credential authentication and prompt for a username and password.
- activeDirectoryEmailAsUsername: When Lock request your enterprise credentials after performing Home Realm Discovery (HRD), e.g. for Active Directory, it will try to prefill the username for you. By default it will parse the email's local part and use that as the username, e.g.
will bejohn.doe
. If you don't want that you can turn on this flag and it will just use the email address.
.withOptions {
$0.activeDirectoryEmailAsUsername = true
$0.enterpriseConnectionUsingActiveAuth = [""]
Auth0 helps you to:
- Add authentication with multiple sources, either social identity providers such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft Account, LinkedIn, GitHub, Twitter, Box, Salesforce (amongst others), or enterprise identity systems like Windows Azure AD, Google Apps, Active Directory, ADFS, or any SAML Identity Provider.
- Add authentication through more traditional username/password databases.
- Add support for linking different user accounts with the same user.
- Support for generating signed JSON Web Tokens to call your APIs and flow the user identity securely.
- Analytics of how, when, and where users are logging in.
- Pull data from other sources and add it to the user profile through JavaScript rules.
- Go to Auth0 and click Sign Up.
- Use Google, GitHub, or Microsoft Account to login.
If you have found a bug or to request a feature, please raise an issue. Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker. The Responsible Disclosure Program details the procedure for disclosing security issues.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.