Please move to emonHub.
Issues and pull-request should be opened there.
This software is part of OpenEnergyMonitor project.
It runs as a gateway from one or more data sources (listeners) to one or more target databases (buffers). See below for the description of existing listeners and buffers.
This software depends on:
python-serial for the serial port management
python-configobj for the config file parsing
sudo aptitude install python-serial python-configobj
chmod +x oemgateway
The gateway can be run with no argument
For help on command line arguments
./oemgateway --help
Create groupe emoncms and make user pi part of it
sudo groupadd emoncms
sudo usermod -a -G emoncms pi
Create a directory for the logfile and give ownership to user pi, group emoncms
sudo mkdir /var/log/oemgateway
sudo chown pi:emoncms /var/log/oemgateway
sudo chmod 750 /var/log/oemgateway
Copy and customize init script
sudo cp oemgateway.init.dist /etc/init.d/oemgateway
sudo vi /etc/init.d/oemgateway # Customize init script: path, command line arguments
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/oemgateway
The gateway can be started or stopped anytime with following commands:
sudo service oemgateway start
sudo service oemgateway stop
sudo service oemgateway restart
To run automatically on startup
sudo update-rc.d oemgateway defaults 99
To stop running automatically on startup
sudo update-rc.d -f oemgateway remove
### Configuration parameters
The gateway can be paramterized through a config file or through emoncms GUI.
To use the emoncms GUI, use --config-emoncms to specify an URL.
E.g., --config-emoncms http://localhost/emoncms/
Use --config-file argument to specify a file path.
To create a config file, copy oemgateway.conf.dist and customize.
See decription of the listeners and buffer below for help on the parameters.
If no flag is passed, default is to search for oemgateway.conf.
The --show-settings lets oemgateway output the settings for verification.
Logging can be output to a file or on the standard output (default). To log to a file, use the --logfile argument to specify a file path.
The logging level is a config parameter.
Listerners and buffers are classes that are instanciated by the gateway.
Listeners manage data inputs and forward data to buffers. Buffers send data to processing/display applications.
The gateway links one or more listeners to one or more buffers.
Listeners derive the OemGatewayListener class:
|-- OemGatewaySerialListener
| |
| |-- OemGatewayRFM2PiListener
| |
| |-- OemGatewayRFM2PiListenerRepeater
|-- OemGatewaySocketListener
Receives data on the serial port.
- com_port: path to the COM port (e.g. /dev/ttyAMA0)
Receives data on the serial port through the RFM2Pi module.
- com_port: path to the COM port (e.g. /dev/ttyAMA0)
RFM settings:
sendtimeinterval: if not 0, period in seconds. The gateway will send time on the radio link with this period, for other devices, typically emonGLCD.
Receives data on the serial port through the RFM2Pi module, and transmits messages received throught a socket on the RF link.
Note that neither acknowledgement nor authentication is implemented.
- com_port: path to the COM port (e.g. /dev/ttyAMA0)
- port_nb: port number
Same as OemGatewayRFM2PiListener
Receives data through a socket. From another machine on the network or from another application on the same host.
Note that neither acknowledgement nor authentication is implemented.
- port_nb: port number
Buffers derive the OemGatewayBuffer class.
|-- OemGatewayEmoncmsBuffer
Send data to an emoncms server. If connection is lost, the data is buffered until the network is up again.
- protocol: http:// or https://
- domain (e.g.
- path (e.g. /emoncms)
- apikey
- active: if False, neither record nor send data, but hold unsent data.