This repo provides example of configuration of docker-compose to be used to generate a private Docker instance with AwesomeFoodCoops code inside (using the docker image generated from chouette-docker-odoo
These files are supposed to be generated from Ansible, using for instance the docker-odoo roles listed on chouette-ansible
However, it is assumed that Ansible is not mastered by everyone willing to install this Docker image, so some very succinct steps are detailed below (to be further documented in short future):
- Install docker and docker-compose (the following commands assume that you use a Debian based system, adapts commands as appropriate if not). More information on Docker documentation and docker-compose documentation
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common python-pip python-setuptools git
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
sudo pip install docker-compose
- Clone this repo
sudo git clone /docker-odoo
- Run the proxy
cd /docker-odoo
sudo docker-compose -f inverseproxy.yaml -p inverseproxy up -d
- Edit parameters for Odoo docker:
- Database name : in docker-compose.yaml, line 12 and in odoo/odoo.conf line 7
- Database user : in docker-compose.yaml, line 44 and in odoo/odoo.conf line 11
- Database password : in docker-compose.yaml, line 45 and in odoo/odoo.conf line 8
- URL for accessing Odoo : in docker-compose.yaml, lines 31, 33, 37, 38 and 62
- Proxy protection : in docker-compose.yaml, lines 29, 35 and 64. These lines need to be in format "user:encrypted_password", the encrypted password being for instance a bcrypt encryption, although you need to replace 3 times the $ by $$ (see Traefik documentation for more information
- Odoo Master password : in odoo/odoo.conf line 4
- Run Odoo docker:
cd /docker-odoo
sudo docker-compose up -d
- Remi Cazenave