This Kubernetes Admission controller only admits the creation of v1/service resources containing the correct cloud provider annotations to create Internal LoadBalancers.
See upstream k8s docs for details on these annotations
This projects uses the upstream examples found in the following repos:
Massive thanks for all the work that went into crafting reusable examples.
- 1.9
- 1.10
- Supports any cloud provider that provisions an internal LoadBalancer based on Kubernetes service annotation. See upstream docs.
- Cloud support include:
- Azure
- Google Cloud
Please enable the admission webhook feature doc.
make docker_build
There are two types of Webhook Admission controllers in Kubernetes 1.9.
- ValidatingAdmissionWebhook
- MutatingAdmissionWebhook
Enable the relevant Kubernetes Admission controller by adding to following --admission-control
and restarting kube-apiserver. See the relevant docs.
Here is an example minikube command to build a cluster with the Admission Controller flags already present on the API server.
minikube start --kubernetes-version v1.9.3 --bootstrapper kubeadm --logtostderr --vm-driver=virtualbox --extra-config=apiserver.admission-control="NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,DefaultStorageClass,ResourceQuota,ValidatingAdmissionWebhook,MutatingAdmissionWebhook,PodPreset"
Once the cluster has been configured you can deploy the admission webhook to using Helm. The default installation configures a MutatingWebhookConfiguration
helm install --name admission-webhook charts/internallb-webhook-admission-controller
To install a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
please use the following command
helm install --name admission-webhook charts/internallb-webhook-admission-controller --set admissionRegistration.kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
For a full list of configurable values in the helm chart please, run the following command
helm inspect charts/internallb-webhook-admission-controller