This repository is a ROS package to handle references between multiple nodes
To install this, put it in your catkin workspace:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make
You have two ways to run this node :
You can run it with the default service name reference
rosrun reference_manager referencer
But you can also choose the service name with :
rosrun reference_manager referencer my_referencer
Renaming the service can be useful if you need multiple references manager at the same time
In the examples below, we assume that the service has been renamed my_referencer
- Add a new reference
rosservice call /my_referencer "{param: 'an_identifier:its_reference', action: 'reference'}"
Note that the identifier and its corresponding reference are separated by :
- Test if an identifier is referenced
rosservice call /my_referencer "{param: 'its_reference', action: 'is_referenced'}"
- Get the identifier from its reference
rosservice call /my_referencer "{param: 'its_reference', action: 'get_id'}"
- Get the reference from an identifier
rosservice call /my_referencer "{param: 'an_identifier', action: 'get_ref'}"
- List all references and their corresponding identifier
rosservice call /my_referencer "{param: '', action: 'list'}"
- Remove a reference
rosservice call /my_referencer "{param: 'its_reference', action: 'unreference'}"
This service returns an error code explaining what happened. All codes are as follows:
Error name | Error code |
NO_ERROR | 0 |
OTHER | 8 |