Google Apps Script that downloads an events JSON from, unpacks and reformats, and generates a QR code on a 15 minute schedule. Initially created for usage with a FourWindsInteractive digital signage system in the University of Michigan's Duderstadt Center which is located on North Campus.
The Event Importer Script is designed to fetch event data from the University of Michigan's event API, process the data, and populate a Google Sheet with the relevant information. The script performs the following tasks:
- Fetches event data from two URLs.
- Multiple data sources are used to ensure signage content always stays fresh with relevant information from nearby partners as well as internal events.
- Combines the data while avoiding duplicates using eventID.
- Un-nests JSON levels to extract relevant information.
- Filters out events based on specific criteria:
- Excluding events with the tag "Cancelled".
- Excluding events that are not open to the public.
- Excluding events that do not have a valid start date.
- Excluded small performances, poster sales, and other events that are less relevant.
- Sorts the data by event start date.
- Limits the number of rows to 12.
- Generates QR codes for each event using the API.
- Formats the event date and time.
- Dynamically updates the event data based on the current date in the Michigan, USA timezone.
Setup Google Apps Script:
- Open Google Sheets.
- Go to
>Apps Script
. - Delete any existing code in the script editor and paste the provided script.
Script Execution:
- The script fetches event data from two URLs, combines the data while avoiding duplicates, filters out events based on specific criteria, sorts the data by event start date, and limits the number of rows to 12.
- The script also generates QR codes for each event and formats the event date and time.
Trigger Setup:
- The script includes a function to create a time-based trigger that runs the
function every 5 minutes. This can be adjusted as needed.
- The script includes a function to create a time-based trigger that runs the
- Update URLs:
- Find the JSON URLS that are needed for your usage. For University of Michigan events, you can reference the ITS Digital Signage training documentation and video on Advanced Use of Live Data in CMD.
- The URLs in the script are dynamically generated based on the current date in the Michigan, USA timezone. If the API endpoints change, update the
variables accordingly.
Modify Filters:
- To change the filtering criteria, modify the filtering logic within the
- To change the filtering criteria, modify the filtering logic within the
Adjust Trigger Interval:
- To change the trigger interval, modify the
- To change the trigger interval, modify the
Deploy as a Google Apps Script:
- After pasting the script into the Google Apps Script editor, save the project.
- Click on the clock icon to open the triggers page.
- Add a new trigger for the
function and set the desired interval.
Manual Execution:
- You can manually run the
function from the Apps Script editor to test the script.
- You can manually run the
This script was developed with the assistance of GitHub Copilot.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
function importJSONfromURL() {
// Get the current date in Michigan, USA
var michiganTimeZone = 'America/Detroit';
var currentDate = new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-CA', { timeZone: michiganTimeZone }); // Format: YYYY-MM-DD
// Construct URLs with the current date
var url1 = `${currentDate}&v=2`; // First JSON URL
var url2 = `${currentDate}&v=2`; // Second JSON URL
var response1 = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url1);
var response2 = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url2);
var jsonData1 = JSON.parse(response1.getContentText());
var jsonData2 = JSON.parse(response2.getContentText());
// Combine data while avoiding duplicates using the id column
var combinedData = [...jsonData1];
var ids = new Set( =>;
jsonData2.forEach(obj => {
if (!ids.has( {
// Filter out events with date_start more than 60 days in the future
var currentDate = new Date();
var futureDate = new Date();
futureDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + 60);
combinedData = combinedData.filter(obj => {
var eventDate = new Date(obj.date_start);
return eventDate <= futureDate;
// Filter out events where combined_title equals "Poster Sale"
combinedData = combinedData.filter(obj => obj.combined_title !== "Poster Sale");
// Filter out events where event_type is "Performance" and room is either "McIntosh Theatre" or "Britton Recital Hall"
combinedData = combinedData.filter(obj => {
return !(obj.event_type === "Performance" && ( === "McIntosh Theatre" || === "Britton Recital Hall"));
// Sort the combined data by date_start
combinedData.sort((a, b) => new Date(a.date_start) - new Date(b.date_start));
// Limit the sheet to 12 total data rows plus the header
combinedData = combinedData.slice(0, 12);
var sheetName = 'Sheet1'; // Replace with your sheet name
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(sheetName);
if (!sheet) {
sheet = spreadsheet.insertSheet(sheetName);
} else {
sheet.clearContents(); // Optional: clear existing data
var ignoredColumns = [
'occurrence_title', 'event_subtitle', 'has_livestream',
'datetime_modified', 'datetime_start', 'datetime_end',
'has_end_time', 'event_type_id', 'occurrence_notes',
'guid', 'building_official_id', 'links', 'sponsors',
'occurrence_count', 'first_occurrence', 'time_zone',
'event_title', 'building_id', 'campus_maps_id',
'campus_maps_link_path', 'cost', 'styled_images', 'image_description'
var headers = Object.keys(combinedData[0]).filter(function(header) {
return !ignoredColumns.includes(header);
headers.push('QR Code'); // Add a new header for QR Code
headers.push('Event Date and Time'); // Add a new header for combined date and time
headers.push('Time Range'); // Add a new header for time range
headers.push('Truncated Description'); // Add a new header for truncated description
// Determine the maximum number of valid images
var maxImages = Math.max( => {
if (obj.styled_images) {
return Object.values(obj.styled_images).filter(url => !url.includes('thumb')).length;
return 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= maxImages; i++) {
headers.push('image_' + i);
var data = {
var row = {
if (header === 'QR Code') {
return '' + encodeURIComponent(obj['permalink']) + '&margin=2&size=400.png';
} else if (header === 'Event Date and Time') {
var dateStart = obj['date_start'];
var dateOptions = { weekday: 'long', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }; // Exclude year
var formattedDate = new Date(dateStart).toLocaleDateString('en-US', dateOptions);
return formattedDate;
} else if (header === 'Time Range') {
var timeStart = obj['time_start'];
var timeEnd = obj['time_end'];
var timeOptions = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: true };
var formattedTimeStart = new Date('1970-01-01T' + timeStart + 'Z').toLocaleTimeString('en-US', timeOptions);
var formattedTimeEnd = new Date('1970-01-01T' + timeEnd + 'Z').toLocaleTimeString('en-US', timeOptions);
return `${formattedTimeStart} - ${formattedTimeEnd}`;
} else if (header === 'Truncated Description') {
var description = obj['description'] || '';
return description.split('\n')[0]; // Truncate after the first row
} else if (header.startsWith('image_') && !header.includes('image_url')) {
var imageIndex = parseInt(header.split('_')[1]) - 1;
var imageUrls = obj.styled_images ? Object.values(obj.styled_images).filter(url => !url.includes('thumb')) : [];
return imageUrls[imageIndex] ? imageUrls[imageIndex] : '';
} else {
return obj[header] || ''; // Handle missing headers
return row;
sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, headers.length).setValues([headers]); // Set headers
sheet.getRange(2, 1, data.length, headers.length).setValues(data); // Set data
// Hide the image_description column
var imageDescriptionIndex = headers.indexOf('image_description') + 1;
if (imageDescriptionIndex > 0) {
function createTrigger() {
.everyMinutes(5) // Adjust the interval as needed