This is a basic voxel engine that I wrote primarily during spring break (2015).
It is a basic voxel engine written is C using OpenGL for rendering.
Features include:
- Basic physics engine
- Place / destroy blocks of a chosen color
- "Models", which are 16x16x16 chunks that fit in the space of a single normal block
- Saving and loading of worlds / chunks
- A wiring system including basic logic gates
- Ambient, diffuse, and specular light
- Point light shadows
- Face culling
- Frustum culling
- Triangle meshing
For now, the world is finite.
I intended to add multiple light sources, but for now only one works (adding more gets ridiculously slow).
The code to handle textures is there, but I removed their use, mostly for speed purposes.
Everything was written by hand; nearly none of the code is directly from other sources. :)
Uses GLEW and GLFW.
Compiles on my 2014 Retina MacBook Pro (MacBookPro11,1); I haven't tried on other setups.