For the provisioning script to work you need Ansible. See DEPENDENCIES.adoc. The whole procedure of setting up the Raspberry Pi SD card plus provisioning the Raspberry Pi takes about 3 hours with a reasonably fast SD card. The procedure may fail with an 8 GB SD card. A 16 GB SD Card is recommended.
A Raspberry Pi 3b+
Ansible 2.8.3 running on solus
Raspbian buster (2019-07-10-raspbian-buster-lite to be exact)
The procedure was last tested on August 17, 2019 successfully.
It was forked from yencarnacion repository, as I found his script the way I would have done it from scratch, so thanks to him.
Get the Raspbian image from
Format SD card as FAT32
$ diskutil list $ sudo diskutil eraseDisk FAT32 NAME MBRFormat /dev/disk<disk# from diskutil>
Unmount SD card
$ diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk<disk# from diskutil>
Copy the data to your SD card
$ sudo dd bs=1m if=image.img of=/dev/disk<disk# from diskutil>
After the
commmand, go to boot partition and add a void ssh file
$ sudo touch ssh
Eject the card
$ sudo diskutil eject /dev/disk<disk# from diskutil>
If you want Wifi to work add the follwing to your secrets.yml
wifi_ssid: yourSSID wifi_password: yourWIFIPassword
If you purchased an MPG2 license add the following to your secrets.yml. If you did not purchase an MPG2 license do not add a decode_MPG2 line to secrets.yml.
decode_MPG2: decode_MPG2=<yourLicense>
If you purchased an WVC1 license add the following to your secrets.yml. If you did not purchase an WVC1 license do not add a decode_WVC1 line to secrets.yml.
decode_WVC1: decode_WVC1=<yourLicense>
Find the Raspberry Pi’s ip address (I used nmap to do this step. You can install nmap with macports. See DEPENDENCIES.adoc). Note that you will need to edit the network below depending on your particular settings.
$ sudo nmap -sP
Edit the hosts file with the correct ip address for your Raspberry Pi and the run (this step takes about 3 hours)
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts kodi.yml
using the following command:$ ssh [email protected]
$ kodi