This is a bash script that debootstraps a minimal (--variant=minbase) bootable Debian or Ubuntu system with networking.
What it does:
- Sets up the partition table on a block device (GPT or MBR)
- Can set up LVM
- Formats the partitions (ext4 and fat32 - in case of GPT)
- Installs/configures bootloader (in case of MBR)
- Configures network (DHCP assumed on all interfaces)
- Sets up a username with sudo access to root
- Can install ssh for remote access
- Is run as root
- Linux system with bash
- curl if installing Ubuntu (can be avoided by specifying a mirror to use)
- mkfs.ext4 (mkfs.fat too if using GPT)
- debootstrap (non Debian-based systems might work with something like
cd / ; curl -O ; ar -x debootstrap_1.0.123ubuntu1_all.deb ; tar zxf data.tar.gz
) - ip command (from iproute2)
- sfdisk
- 1GB of diskspace
Usage: ./ <options>
Available options:
-h print usage information
-b <root_device> (mandatory) which block device to install to
-n <target_hostname> hostname of target system
-t <partition_type> partition type to use ("gpt" or "mbr")
-l use LVM
-d install debian instead of ubuntu
-r <release> distro release (defaults are focal for ubuntu and buster for debian)
-m <url> mirror url to use
-u <username> (mandatory) name of user to create
-s <ssh_key> (mandatory if -p not used) install sshd and set this key for the new user
-p <password> (mandatory if -s not used) password to set for the new user